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Something something epigenetics something something

(451 words, 2 - 3 minute read)

Posted by Eilis Hannon

on June 5, 2024

"go dmc greatest hits", from godmc

Genetics of DNA Methylation Consortium

About GoDMC

GoDMC was established with the view of bringing together researchers with an interest in studying the genetic basis of DNA methylation variation, to consolidate as many resources and expertise as possible and thereby expedite this field of research.

Aims and Objectives

With this in mind the following aims and objectives have been set out:

  1. To encourage collaborations for rapid large-scale replication and meta-analyses following a conventional genome-wide association study (GWAS) consortium structure
  2. To provide an online forum to publicise potential data sources and on-going studies
  3. To generate the most comprehensive catalogue of DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) and to make these available as a resource to the wider community. This includes analyses of different types of genetic variation and statistics derived from either DNA methylation or genetic variants.
  4. To enable projects that require DNA methylation and/or genetic data with goals aligned to our own to take advantage of our consortium model.
  5. To use the mQTL catalogue in causal inference approaches to identify causal mechanisms of complex traits

Achievements so far

To date, GoDMC comprises representatives from 50+ research groups. Together these groups have the potential to contribute data from multiple sources including a range of population, birth and disease specific cohorts, capturing a range of ages and ethnic backgrounds. Details on these cohorts can be found here.

In Phase One our objective was to generate a database of DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) in a large set of samples for the purpose of understanding the genetic architecture of DNA methylation and identifying functional effects of genetic risk factors for complex disease. This collaborative effort resulted in a publication in Nature Genetics, and our database has been utilised in many other follow up publications.

While completion of Phase One was a major achievement of its own, the analytical infrastructure we developed, and consortium of cohorts attracted interest for a number of follow on projects. Furthermore, the technologies have moved on since our initial pipeline was developed and we believe there is now scope to expand and update our mQTL catalogue.

Six broad project areas have been set out and a number of projects within these areas have already been proposed. For details on how to join GoDMC and its ongoing activities or how to propose new projects please see the Information page.

Executive Committee and Core group

The Executive Committee & Core group have been established to oversee the development and management of GoDMC. Led by Professor Caroline Relton, the Executive Committee comprises:

Prof. Caroline Relton, Dr. Jordana Bell, Prof. Bas Heijmans and Prof. Jonathan Mill

The Core Group comprises:

Prof. Tom Gaunt, Dr. Eilis Hannon, Dr. Gibran Hemani and Dr. Josine Min