
Integrated Genetic And Epigenetic Analysis Identifies Haplotype-Specific Methylation In The Fto Type 2 Diabetes And Obesity Susceptibility Locus
Christopher G. Bell, Sarah Finer, Cecilia M. Lindgren, Gareth A. Wilson, Vardhman K. Rakyan, Andrew E. Teschendorff, Pelin Akan + 13 more
Christopher G. Bell, Sarah Finer, Cecilia M. Lindgren, Gareth A. Wilson, Vardhman K. Rakyan, Andrew E. Teschendorff, Pelin Akan, Elia Stupka, Thomas A. Down, Inga Prokopenko, Ian M. Morison, Jonathan Mill, Ruth Pidsley, Panos Deloukas, Timothy M. Frayling, Andrew T. Hattersley, Mark I. McCarthy, Stephan Beck, Graham A. Hitman, Int Type 2 Diabet 1q Consortium
NOV 2010

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Recent multi-dimensional approaches to the study of complex disease have revealed powerful insights into how genetic and epigenetic factors may underlie their aetiopathogenesis. We examined genotype-epigenotype interactions in the context of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), focussing on known regions of genomic susceptibility. We assayed DNA methylation in 60 females, stratified according to disease susceptibility haplotype using previously identified association loci. CpG methylation was assessed using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation on a targeted array (MeDIP-chip) and absolute methylation values were estimated using a Bayesian algorithm (BATMAN). Absolute methylation levels were quantified across LD blocks, and we identified increased DNA methylation on the FTO obesity susceptibility haplotype, tagged by the rs8050136 risk allele A (p = 9.40 x 10(-4), permutation p = 1.0 x 10(-3)). Further analysis across the 46 kb LD block using sliding windows localised the most significant difference to be within a 7.7 kb region (p = 1.13 x 10(-7)). Sequence level analysis, followed by pyrosequencing validation, revealed that the methylation difference was driven by the co-ordinated phase of CpG-creating SNPs across the risk haplotype. This 7.7 kb region of haplotype-specific methylation (HSM), encapsulates a Highly Conserved Non-Coding Element (HCNE) that has previously been validated as a long-range enhancer, supported by the histone H3K4me1 enhancer signature. This study demonstrates that integration of Genome-Wide Association (GWA) SNP and epigenomic DNA methylation data can identify potential novel genotype-epigenotype interactions within disease-associated loci, thus providing a novel route to aid unravelling common complex diseases.

Integrating Epigenetic Factors Into Studies Of Complex Neuropsychiatric Disease
Jonathan Mill
Jonathan Mill
SEP 2012
Epigenetic Studies Of Schizophrenia: Progress, Predicaments, And Promises For The Future
Emma Dempster, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Jonathan Mill
Emma Dempster, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2013

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Increased understanding about the functional complexity of the genome has led to growing recognition about the role of epigenetic variation in the etiology of schizophrenia. Epigenetic processes act to dynamically control gene expression independently of DNA sequence variation and are known to regulate key neurobiological and cognitive processes in the brain. To date, our knowledge about the role of epigenetic processes in schizophrenia is limited and based on analyses of small numbers of samples obtained from a range of different cell and tissue types. Moving forward, it will be important to establish cause and effect in epigenetic studies of schizophrenia and broaden our horizons beyond DNA methylation. Rather than investigating genetic and epigenetic factors independently, an integrative etiological research paradigm based on the combination of genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic analyses is required.

Dna Methylation At The Igf2/H19 Imprinting Control Region Is Associated With Cerebellum Mass In Outbred Mice
Ruth Pidsley, Cathy Fernandes, Joana Viana, Jose L. Paya-Cano, Lin Liu, Rebecca G. Smith, Leonard C. Schalkwyk + 1 more
Ruth Pidsley, Cathy Fernandes, Joana Viana, Jose L. Paya-Cano, Lin Liu, Rebecca G. Smith, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
DEC 2012

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Background: Insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) is a paternally expressed imprinted gene regulating fetal growth, playing an integral role in the development of many tissues including the brain. The parent-of-origin specific expression of Igf2 is largely controlled by allele-specific DNA methylation at CTCF-binding sites in the imprinting control region (ICR), located immediately upstream of the neighboring H19 gene. Previously we reported evidence of a negative correlation between DNA methylation in this region and cerebellum weight in humans. Results: We quantified cerebellar DNA methylation across all four CTCF binding sites spanning the murine Igf2/H19 ICR in an outbred population of Heterogeneous Stock (HS) mice (n = 48). We observe that DNA methylation at the second and third CTCF binding sites in the Igf2/H19 ICR shows a negative relationship with cerebellar mass, reflecting the association observed in human post-mortem cerebellum tissue. Conclusions: Given the important role of the cerebellum in motor control and cognition, and the link between structural cerebellar abnormalities and neuropsychiatric phenotypes, the identification of epigenetic factors associated with cerebellum growth and development may provide important insights about the etiology of psychiatric disorders.

A Data-Driven Approach To Preprocessing Illumina 450K Methylation Array Data
Ruth Pidsley, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Manuela Volta, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk
Ruth Pidsley, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Manuela Volta, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk
MAY 2013

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Background: As the most stable and experimentally accessible epigenetic mark, DNA methylation is of great interest to the research community. The landscape of DNA methylation across tissues, through development and in disease pathogenesis is not yet well characterized. Thus there is a need for rapid and cost effective methods for assessing genome-wide levels of DNA methylation. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 (450K) BeadChip is a very useful addition to the available methods for DNA methylation analysis but its complex design, incorporating two different assay methods, requires careful consideration. Accordingly, several normalization schemes have been published. We have taken advantage of known DNA methylation patterns associated with genomic imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), in addition to the performance of SNP genotyping assays present on the array, to derive three independent metrics which we use to test alternative schemes of correction and normalization. These metrics also have potential utility as quality scores for datasets. Results: The standard index of DNA methylation at any specific CpG site is beta = M/(M + U + 100) where M and U are methylated and unmethylated signal intensities, respectively. Betas (beta s) calculated from raw signal intensities (the default GenomeStudio behavior) perform well, but using 11 methylomic datasets we demonstrate that quantile normalization methods produce marked improvement, even in highly consistent data, by all three metrics. The commonly used procedure of normalizing betas is inferior to the separate normalization of M and U, and it is also advantageous to normalize Type I and Type II assays separately. More elaborate manipulation of quantiles proves to be counterproductive. Conclusions: Careful selection of preprocessing steps can minimize variance and thus improve statistical power, especially for the detection of the small absolute DNA methylation changes likely associated with complex disease phenotypes. For the convenience of the research community we have created a user-friendly R software package called wateRmelon, downloadable from bioConductor, compatible with the existing methylumi, minfi and IMA packages, that allows others to utilize the same normalization methods and data quality tests on 450K data.

From Promises To Practical Strategies In Epigenetic Epidemiology
Jonathan Mill, Bastiaan T. Heijmans
Jonathan Mill, Bastiaan T. Heijmans
AUG 2013

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The epigenome has been heralded as a key `missing piece' of the aetiological puzzle for complex phenotypes across the biomedical sciences. The standard research approaches developed for genetic epidemiology, however, are not necessarily appropriate for epigenetic studies of common disease. Here, we discuss the optimal execution of population-based studies of epigenetic variation, which will contribute to the emerging field of `epigenetic epidemiology' and emphasize the importance of establishing a causal role in pathology for disease-associated epigenetic changes. We propose that improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying human health and disease are best achieved through carrying out studies of epigenetics in populations as a part of an integrated functional genomics strategy.

Epigenetic Studies In Alzheimer'S Disease: Current Findings, Caveats, And Considerations For Future Studies
Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill
Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill
DEC 2013

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a sporadic, chronic neurodegenerative disease, usually occurring late in life. The last decade has witnessed tremendous advances in our understanding about the genetic basis of AD, but a large amount of the variance in disease risk remains to be explained. Epigenetic mechanisms, which developmentally regulate gene expression via modifications to DNA, histone proteins, and chromatin, have been hypothesized to play a role in other complex neurobiological diseases, and studies to identify genome-wide epigenetic changes in AD are currently under way. However, the simple brute-force approach that has been successfully employed in genome-wide association studies is unlikely to be successful in epigenome-wide association studies of neurodegeneration. A more academic approach to understanding the role of epigenetic variation in AD is required, with careful consideration of study design, methodological approaches, tissue-specificity, and causal inference. In this article, we review the empirical literature supporting a role for epigenetic processes in AD, and discuss important considerations and future directions for this new and emerging field of research. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Epigenetically Regulated Micrornas In Alzheimer'S Disease
den Hove Daniel L. Van, Konstantinos Kompotis, Roy Lardenoije, Gunter Kenis, Jonathan Mill, Harry W. Steinbusch, Klaus-Peter Lesch + 3 more
den Hove Daniel L. Van, Konstantinos Kompotis, Roy Lardenoije, Gunter Kenis, Jonathan Mill, Harry W. Steinbusch, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Carlos P. Fitzsimons, Strooper Bart De, Bart P. F. Rutten
APR 2014

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder involving dysregulation of many biological pathways at multiple levels. Classical epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation and histone modifications, and regulation by microRNAs (miRNAs), are among the major regulatory elements that control these pathways at the molecular level, with epigenetic modifications regulating gene expression transcriptionally and miRNAs suppressing gene expression posttranscriptionally. Epigenetic mechanisms and miRNAs have recently been shown to closely interact with each other, thereby creating reciprocal regulatory circuits, which appear to be disrupted in neuronal and glial cells affected by AD. Here, we review those miRNAs implicated in AD that are regulated by promoter DNA methylation and/or chromatin modifications and, which frequently direct the expression of constituents of the epigenetic machinery, concluding with the delineation of a complex epigenetic-miRNA regulatory network and its alterations in AD. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Long-Term Effects Of Gestational Nicotine Exposure And Food-Restriction On Gene Expression In The Striatum Of Adolescent Rats
Nicholas E. Ilott, Tomasz Schneider, Jonathan Mill, Leonard Schalkwyk, Giovana Brolese, Lisiane Bizarro, Ian P. Stolerman + 2 more
Nicholas E. Ilott, Tomasz Schneider, Jonathan Mill, Leonard Schalkwyk, Giovana Brolese, Lisiane Bizarro, Ian P. Stolerman, Emma Dempster, Philip Asherson
FEB 2014

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Gestational exposure to environmental toxins such as nicotine may result in detectable gene expression changes in later life. To investigate the direct toxic effects of prenatal nicotine exposure on later brain development, we have used transcriptomic analysis of striatal samples to identify gene expression differences between adolescent Lister Hooded rats exposed to nicotine in utero and controls. Using an additional group of animals matched for the reduced food intake experienced in the nicotine group, we were also able to assess the impact of imposed food-restriction on gene expression profiles. We found little evidence for a role of gestational nicotine exposure on altered gene expression in the striatum of adolescent offspring at a significance level of p<0.01 and | log2 fold change >0.5|, although we cannot exclude the possibility of nicotine-induced changes in other brain regions, or at other time points. We did, however, find marked gene expression differences in response to imposed food-restriction. Food-restriction resulted in significant group differences for a number of immediate early genes (IEGs) including Fos, Fosb, Fosl2, Arc, Junb, Nr4a1 and Nr4a3. These genes are associated with stress response pathways and therefore may reflect long-term effects of nutritional deprivation on the development of the stress system.

Epigenomic And Transcriptomic Signatures Of A Klinefelter Syndrome (47,Xxy) Karyotype In The Brain
Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Claire Troakes, Helen Spiers, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Safa Al-Sarraj, Ian Craig + 2 more
Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Claire Troakes, Helen Spiers, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Safa Al-Sarraj, Ian Craig, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
APR 2014

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Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common sex-chromosome aneuploidy in humans. Most affected individuals carry one extra X-chromosome (47,XXY karyotype) and the condition presents with a heterogeneous mix of reproductive, physical and psychiatric phenotypes. Although the mechanism(s) by which the supernumerary X-chromosome determines these features of KS are poorly understood, skewed X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), gene-dosage dysregulation, and the parental origin of the extra X-chromosome have all been implicated, suggesting an important role for epigenetic processes. We assessed genomic, methylomic and transcriptomic variation in matched prefrontal cortex and cerebellum samples identifying an individual with a 47,XXY karyotype who was comorbid for schizophrenia and had a notably reduced cerebellum mass compared with other individuals in the study (n = 49). We examined methylomic and transcriptomic differences in this individual relative to female and male samples with 46,XX or 46,XY karyotypes, respectively, and identified numerous locus-specific differences in DNA methylation and gene expression, with many differences being autosomal and tissue-specific. Furthermore, global DNA methylation, assessed via the interrogation of LINE-1 and Alu repetitive elements, was significantly altered in the 47,XXY patient in a tissue-specific manner with extreme hypomethylation detected in the prefrontal cortex and extreme hypermethylation in the cerebellum. This study provides the first detailed molecular characterization of the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum from an individual with a 47,XXY karyotype, identifying widespread tissue-specific epigenomic and transcriptomic alterations in the brain.

Transcriptomic Changes In The Frontal Cortex Associated With Paternal Age
Rebecca G. Smith, Cathy Fernandes, Rachel Kember, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Joseph Buxbaum, Abraham Reichenberg, Jonathan Mill
Rebecca G. Smith, Cathy Fernandes, Rachel Kember, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Joseph Buxbaum, Abraham Reichenberg, Jonathan Mill
MAR 2014

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Background: Advanced paternal age is robustly associated with several human neuropsychiatric disorders, particularly autism. The precise mechanism(s) mediating the paternal age effect are not known, but they are thought to involve the accumulation of de novo (epi)genomic alterations. In this study we investigate differences in the frontal cortex transcriptome in a mouse model of advanced paternal age. Findings: Transcriptomic profiling was undertaken for medial prefrontal cortex tissue dissected from the male offspring of young fathers (2 month old, 4 sires, n = 16 offspring) and old fathers (10 month old, 6 sires, n = 16 offspring) in a mouse model of advancing paternal age. We found a number of differentially expressed genes in the offspring of older fathers, many previously implicated in the aetiology of autism. Pathway analysis highlighted significant enrichment for changes in functional networks involved in inflammation and inflammatory disease, which are also implicated in autism. Conclusions: We observed widespread alterations to the transcriptome associated with advanced paternal age with an enrichment of genes associated with inflammation, an interesting observation given previous evidence linking the immune system to several neuropsychiatric disorders including autism.

Epigenetics In Health And Disease: Heralding The Ewas Era
Therese M. Murphy, Jonathan Mill
Therese M. Murphy, Jonathan Mill
JUN 2014

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Cross-Region Reduction In 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine In Alzheimer'S Disease Brain
Daniel Condliffe, Andrew Wong, Claire Troakes, Petroula Proitsi, Yogen Patel, Leonidas Chouliaras, Cathy Fernandes + 5 more
Daniel Condliffe, Andrew Wong, Claire Troakes, Petroula Proitsi, Yogen Patel, Leonidas Chouliaras, Cathy Fernandes, Jonathan Cooper, Simon Lovestone, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
AUG 2014

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Epigenetic processes play a key role in the central nervous system and altered levels of 5-methylcytosine have been associated with a number of neurologic phenotypes, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recently, 3 additional cytosine modifications have been identified (5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5-formylcytosine, and 5-carboxylcytosine), which are thought to be intermediate steps in the demethylation of 5-methylcytosine to unmodified cytosine. Little is known about the frequency of these modifications in the human brain during health or disease. In this study, we used immunofluorescence to confirm the presence of each modification in human brain and investigate their cross-tissue abundance in AD patients and elderly control samples. We identify a significant AD-associated decrease in global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in entorhinal cortex and cerebellum, and differences in 5-formylcytosine levels between brain regions. Our study further implicates a role for epigenetic alterations in AD. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Epigenetic Regulation Of Adult Neural Stem Cells: Implications For Alzheimer'S Disease
Carlos P. Fitzsimons, Bodegraven Emma van, Marijn Schouten, Roy Lardenoije, Konstantinos Kompotis, Gunter Kenis, den Hurk Mark van + 11 more
Carlos P. Fitzsimons, Bodegraven Emma van, Marijn Schouten, Roy Lardenoije, Konstantinos Kompotis, Gunter Kenis, den Hurk Mark van, Marco P. Boks, Caroline Biojone, Samia Joca, Harry W. M. Steinbusch, Katie Lunnon, Diego F. Mastroeni, Jonathan Mill, Paul J. Lucassen, Paul D. Coleman, den Hove Daniel L. A. van, Bart P. F. Rutten
JUN 2014

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Experimental evidence has demonstrated that several aspects of adult neural stem cells (NSCs), including their quiescence, proliferation, fate specification and differentiation, are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. These control the expression of specific sets of genes, often including those encoding for small non-coding RNAs, indicating a complex interplay between various epigenetic factors and cellular functions. Previous studies had indicated that in addition to the neuropathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD), plasticity-related changes are observed in brain areas with ongoing neurogenesis, like the hippocampus and subventricular zone. Given the role of stem cells e. g. in hippocampal functions like cognition, and given their potential for brain repair, we here review the epigenetic mechanisms relevant for NSCs and AD etiology. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the epigenetic regulation of adult NSCs will advance our knowledge on the role of adult neurogenesis in degeneration and possibly regeneration in the AD brain.

Hypermethylation In The Zbtb20 Gene Is Associated With Major Depressive Disorder
Matthew N. Davies, Lutz Krause, Jordana T. Bell, Fei Gao, Kirsten J. Ward, Honglong Wu, Hanlin Lu + 16 more
Matthew N. Davies, Lutz Krause, Jordana T. Bell, Fei Gao, Kirsten J. Ward, Honglong Wu, Hanlin Lu, Yuan Liu, Pei-Chein Tsai, David A. Collier, Therese Murphy, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill, Alexis Battle, Sara Mostafavi, Xiaowei Zhu, Anjali Henders, Enda Byrne, Naomi R. Wray, Nicholas G. Martin, Tim D. Spector, Jun Wang, UK Brain Expression Consortium
JAN 2014

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Background: Although genetic variation is believed to contribute to an individual's susceptibility to major depressive disorder, genome-wide association studies have not yet identified associations that could explain the full etiology of the disease. Epigenetics is increasingly believed to play a major role in the development of common clinical phenotypes, including major depressive disorder. Results: Genome-wide MeDIP-Sequencing was carried out on a total of 50 monozygotic twin pairs from the UK and Australia that are discordant for depression. We show that major depressive disorder is associated with significant hypermethylation within the coding region of ZBTB20, and is replicated in an independent cohort of 356 unrelated case-control individuals. The twins with major depressive disorder also show increased global variation in methylation in comparison with their unaffected co-twins. ZBTB20 plays an essential role in the specification of the Cornu Ammonis-1 field identity in the developing hippocampus, a region previously implicated in the development of major depressive disorder. Conclusions: Our results suggest that aberrant methylation profiles affecting the hippocampus are associated with major depressive disorder and show the potential of the epigenetic twin model in neuro-psychiatric disease.

Alzheimer'S Disease: Early Alterations In Brain Dna Methylation At Ank1, Bin1, Rhbdf2 And Other Loci
Jager Philip L. De, Gyan Srivastava, Katie Lunnon, Jeremy Burgess, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Lei Yu, Matthew L. Eaton + 22 more
Jager Philip L. De, Gyan Srivastava, Katie Lunnon, Jeremy Burgess, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Lei Yu, Matthew L. Eaton, Brendan T. Keenan, Jason Ernst, Cristin McCabe, Anna Tang, Towfique Raj, Joseph Replogle, Wendy Brodeur, Stacey Gabriel, High S. Chai, Curtis Younkin, Steven G. Younkin, Fanggeng Zou, Moshe Szyf, Charles B. Epstein, Julie A. Schneider, Bradley E. Bernstein, Alex Meissner, Nilufer Ertekin-Taner, Lori B. Chibnik, Manolis Kellis, Jonathan Mill, David A. Bennett
SEP 2014

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We used a collection of 708 prospectively collected autopsied brains to assess the methylation state of the brain's DNA in relation to Alzheimer's disease (AD). We found that the level of methylation at 71 of the 415,848 interrogated CpGs was significantly associated with the burden of AD pathology, including CpGs in the ABCA7 and BIN1 regions, which harbor known AD susceptibility variants. We validated 11 of the differentially methylated regions in an independent set of 117 subjects. Furthermore, we functionally validated these CpG associations and identified the nearby genes whose RNA expression was altered in AD: ANK1, CDH23, DIP2A, RHBDF2, RPL13, SERPINF1 and SERPINF2. Our analyses suggest that these DNA methylation changes may have a role in the onset of AD given that we observed them in presymptomatic subjects and that six of the validated genes connect to a known AD susceptibility gene network.

Methylomic Profiling Implicates Cortical Deregulation Of Ank1 In Alzheimer'S Disease
Katie Lunnon, Rebecca Smith, Eilis Hannon, Jager Philip L. De, Gyan Srivastava, Manuela Volta, Claire Troakes + 14 more
Katie Lunnon, Rebecca Smith, Eilis Hannon, Jager Philip L. De, Gyan Srivastava, Manuela Volta, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Joe Burrage, Ruby Macdonald, Daniel Condliffe, Lorna W. Harries, Pavel Katsel, Vahram Haroutunian, Zachary Kaminsky, Catharine Joachim, John Powell, Simon Lovestone, David A. Bennett, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
SEP 2014

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by progressive neuropathology and cognitive decline. We performed a cross-tissue analysis of methylomic variation in AD using samples from four independent human post-mortem brain cohorts. We identified a differentially methylated region in the ankyrin 1 (ANK1) gene that was associated with neuropathology in the entorhinal cortex, a primary site of AD manifestation. This region was confirmed as being substantially hypermethylated in two other cortical regions (superior temporal gyrus and prefrontal cortex), but not in the cerebellum, a region largely protected from neurodegeneration in AD, or whole blood obtained pre-mortem from the same individuals. Neuropathology-associated ANK1 hypermethylation was subsequently confirmed in cortical samples from three independent brain cohorts. This study represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first epigenome-wide association study of AD employing a sequential replication design across multiple tissues and highlights the power of this approach for identifying methylomic variation associated with complex disease.

Genome-Wide Methylomic Analysis Of Monozygotic Twins Discordant For Adolescent Depression
Emma L. Dempster, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Kathryn J. Lester, Joe Burrage, Alice M. Gregory, Jonathan Mill, Thalia C. Eley
Emma L. Dempster, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Kathryn J. Lester, Joe Burrage, Alice M. Gregory, Jonathan Mill, Thalia C. Eley
DEC 2014

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Background: Adolescent depression is a common neuropsychiatric disorder that often continues into adulthood and is associated with a wide range of poor outcomes including suicide. Although numerous studies have looked at genetic markers associated with depression, the role of epigenetic variation remains relatively unexplored. Methods: Monozygotic (MZ) twins were selected from an adolescent twin study designed to investigate the interplay of genetic and environmental factors in the development of emotional and behavioral difficulties. There were 18 pairs of MZ twins identified in which one member scored consistently higher (group mean within the clinically significant range) on self-rated depression than the other. We assessed genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in twin buccal cell DNA using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip from Illumina. Quality control and data preprocessing was undertaken using the wateRmelon package. Differentially methylated probes (DMPs) were identified using an analysis strategy taking into account both the significance and the magnitude of DNA methylation differences. The top differentially methylated DMP was successfully validated by bisulfite-pyrosequencing, and identified DMPs were tested in postmortem brain samples obtained from patients with major depressive disorder (n = 14) and matched control subjects (n = 15). Results: Two reproducible depression-associated DMPs were identified, including the top-ranked DMP that was located within STK32C, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase, of unknown function. Conclusions: Our data indicate that DNA methylation differences are apparent in MZ twins discordant for adolescent depression and that some of the disease-associated variation observed in buccal cell DNA is mirrored in adult brain tissue obtained from individuals with clinical depression.

Methylomic Profiling Of Human Brain Tissue Supports A Neurodevelopmental Origin For Schizophrenia
Ruth Pidsley, Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Saraj, Naguib Mechawar + 4 more
Ruth Pidsley, Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Saraj, Naguib Mechawar, Gustavo Turecki, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2014

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Background: Schizophrenia is a severe neuropsychiatric disorder that is hypothesized to result from disturbances in early brain development. There is mounting evidence to support a role for developmentally regulated epigenetic variation in the molecular etiology of the disorder. Here, we describe a systematic study of schizophrenia-associated methylomic variation in the adult brain and its relationship to changes in DNA methylation across human fetal brain development. Results: We profile methylomic variation in matched prefrontal cortex and cerebellum brain tissue from schizophrenia patients and controls, identifying disease-associated differential DNA methylation at multiple loci, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, and confirming these differences in an independent set of adult brain samples. Our data reveal discrete modules of co-methylated loci associated with schizophrenia that are enriched for genes involved in neurodevelopmental processes and include loci implicated by genetic studies of the disorder. Methylomic data from human fetal cortex samples, spanning 23 to 184 days post-conception, indicates that schizophrenia-associated differentially methylated positions are significantly enriched for loci at which DNA methylation is dynamically altered during human fetal brain development. Conclusions: Our data support the hypothesis that schizophrenia has an important early neurodevelopmental component, and suggest that epigenetic mechanisms may mediate these effects.

The Mitochondrial Epigenome: A Role In Alzheimer'S Disease?
Matthew Devall, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
Matthew Devall, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
JAN 2014

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Considerable evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction occurs early in Alzheimer's disease, both in affected brain regions and in leukocytes, potentially precipitating neurodegeneration through increased oxidative stress. Epigenetic processes are emerging as a dynamic mechanism through which environmental signals may contribute to cellular changes, leading to neuropathology and disease. Until recently, little attention was given to the mitochondrial epigenome itself, as preliminary studies indicated an absence of DNA modifications. However, recent research has demonstrated that epigenetic changes to the mitochondrial genome do occur, potentially playing an important role in several disorders characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction. This review explores the potential role of mitochondrial epigenetic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease etiology and discusses some technical issues pertinent to the study of these processes.

Dna Modification Study Of Major Depressive Disorder: Beyond Locus-By-Locus Comparisons
Gabriel Oh, Sun-Chong Wang, Mrinal Pal, Zheng Fei Chen, Tarang Khare, Mamoru Tochigi, Catherine Ng + 20 more
Gabriel Oh, Sun-Chong Wang, Mrinal Pal, Zheng Fei Chen, Tarang Khare, Mamoru Tochigi, Catherine Ng, Yeqing A. Yang, Andrew Kwan, Zachary A. Kaminsky, Jonathan Mill, Cerisse Gunasinghe, Jennifer L. Tackett, Irving I. Gottesman, Gonneke Willemsen, Geus Eco J. C. de, Jacqueline M. Vink, P. Eline Slagboom, Naomi R. Wray, Andrew C. Heath, Grant W. Montgomery, Gustavo Turecki, Nicholas G. Martin, Dorret I. Boomsma, Peter McGuffin, Rafal Kustra, Art Petronis
FEB 2015

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BACKGROUND: Major depressive disorder (MDD) exhibits numerous clinical and molecular features that are consistent with putative epigenetic misregulation. Despite growing interest in epigenetic studies of psychiatric diseases, the methodologies guiding such studies have not been well defined. METHODS: We performed DNA modification analysis in white blood cells from monozygotic twins discordant for MDD, in brain prefrontal cortex, and germline (sperm) samples from affected individuals and control subjects (total N = 304) using 8.1K CpG island microarrays and fine mapping. In addition to the traditional locus-by-locus comparisons, we explored the potential of new analytical approaches in epigenomic studies. RESULTS: In the microarray experiment, we detected a number of nominally significant DNA modification differences in MDD and validated selected targets using bisulfite pyrosequencing. Some MDD epigenetic changes, however, overlapped across brain, blood, and sperm more often than expected by chance. We also demonstrated that stratification for disease severity and age may increase the statistical power of epimutation detection. Finally, a series of new analytical approaches, such as DNA modification networks and machine-learning algorithms using binary and quantitative depression phenotypes, provided additional insights on the epigenetic contributions to MDD. CONCLUSIONS: Mapping epigenetic differences in MDD (and other psychiatric diseases) is a complex task. However, combining traditional and innovative analytical strategies may lead to identification of disease-specific etiopathogenic epimutations.

Intermediate Dna Methylation Is A Conserved Signature Of Genome Regulation
GiNell Elliott, Chibo Hong, Xiaoyun Xing, Xin Zhou, Daofeng Li, Cristian Coarfa, Robert J. A. Bell + 17 more
GiNell Elliott, Chibo Hong, Xiaoyun Xing, Xin Zhou, Daofeng Li, Cristian Coarfa, Robert J. A. Bell, Cecile L. Maire, Keith L. Ligon, Mahvash Sigaroudinia, Philippe Gascard, Thea D. Tlsty, R. Alan Harris, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Misha Bilenky, Jonathan Mill, Peggy J. Farnham, Manolis Kellis, Marco A. Marra, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Martin Hirst, Gary D. Stormo, Ting Wang, Joseph F. Costello
FEB 2015

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The role of intermediate methylation states in DNA is unclear. Here, to comprehensively identify regions of intermediate methylation and their quantitative relationship with gene activity, we apply integrative and comparative epigenomics to 25 human primary cell and tissue samples. We report 18,452 intermediate methylation regions located near 36% of genes and enriched at enhancers, exons and DNase I hypersensitivity sites. Intermediate methylation regions average 57% methylation, are predominantly allele-independent and are conserved across individuals and between mouse and human, suggesting a conserved function. These regions have an intermediate level of active chromatin marks and their associated genes have intermediate transcriptional activity. Exonic intermediate methylation correlates with exon inclusion at a level between that of fully methylated and unmethylated exons, highlighting gene context-dependent functions. We conclude that intermediate DNA methylation is a conserved signature of gene regulation and exon usage.

Methylomic Trajectories Across Human Fetal Brain Development
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Rebecca Smith, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Michael C. O'Donovan, Nicholas J. Bray + 1 more
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Rebecca Smith, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Michael C. O'Donovan, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
MAR 2015

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Epigenetic processes play a key role in orchestrating transcriptional regulation during development. The importance of DNA methylation in fetal brain development is highlighted by the dynamic expression of de novo DNA methyl-transferases during the perinatal period and neurodevelopmental deficits associated with mutations in the methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. However, our knowledge about the temporal changes to the epigenome during fetal brain development has, to date, been limited. We quantified genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation at similar to 400,000 sites in 179 human fetal brain samples (100 male, 79 female) spanning 23 to 184 d post-conception. We identified highly significant changes in DNA methylation across fetal brain development at >7% of sites, with an enrichment of loci becoming hypomethylated with fetal age. Sites associated with developmental changes in DNA methylation during fetal brain development were significantly underrepresented in promoter regulatory regions but significantly overrepresented in regions flanking CpG islands (shores and shelves) and gene bodies. Highly significant differences in DNA methylation were observed between males and females at a number of autosomal sites, with a small number of regions showing sex-specific DNA methylation trajectories across brain development. Weighted gene comethylation network analysis (WGCNA) revealed discrete modules of comethylated loci associated with fetal age that are significantly enriched for genes involved in neurodevelopmental processes. This is, to our knowledge, the most extensive study of DNA methylation across human fetal brain development to date, confirming the prenatal period as a time of considerable epigenomic plasticity.

Blood-Based Dna Methylation Signatures Of Susceptibility To Traumatic Stress; Results From A Dutch Prospective Military Cohort Study
Bart Rutten, Eric Vermetten, Christiaan Vinkers, Ehsan Pishva, Gunter Kenis, Nijs Laurence de, Lars Eijssen + 13 more
Bart Rutten, Eric Vermetten, Christiaan Vinkers, Ehsan Pishva, Gunter Kenis, Nijs Laurence de, Lars Eijssen, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, den Hove Daniel van, Karla Schraut, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Nikolaos Daskalakis, Rachel Yehuda, Leonard Schalkwyk, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Caroline Nievergelt, Dewleen S. Baker, Elbert Geuze, Marco P. M. Boks
MAY 2015
Blood Methylomic Signatures Of Presymptomatic Dementia In Elderly Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Katie Lunnon, Rebecca G. Smith, Itzik Cooper, Lior Greenbaum, Jonathan Mill, Michal Schnaider Beeri
Katie Lunnon, Rebecca G. Smith, Itzik Cooper, Lior Greenbaum, Jonathan Mill, Michal Schnaider Beeri
MAR 2015

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Due to an aging population, the incidence of dementia is steadily rising. The ability to identify early markers in blood, which appear before the onset of clinical symptoms is of considerable interest to allow early intervention, particularly in ``high risk{''} groups such as those with type 2 diabetes. Here, we present a longitudinal study of genome-wide DNA methylation in whole blood from 18 elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes who developed presymptomatic dementia within an 18-month period following baseline assessment and 18 age-, sex-, and education-matched controls who maintained normal cognitive function. We identified a significant overlap in methylomic differences between groups at baseline and follow-up, with 8 CpG sites being consistently differentially methylated above our nominal significance threshold before symptoms at baseline and at 18 months follow up, after a diagnosis of presymptomatic dementia. Finally, we report a significant overlap between DNA methylation differences identified in converters, only after they develop symptoms of dementia, with differences at the same loci in blood samples from patients with clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease compared with unaffected control subjects. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Association Of Protein Phosphatase Ppm1G With Alcohol Use Disorder And Brain Activity During Behavioral Control In A Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis
Barbara Ruggeri, Charlotte Nymberg, Eero Vuoksimaa, Anbarasu Lourdusamy, Cybele P. Wong, Fabiana M. Carvalho, Tianye Jia + 35 more
Barbara Ruggeri, Charlotte Nymberg, Eero Vuoksimaa, Anbarasu Lourdusamy, Cybele P. Wong, Fabiana M. Carvalho, Tianye Jia, Anna Cattrell, Christine Macare, Tobias Banaschewski, Gareth J. Barker, Arun L. W. Bokde, Uli Bromberg, Christian Buechel, Patricia J. Conrod, Mira Fauth-Buehler, Herta Flor, Vincent Frouin, Juergen Gallinat, Hugh Garavan, Penny Gowland, Andreas Heinz, Bernd Ittermann, Jean-Luc Martinot, Frauke Nees, Zdenka Pausova, Tomas Paus, Marcella Rietschel, Trevor Robbins, Michael N. Smolka, Rainer Spanagel, Georgy Bakalkin, Jonathan Mill, Wolfgang H. Sommer, Richard J. Rose, Jia Yan, Fazil Aliey, Danielle Dick, Jaakko Kaprio, Sylvane Desrivieres, Gunter Schumann, IMAGEN Consortium
JUN 2015

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Objective: The genetic component of alcohol use disorder is substantial, but monozygotic twin discordance indicates a role for nonheritable differences that could be mediated by epigenetics. Despite growing evidence associating epigenetics and psychiatric disorders, it is unclear how epigenetics, particularly DNA methylation, relate to brain function and behavior, including drinking behavior. Method: The authors carried out a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation of 18 monozygotic twin pairs discordant for alcohol use disorder and validated differentially methylated regions. After validation, the authors characterized these differentially methylated regions using personality trait assessment and functional MRI in a sample of 499 adolescents. Results: Hypermethylation in the 3'-protein-phosphatase-1G (PPM1G) gene locus was associated with alcohol use disorder. The authors found association of PPM1G hypermethylation with early escalation of alcohol use and increased impulsiveness. They also observed association of PPM1G hypermethylation with increased blood-oxygen-level-dependent response in the right subthalamic nucleus during an impulsiveness task. Conclusions: Overall, the authors provide first evidence for an epigenetic marker associated with alcohol consumption and its underlying neurobehavioral phenotype.

A Comparison Of Mitochondrial Dna Isolation Methods In Frozen Post-Mortem Human Brain Tissue-Applications For Studies Of Mitochondrial Genetics In Brain Disorders
Matthew Devall, Joe Burrage, Richard Caswell, Matthew Johnson, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Aaron R. Jeffries + 2 more
Matthew Devall, Joe Burrage, Richard Caswell, Matthew Johnson, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Aaron R. Jeffries, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
OCT 2015

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Given that many brain disorders are characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, there is a growing interest in investigating genetic and epigenetic variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). One major caveat for such studies is the presence of nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes (NUMTs), which are regions of the mitochondrial genome that have been inserted into the nuclear genome over evolution and, if not accounted for, can confound genetic studies of mtDNA. Here we provide the first systematic comparison of methods for isolating mtDNA from frozen post-mortem human brain tissue. Our data show that a commercial method from Miltenyi Biotec, which magnetically isolates mitochondria using antibodies raised against the mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM22, gives significant mtDNA enrichment and should be considered the method of choice for mtDNA studies in frozen brain tissue.

The Psychencode Project
Schahram Akbarian, Chunyu Liu, James A. Knowles, Flora M. Vaccarino, Peggy J. Farnham, Gregory E. Crawford, Andrew E. Jaffe + 78 more
Schahram Akbarian, Chunyu Liu, James A. Knowles, Flora M. Vaccarino, Peggy J. Farnham, Gregory E. Crawford, Andrew E. Jaffe, Dalila Pinto, Stella Dracheva, Daniel H. Geschwind, Jonathan Mill, Angus C. Nairn, Alexej Abyzov, Sirisha Pochareddy, Shyam Prabhakar, Sherman Weissman, Patrick F. Sullivan, Matthew W. State, Zhiping Weng, Mette A. Peters, Kevin P. White, Mark B. Gerstein, Anahita Amiri, Chris Armoskus, Allison E. Ashley-Koch, Taejeong Bae, Andrea Beckel-Mitchener, Benjamin P. Berman, Gerhard A. Coetzee, Gianfilippo Coppola, Nancy Francoeur, Menachem Fromer, Robert Gao, Kay Grennan, Jennifer Herstein, David H. Kavanagh, Nikolay A. Ivanov, Yan Jiang, Robert R. Kitchen, Alexey Kozlenkov, Marija Kundakovic, Mingfeng Li, Zhen Li, Shuang Liu, Lara M. Mangravite, Eugenio Mattei, Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Fabio C. P. Navarro, Nicole North, Larsson Omberg, David Panchision, Neelroop Parikshak, Jeremie Poschmann, Amanda J. Price, Michael Purcaro, Timothy E. Reddy, Panos Roussos, Shannon Schreiner, Soraya Scuderri, Robert Sebra, Mikihito Shibata, Annie W. Shieh, Mario Skarica, Wenjie Sun, Vivek Swarup, Amber Thomas, Junko Tsuji, Bakel Harm van, Daifeng Wang, Yongjun Wang, Kai Wang, Donna M. Werling, A. Jeremy Willsey, Heather Witt, Hyejung Won, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Gregory A. Wray, Emily Y. Wu, Xuming Xu, Lijing Yao, Geetha Senthil, Thomas Lehner, Pamela Sklar, Nenad Sestan, PsychENCODE Consortium
DEC 2015

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Recent research on disparate psychiatric disorders has implicated rare variants in genes involved in global gene regulation and chromatin modification, as well as many common variants located primarily in regulatory regions of the genome. Understanding precisely how these variants contribute to disease will require a deeper appreciation for the mechanisms of gene regulation in the developing and adult human brain. The PsychENCODE project aims to produce a public resource of multidimensional genomic data using tissue- and cell type specific samples from approximately 1,000 phenotypically well-characterized, high-quality healthy and disease-affected human post-mortem brains, as well as functionally characterize disease-associated regulatory elements and variants in model systems. We are beginning with a focus on autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and expect that this knowledge will apply to a wide variety of psychiatric disorders. This paper outlines the motivation and design of PsychENCODE.

Methylomic Analysis Of Monozygotic Twins Discordant For Childhood Psychotic Symptoms
Helen L. Fisher, Therese M. Murphy, Louise Arseneault, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon + 6 more
Helen L. Fisher, Therese M. Murphy, Louise Arseneault, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Ruth Pidsley, Joe Burrage, Emma L. Dempster, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Carmine M. Pariante, Jonathan Mill
NOV 2015

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Childhood psychotic symptoms are associated with increased rates of schizophrenia, other psychiatric disorders, and suicide attempts in adulthood; thus, elucidating early risk indicators is crucial to target prevention efforts. There is considerable discordance for psychotic symptoms between monozygotic twins, indicating that child-specific non-genetic factors must be involved. Epigenetic processes may constitute one of these factors and have not yet been investigated in relation to childhood psychotic symptoms. Therefore, this study explored whether differences in DNA methylation at age 10 were associated with monozygotic twin discordance for psychotic symptoms at age 12. The Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study cohort of 2,232 children (1,116 twin pairs) was assessed for age-12 psychotic symptoms and 24 monozygotic twin pairs discordant for symptoms were identified for methylomic comparison. Children provided buccal samples at ages 5 and 10. DNA was bisulfite modified and DNA methylation was quantified using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 array. Differentially methylated positions (DMPs) associated with psychotic symptoms were subsequently tested in post-mortem prefrontal cortex tissue from adult schizophrenia patients and age-matched controls. Site-specific DNA methylation differences were observed at age 10 between monozygotic twins discordant for age-12 psychotic symptoms. Similar DMPs were not found at age 5. The top-ranked psychosis-associated DMP (cg23933044), located in the promoter of the C5ORF42 gene, was also hypomethylated in post-mortem prefrontal cortex brain tissue from schizophrenia patients compared to unaffected controls. These data tentatively suggest that epigenetic variation in peripheral tissue is associated with childhood psychotic symptoms and may indicate susceptibility to schizophrenia and other mental health problems.

Interindividual Methylomic Variation Across Blood, Cortex, And Cerebellum: Implications For Epigenetic Studies Of Neurological And Neuropsychiatric Phenotypes
Eilis Hannon, Katie Lunnon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Katie Lunnon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
NOV 2015

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Given the tissue-specific nature of epigenetic processes, the assessment of disease-relevant tissue is an important consideration for epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS). Little is known about whether easily accessible tissues, such as whole blood, can be used to address questions about interindividual epigenomic variation in inaccessible tissues, such as the brain. We quantified DNA methylation in matched DNA samples isolated from whole blood and 4 brain regions (prefrontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, superior temporal gyrus, and cerebellum) from 122 individuals. We explored co-variation between tissues and the extent to which methylomic variation in blood is predictive of interindividual variation identified in the brain. For the majority of DNA methylation sites, interindividual variation in whole blood is not a strong predictor of interindividual variation in the brain, although the relationship with cortical regions is stronger than with the cerebellum. Variation at a subset of probes is strongly correlated across tissues, even in instances when the actual level of DNA methylation is significantly different between them. A substantial proportion of this co-variation, however, is likely to result from genetic influences. Our data suggest that for the majority of the genome, a blood-based EWAS for disorders where brain is presumed to be the primary tissue of interest will give limited information relating to underlying pathological processes. These results do not, however, discount the utility of using a blood-based EWAS to identify biomarkers of disease phenotypes manifest in the brain. We have generated a searchable database for the interpretation of data from blood-based EWAS analyses (

Methylomic Markers Of Persistent Childhood Asthma: A Longitudinal Study Of Asthma-Discordant Monozygotic Twins
Therese M. Murphy, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Louise Arseneault, Joe Burrage, Ruby Macdonald, Eilis Hannon, Helen L. Fisher + 4 more
Therese M. Murphy, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Louise Arseneault, Joe Burrage, Ruby Macdonald, Eilis Hannon, Helen L. Fisher, Antony Ambler, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Jonathan Mill
DEC 2015

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Background: Asthma is the most common chronic inflammatory disorder in children. The aetiology of asthma pathology is complex and highly heterogeneous, involving the interplay between genetic and environmental risk factors that is hypothesized to involve epigenetic processes. Our aim was to explore whether methylomic variation in early childhood is associated with discordance for asthma symptoms within monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs recruited from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) longitudinal twin study. We also aimed to identify differences in DNA methylation that are associated with asthma that develops in childhood and persists into early adulthood as these may represent useful prognostic biomarkers. Results: We examined genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in buccal cell samples collected from 37 MZ twin pairs discordant for asthma at age 10. DNA methylation at individual CpG sites demonstrated significant variability within discordant MZ twin pairs with the top-ranked nominally significant differentially methylated position (DMP) located in the HGSNAT gene. We stratified our analysis by assessing DNA methylation differences in a sub-group of MZ twin pairs who remained persistently discordant for asthma at age 18. The top-ranked nominally significant DMP associated with persisting asthma is located in the vicinity of the HLX gene, which has been previously implicated in childhood asthma. Conclusions: We identified DNA methylation differences associated with childhood asthma in peripheral DNA samples from discordant MZ twin pairs. Our data suggest that differences in DNA methylation associated with childhood asthma which persists into early adulthood are distinct from those associated with asthma which remits.

Epigenome-Wide Dna Methylation Analysis Of Monozygotic Twins Discordant For Diurnal Preference
Chloe C. Y. Wong, Michael J. Parsons, Kathryn J. Lester, Joe Burrage, Thalia C. Eley, Jonathan Mill, Emma L. Dempster + 1 more
Chloe C. Y. Wong, Michael J. Parsons, Kathryn J. Lester, Joe Burrage, Thalia C. Eley, Jonathan Mill, Emma L. Dempster, Alice M. Gregory
DEC 2015

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Diurnal preference is an individual's preference for daily activities and sleep timing and is strongly correlated with the underlying circadian clock and the sleep-wake cycle validating its use as an indirect circadian measure in humans. Recent research has implicated DNA methylation as a mechanism involved in the regulation of the circadian clock system in humans and other mammals. In order to evaluate the extent of epigenetic differences associated with diurnal preference, we examined genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in DNA from monozygotic (MZ) twin-pairs discordant for diurnal preference. MZ twins were selected from a longitudinal twin study designed to investigate the interplay of genetic and environmental factors in the development of emotional and behavioral difficulties. Fifteen pairs of MZ twins were identified in which one member scored considerably higher on the Horne-Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) than the other. Genome-wide DNA methylation patterns were assessed in twins' buccal cell DNA using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips. Quality control and data pre-processing was undertaken using the wateRmelon package. Differentially methylated probes (DMPs) were identified using an analysis strategy taking into account both the significance and the magnitude of DNA methylation differences. Our data indicate that DNA methylation differences are detectable in MZ twins discordant for diurnal preference. Moreover, downstream gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis on the top-ranked diurnal preference associated DMPs revealed significant enrichment of pathways that have been previously associated with circadian rhythm regulation, including cell adhesion processes and calcium ion binding.

Methylation Qtls In The Developing Brain And Their Enrichment In Schizophrenia Risk Loci
Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Joe Burrage, Therese M. Murphy, Claire Troakes + 5 more
Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Joe Burrage, Therese M. Murphy, Claire Troakes, Gustavo Turecki, Michael C. O'Donovan, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2016

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We characterized DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) in a large collection (n = 166) of human fetal brain samples spanning 56-166 d post-conception, identifying > 16,000 fetal brain mQTLs. Fetal brain mQTLs were primarily cis-acting, enriched in regulatory chromatin domains and transcription factor binding sites, and showed substantial overlap with genetic variants that were also associated with gene expression in the brain. Using tissue from three distinct regions of the adult brain (prefrontal cortex, striatum and cerebellum), we found that most fetal brain mQTLs were developmentally stable, although a subset was characterized by fetal-specific effects. Fetal brain mQTLs were enriched amongst risk loci identified in a recent large-scale genome-wide association study (GWAS) of schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder with a hypothesized neurodevelopmental component. Finally, we found that mQTLs can be used to refine GWAS loci through the identification of discrete sites of variable fetal brain methylation associated with schizophrenia risk variants.

Measuring Adolescents' Exposure To Victimization: The Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study
Helen L. Fisher, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Jasmin Wertz, Rebecca Gray, Joanne Newbury, Antony Ambler + 7 more
Helen L. Fisher, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Jasmin Wertz, Rebecca Gray, Joanne Newbury, Antony Ambler, Helena Zavos, Andrea Danese, Jonathan Mill, Candice L. Odgers, Carmine Pariante, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Louise Arseneault
NOV 2015

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This paper presents multilevel findings on adolescents' victimization exposure from a large longitudinal cohort of twins. Data were obtained from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, an epidemiological study of 2,232 children (1,116 twin pairs) followed to 18 years of age (with 93% retention). To assess adolescent victimization, we combined best practices in survey research on victimization with optimal approaches to measuring life stress and traumatic experiences, and introduce a reliable system for coding severity of victimization. One in three children experienced at least one type of severe victimization during adolescence (crime victimization, peer/sibling victimization, Internet/mobile phone victimization, sexual victimization, family violence, maltreatment, or neglect), and most types of victimization were more prevalent among children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Exposure to multiple victimization types was common, as was revictimization; over half of those physically maltreated in childhood were also exposed to severe physical violence in adolescence. Biometric twin analyses revealed that environmental factors had the greatest influence on most types of victimization, while severe physical maltreatment from caregivers during adolescence was predominantly influenced by heritable factors. The findings from this study showcase how distinct levels of victimization measurement can be harmonized in large-scale studies of health and development.

Methylomic Analysis Of Salivary Dna In Childhood Adhd Identifies Altered Dna Methylation In Vipr2
Beth Wilmot, Rebecca Fry, Lisa Smeester, Erica D. Musser, Jonathan Mill, Joel T. Nigg
Beth Wilmot, Rebecca Fry, Lisa Smeester, Erica D. Musser, Jonathan Mill, Joel T. Nigg
FEB 2016

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BackgroundPeripheral epigenetic marks hold promise for understanding psychiatric illness and may represent fingerprints of gene-environment interactions. We conducted an initial examination of CpG methylation variation in children with or without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). MethodsChildren age 7-12 were recruited, screened, evaluated and assigned to ADHD or non-ADHD groups by defined research criteria. Two independent age-matched samples were examined, a discovery set (n=92, all boys, half control, half ADHD) and a confirmation set (n=20, half ADHD, all boys). 5-methylcytosine levels were quantified in salivary DNA using the Illumina 450K HumanMethylation array. Genes for which multiple probes were nominally significant and had a beta difference of at least 2% were evaluated for biological relevance and prioritized for confirmation and sequence validation. Gene pathways were explored and described. ResultsTwo genes met the criteria for confirmation testing, VIPR2 and MYT1L; both had multiple probes meeting cutoffs and strong biological relevance. Probes on VIPR2 passed FDR correction in the confirmation set and were confirmed through bisulfite sequencing. Enrichment analysis suggested involvement of gene sets or pathways related to inflammatory processes and modulation of monoamine and cholinergic neurotransmission. ConclusionsAlthough it is unknown to what extent CpG methylation seen in peripheral tissue reflect transcriptomic changes in the brain, these initial results indicate that peripheral DNA methylation markers in ADHD may be promising and suggest targeted hypotheses for future study in larger samples.

Variation In 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Across Human Cortex And Cerebellum
Katie Lunnon, Eilis Hannon, Rebecca G. Smith, Emma Dempster, Chloe Wong, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes + 4 more
Katie Lunnon, Eilis Hannon, Rebecca G. Smith, Emma Dempster, Chloe Wong, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Agnieszka Kepa, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
FEB 2016

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Background: The most widely utilized approaches for quantifying DNA methylation involve the treatment of genomic DNA with sodium bisulfite; however, this method cannot distinguish between 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC). Previous studies have shown that 5hmC is enriched in the brain, although little is known about its genomic distribution and how it differs between anatomical regions and individuals. In this study, we combine oxidative bisulfite (oxBS) treatment with the Illumina Infinium 450K BeadArray to quantify genome-wide patterns of 5hmC in two distinct anatomical regions of the brain from multiple individuals. Results: We identify 37,145 and 65,563 sites passing our threshold for detectable 5hmC in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum respectively, with 23,445 loci common across both brain regions. Distinct patterns of 5hmC are identified in each brain region, with notable differences in the genomic location of the most hydroxymethylated loci between these brain regions. Tissue-specific patterns of 5hmC are subsequently confirmed in an independent set of prefrontal cortex and cerebellum samples. Conclusions: This study represents the first systematic analysis of 5hmC in the human brain, identifying tissue-specific hydroxymethylated positions and genomic regions characterized by inter-individual variation in DNA hydroxymethylation. This study demonstrates the utility of combining oxBS-treatment with the Illumina 450k methylation array to systematically quantify 5hmC across the genome and the potential utility of this approach for epigenomic studies of brain disorders.

Dna Methylation Profiling In Inflammatory Bowel Disease Provides New Insights Into Disease Pathogenesis
Edel McDermott, Elizabeth J. Ryan, Miriam Tosetto, David Gibson, Joe Burrage, Denise Keegan, Kathryn Byrne + 10 more
Edel McDermott, Elizabeth J. Ryan, Miriam Tosetto, David Gibson, Joe Burrage, Denise Keegan, Kathryn Byrne, Eimear Crowe, Gillian Sexton, Kevin Malone, R. Alan Harris, Richard Kellermayer, Jonathan Mill, Garret Cullen, Glen A. Doherty, Hugh Mulcahy, Therese M. Murphy
JAN 2016

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Background and Aims: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are heterogeneous disorders with complex aetiology. Quantitative genetic studies suggest that only a small proportion of the disease variance observed in IBD is accounted for by genetic variation, indicating a potential role for differential epigenetic regulation in disease aetiology. The aim of this study was to assess genome-wide DNA methylation changes specifically associated with ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's disease (CD) and IBD activity. Methods: DNA methylation was quantified in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 149 IBD cases (61 UC, 88 CD) and 39 controls using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. Technical and functional validation was performed using pyrosequencing and the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cross-tissue replication of the top differentially methylated positions (DMPs) was tested in colonic mucosa tissue samples obtained from paediatric IBD cases and controls. Results: A total of 3196 probes were differentially methylated between CD cases and controls, while 1481 probes were differentially methylated between UC cases and controls. There was considerable (45%) overlap between UC and CD DMPs. The top-ranked IBD-associated PBMC differentially methylated region (promoter region of TRIM39-RPP2) was also significantly hypomethylated in colonic mucosa from paediatric UC patients. In addition, we confirmed TRAF6 hypermethylation using pyrosequencing and found reduced TRAF6 gene expression in PBMCs of IBD patients. Conclusions: Our data provide new insights into differential epigenetic regulation of genes and molecular pathways, which may contribute to the pathogenesis and activity of IBD.

Genetic Variants Near Mlst8 And Dhx57 Affect The Epigenetic Age Of The Cerebellum
Ake T. Lu, Eilis Hannon, Morgan E. Levine, Ke Hao, Eileen M. Crimmins, Katie Lunnon, Alexey Kozlenkov + 3 more
Ake T. Lu, Eilis Hannon, Morgan E. Levine, Ke Hao, Eileen M. Crimmins, Katie Lunnon, Alexey Kozlenkov, Jonathan Mill, Stella Dracheva, Steve Horvath
FEB 2016

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DNA methylation (DNAm) levels lend themselves for defining an epigenetic biomarker of aging known as the `epigenetic clock'. Our genome-wide association study (GWAS) of cerebellar epigenetic age acceleration identifies five significant (P<5.0 x 10(-8)) SNPs in two loci: 2p22.1 (inside gene DHX57) and 16p13.3 near gene MLST8 (a subunit of mTOR complex 1 and 2). We find that the SNP in 16p13.3 has a cis-acting effect on the expression levels of MLST8 (P = 6.9 x 10(-18)) in most brain regions. In cerebellar samples, the SNP in 2p22.1 has a cis-effect on DHX57 (P = 4.4 x 10(-5)). Gene sets found by our GWAS analysis of cerebellar age acceleration exhibit significant overlap with those of Alzheimer's disease (P = 4.4 x 10(-15)), age-related macular degeneration (P = 6.4 x 10(-6)), and Parkinson's disease (P = 2.6 x 10(-4)). Overall, our results demonstrate the utility of a new paradigm for understanding aging and age-related diseases: it will be fruitful to use epigenetic tissue age as endophenotype in GWAS.

Genome-Wide Dna Methylation Levels And Altered Cortisol Stress Reactivity Following Childhood Trauma In Humans
Lotte C. Houtepen, Christiaan H. Vinkers, Tania Carrillo-Roa, Marieke Hiemstra, Lier Pol A. van, Wim Meeus, Susan Branje + 9 more
Lotte C. Houtepen, Christiaan H. Vinkers, Tania Carrillo-Roa, Marieke Hiemstra, Lier Pol A. van, Wim Meeus, Susan Branje, Christine M. Heim, Charles B. Nemeroff, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Menno P. Creyghton, Rene S. Kahn, Marian Joels, Elisabeth B. Binder, Marco P. M. Boks
MAR 2016

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DNA methylation likely plays a role in the regulation of human stress reactivity. Here we show that in a genome- wide analysis of blood DNA methylation in 85 healthy individuals, a locus in the Kit ligand gene (KITLG; cg27512205) showed the strongest association with cortisol stress reactivity (P = 5.8 x 10 (-6)). Replication was obtained in two independent samples using either blood (N = 45, P = 0.001) or buccal cells (N = 255, P = 0.004). KITLG methylation strongly mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and cortisol stress reactivity in the discovery sample (32% mediation). Its genomic location, a CpG island shore within an H3K27ac enhancer mark, and the correlation between methylation in the blood and prefrontal cortex provide further evidence that KITLG methylation is functionally relevant for the programming of stress reactivity in the human brain. Our results extend preclinical evidence for epigenetic regulation of stress reactivity to humans and provide leads to enhance our understanding of the neurobiological pathways underlying stress vulnerability.

Tissue-Specific Patterns Of Allelically-Skewed Dna Methylation
Sarah J. Marzi, Emma L. Meaburn, Emma L. Dempster, Katie Lunnon, Jose L. Paya-Cano, Rebecca G. Smith, Manuela Volta + 3 more
Sarah J. Marzi, Emma L. Meaburn, Emma L. Dempster, Katie Lunnon, Jose L. Paya-Cano, Rebecca G. Smith, Manuela Volta, Claire Troakes, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2016

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While DNA methylation is usually thought to be symmetrical across both alleles, there are some notable exceptions. Genomic imprinting and X chromosome inactivation are two well-studied sources of allele-specific methylation (ASM), but recent research has indicated a more complex pattern in which genotypic variation can be associated with allelically-skewed DNA methylation in cis. Given the known heterogeneity of DNA methylation across tissues and cell types we explored inter- and intra-individual variation in ASM across several regions of the human brain and whole blood from multiple individuals. Consistent with previous studies, we find widespread ASM with > 4% of the similar to 220,000 loci interrogated showing evidence of allelically-skewed DNA methylation. We identify ASM flanking known imprinted regions, and show that ASM sites are enriched in DNase I hypersensitivity sites and often located in an extended genomic context of intermediate DNA methylation. We also detect examples of genotype-driven ASM, some of which are tissue-specific. These findings contribute to our understanding of the nature of differential DNA methylation across tissues and have important implications for genetic studies of complex disease. As a resource to the community, ASM patterns across each of the tissues studied are available in a searchable online database: {[}GRAPHICS] .

Age-Associated Changes In Dna Methylation Across Multiple Tissues In An Inbred Mouse Model
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Sara Wells, Brenda Williams, Cathy Fernandes, Jonathan Mill
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Sara Wells, Brenda Williams, Cathy Fernandes, Jonathan Mill
MAR 2016

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Epigenetic disruption has been implicated in many diseases of aging, and age-associated DNA methylation changes at specific genomic loci in humans are strongly correlated with chronological age. The aim of this study was to explore the specificity of selected age-associated differentially methylated positions (aDMPs) identified in human epidemiological studies by quantifying DNA methylation across multiple tissues in homologous regions of the murine genome. We selected four high-confidence aDMPs (located in the vicinity of the ELOVL2, GLRA1, MYOD1 and PDE4C genes) and quantified DNA methylation across these regions in four tissues (blood, lung, cerebellum and hippocampus) from male and female C57BL/6J mice, ranging in age from fetal (embryonic day 17) to 630 days. We observed tissue-specific age-associated changes in DNA methylation that was directionally consistent with those observed in humans. These findings lend further support to the notion that changes in DNA methylation are associated with chronological age and suggest that these processes are often conserved across tissues and between mammalian species. Our data highlight the relevance of utilizing model systems, in which environmental and genetic influences can be carefully controlled, for the further study of these phenomena. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

An Epigenome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Of Prenatal Maternal Stress In Neonates: A Model Approach For Replication
Jolien Rijlaarsdam, Irene Pappa, Esther Walton, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Viara R. Mileva-Seitz, Ralph C. A. Rippe, Sabine J. Roza + 11 more
Jolien Rijlaarsdam, Irene Pappa, Esther Walton, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Viara R. Mileva-Seitz, Ralph C. A. Rippe, Sabine J. Roza, Vincent W. V. Jaddoe, Frank C. Verhulst, Janine F. Felix, Charlotte A. M. Cecil, Caroline L. Relton, Tom R. Gaunt, Wendy McArdle, Jonathan Mill, Edward D. Barker, Henning Tiemeier, IJzendoorn Marinus H. van
FEB 2016

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Prenatal maternal stress exposure has been associated with neonatal differential DNA methylation. However, the available evidence in humans is largely based on candidate gene methylation studies, where only a few CpG sites were evaluated. The aim of this study was to examine the association between prenatal exposure to maternal stress and offspring genome-wide cord blood methylation using different methods. First, we conducted a meta-analysis and follow-up pathway analyses. Second, we used novel region discovery methods {[}i.e., differentially methylated regions (DMRs) analyses]. To this end, we used data from two independent population-based studies, the Generation R Study (n = 912) and the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, n = 828), to (i) measure genome-wide DNA methylation in cord blood and (ii) extract a prenatal maternal stress composite. The meta-analysis (n(total) = 1,740) revealed no epigenome-wide (meta P <1.00e-07) associations of prenatal maternal stress exposure with neonatal differential DNA methylation. Follow-up analyses of the top hits derived from our epigenome-wide meta-analysis (meta P <1.00e-04) indicated an over-representation of the methyltransferase activity pathway. We identified no Bonferroni-corrected (P <1.00e-06) DMRs associated with prenatal maternal stress exposure. Combining data from two independent population-based samples in an epigenome-wide meta-analysis, the current study indicates that there are no large effects of prenatal maternal stress exposure on neonatal DNA methylation. Such replication efforts are essential in the search for robust associations, whether derived from candidate gene methylation or epigenome-wide studies.

Stress-Induced Gene Expression And Behavior Are Controlled By Dna Methylation And Methyl Donor Availability In The Dentate Gyrus
Emily A. Saunderson, Helen Spiers, Karen R. Mifsud, Maria Gutierrez-Mecinas, Alexandra F. Trollope, Abeera Shaikh, Jonathan Mill + 1 more
Emily A. Saunderson, Helen Spiers, Karen R. Mifsud, Maria Gutierrez-Mecinas, Alexandra F. Trollope, Abeera Shaikh, Jonathan Mill, Johannes M. H. M. Reul
APR 2016

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Stressful events evoke long-term changes in behavioral responses; however, the underlying mechanisms in the brain are not well understood. Previous work has shown that epigenetic changes and immediate-early gene (IEG) induction in stress-activated dentate gyrus (DG) granule neurons play a crucial role in these behavioral responses. Here, we show that an acute stressful challenge {[}i.e., forced swimming (FS)] results in DNA demethylation at specific CpG (5'-cytosine-phosphateguanine-3') sites close to the c-Fos (FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog) transcriptional start site and within the gene promoter region of Egr-1 (early growth response protein 1) specifically in the DG. Administration of the (endogenous) methyl donor S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) did not affect CpG methylation and IEG gene expression at baseline. However, administration of SAM before the FS challenge resulted in an enhanced CpG methylation at the IEG loci and suppression of IEG induction specifically in the DG and an impaired behavioral immobility response 24 h later. The stressor also specifically increased the expression of the de novo DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a {[}DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha] in this hippocampus region. Moreover, stress resulted in an increased association of Dnmt3a enzyme with the affected CpG loci within the IEG genes. No effects of SAM were observed on stress-evoked histone modifications, including H3S10p-K14ac (histone H3, phosphorylated serine 10 and acetylated lysine-14), H3K4me3 (histone H3, trimethylated lysine-4), H3K9me3 (histone H3, trimethylated lysine-9), and H3K27me3 (histone H3, trimethylated lysine-27). We conclude that the DNA methylation status of IEGs plays a crucial role in FS-induced IEG induction in DG granule neurons and associated behavioral responses. In addition, the concentration of available methyl donor, possibly in conjunction with Dnmt3a, is critical for the responsiveness of dentate neurons to environmental stimuli in terms of gene expression and behavior.

Variation In 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Across Human Cortex And Cerebellum (Vol 17, 27, 2016)
Katie Lunnon, Eilis Hannon, Rebecca G. Smith, Emma Dempster, Chloe Wong, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes + 4 more
Katie Lunnon, Eilis Hannon, Rebecca G. Smith, Emma Dempster, Chloe Wong, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Agnieszka Kepa, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JUN 2016

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Epigenetic Regulation Of Mitochondrial Function In Neurodegenerative Disease: New Insights From Advances In Genomic Technologies
Matthew Devall, Janou Roubroeks, Jonathan Mill, Michael Weedon, Katie Lunnon
Matthew Devall, Janou Roubroeks, Jonathan Mill, Michael Weedon, Katie Lunnon
JUN 2016

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The field of mitochondrial epigenetics has received increased attention in recent years and changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) methylation has been implicated in a number of diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, current publications have been limited by the use of global or targeted methods of measuring DNA methylation. In this review, we discuss current findings in mitochondrial epigenetics as well as its potential role as a regulator of mitochondria within the brain. Finally, we summarize the current technologies best suited to capturing mtDNA methylation, and how a move towards whole epigenome sequencing of mtDNA may help to advance our current understanding of the field. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Mapping Epigenetic Changes To The Host Cell Genome Induced By Burkholderia Pseudomallei Reveals Pathogen-Specific And Pathogengeneric Signatures Of Infection
Deniz Cizmeci, Emma L. Dempster, Olivia L. Champion, Sariqa Wagley, Ozgur E. Akman, Joann L. Prior, Orkun S. Soyer + 2 more
Deniz Cizmeci, Emma L. Dempster, Olivia L. Champion, Sariqa Wagley, Ozgur E. Akman, Joann L. Prior, Orkun S. Soyer, Jonathan Mill, Richard W. Titball
AUG 2016

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The potential for epigenetic changes in host cells following microbial infection has been widely suggested, but few examples have been reported. We assessed genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in human macrophage-like U937 cells following infection with Burkholderia pseudomallei, an intracellular bacterial pathogen and the causative agent of human melioidosis. Our analyses revealed significant changes in host cell DNA methylation, at multiple CpG sites in the host cell genome, following infection. Infection induced differentially methylated probes (iDMPs) showing the greatest changes in DNA methylation were found to be in the vicinity of genes involved in inflammatory responses, intracellular signalling, apoptosis and pathogen-induced signalling. A comparison of our data with reported methylome changes in cells infected with M. tuberculosis revealed commonality of differentially methylated genes, including genes involved in T cell responses (BCL11B, FOXO1, KIF13B, PAWR, SOX4, SYK), actin cytoskeleton organisation (ACTR3, CDC42BPA, DTNBP1, FERMT2, PRKCZ, RAC1), and cytokine production (FOXP1, IRF8, MR1). Overall our findings show that pathogenic-specific and pathogen-common changes in the methylome occur following infection.

An Integrated Genetic-Epigenetic Analysis Of Schizophrenia: Evidence For Co-Localization Of Genetic Associations And Differential Dna Methylation
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joana Viana, Joe Burrage, Adam R. Smith, Ruby Macdonald, Clair David St + 17 more
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joana Viana, Joe Burrage, Adam R. Smith, Ruby Macdonald, Clair David St, Colette Mustard, Gerome Breen, Sebastian Therman, Jaakko Kaprio, Timothea Toulopoulou, Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol, Marc M. Bohlken, Rene S. Kahn, Igor Nenadic, Christina M. Hultman, Robin M. Murray, David A. Collier, Nick Bass, Hugh Gurling, Andrew McQuillin, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
AUG 2016

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Background: Schizophrenia is a highly heritable, neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by episodic psychosis and altered cognitive function. Despite success in identifying genetic variants associated with schizophrenia, there remains uncertainty about the causal genes involved in disease pathogenesis and how their function is regulated. Results: We performed a multi-stage epigenome-wide association study, quantifying genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in a total of 1714 individuals from three independent sample cohorts. We have identified multiple differentially methylated positions and regions consistently associated with schizophrenia across the three cohorts; these effects are independent of important confounders such as smoking. We also show that epigenetic variation at multiple loci across the genome contributes to the polygenic nature of schizophrenia. Finally, we show how DNA methylation quantitative trait loci in combination with Bayesian co-localization analyses can be used to annotate extended genomic regions nominated by studies of schizophrenia, and to identify potential regulatory variation causally involved in disease. Conclusions: This study represents the first systematic integrated analysis of genetic and epigenetic variation in schizophrenia, introducing a methodological approach that can be used to inform epigenome-wide association study analyses of other complex traits and diseases. We demonstrate the utility of using a polygenic risk score to identify molecular variation associated with etiological variation, and of using DNA methylation quantitative trait loci to refine the functional and regulatory variation associated with schizophrenia risk variants. Finally, we present strong evidence for the co-localization of genetic associations for schizophrenia and differential DNA methylation.

Erasure And Reestablishment Of Random Allelic Expression Imbalance After Epigenetic Reprogramming
Aaron Richard Jeffries, Dafe Aghogho Uwanogho, Graham Cocks, Leo William Perfect, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill, Jack Price
Aaron Richard Jeffries, Dafe Aghogho Uwanogho, Graham Cocks, Leo William Perfect, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill, Jack Price
OCT 2016

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Clonal level random allelic expression imbalance and random monoallelic expression provides cellular heterogeneity within tissues by modulating allelic dosage. Although such expression patterns have been observed in multiple cell types, little is known about when in development these stochastic allelic choices are made. We examine allelic expression patterns in human neural progenitor cells before and after epigenetic reprogramming to induced pluripotency, observing that loci previously characterized by random allelic expression imbalance (0.63% of expressed genes) are generally reset to a biallelic state in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We subsequently neuralized the iPSCs and profiled isolated clonal neural stem cells, observing that significant random allelic expression imbalance is reestablished at 0.65% of expressed genes, including novel loci not found to show allelic expression imbalance in the original parental neural progenitor cells. Allelic expression imbalance was associated with altered DNA methylation across promoter regulatory regions, with clones characterized by skewed allelic expression being hypermethylated compared to their biallelic sister clones. Our results suggest that random allelic expression imbalance is established during lineage commitment and is associated with increased DNA methylation at the gene promoter.

Increased Dna Methylation Near Trem2 Is Consistently Seen In The Superior Temporal Gyrus In Alzheimer'S Disease Brain
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Daniel Condliffe, Eilis Hannon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Daniel Condliffe, Eilis Hannon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
NOV 2016

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Although mutations within the TREM2 gene have been robustly associated with Alzheimer's disease, it is not known whether alterations in the regulation of this gene are also involved in pathogenesis. Here, we present data demonstrating increased DNA methylation in the superior temporal gyrus in Alzheimer's disease brain at a CpG site located 289 bp upstream of the transcription start site of the TREM2 gene in 3 independent study cohorts using 2 different technologies (Illumina Infinium 450K methylation beadchip and pyrosequencing). A meta-analysis across all 3 cohorts reveals consistent AD-associated hyper-methylation (p = 3.47E-08). This study highlights that extending genetic studies of TREM2 in AD to investigate epigenetic changes may nominate additional mechanisms by which disruption to this gene increases risk. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Epigenetic Signatures Of Childhood Abuse And Neglect: Implications For Psychiatric Vulnerability
Charlotte A. M. Cecil, Rebecca G. Smith, Esther Walton, Jonathan Mill, Eamon J. McCrory, Essi Viding
Charlotte A. M. Cecil, Rebecca G. Smith, Esther Walton, Jonathan Mill, Eamon J. McCrory, Essi Viding
DEC 2016

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Childhood maltreatment is a key risk factor for poor mental and physical health. Recently, variation in epigenetic processes, such as DNA methylation, has emerged as a potential pathway mediating this association; yet, the extent to which different forms of maltreatment may be characterized by unique vs shared epigenetic signatures is currently unknown. In this study, we quantified DNA methylation across the genome in buccal epithelial cell samples from a high-risk sample of inner-city youth (n = 124; age = 16-24; 53% female), 68% of whom reported experiencing at least one form of maltreatment while growing up. Our analyses aimed to identify methylomic variation associated with exposure to five major types of childhood maltreatment. We found that: (i) maltreatment types differ in the extent to which they associate with methylomic variation, with physical exposures showing the strongest associations; (ii) many of the identified loci are annotated to genes previously implicated in stress-related outcomes, including psychiatric and physical disorders (e.g. GABBR1, GRIN2D, CACNA2D4, PSEN2); and (iii) based on gene ontology analyses, maltreatment types not only show unique methylation patterns enriched for specific biological processes (e.g. physical abuse and cardiovascular function), but also share a `common' epigenetic signature enriched for biological processes related to neural development and organismal growth. A stringent set of sensitivity analyses were also run to identify high-confidence associations. Together, findings lend novel insights into epigenetic signatures of childhood abuse and neglect, point to novel potential biomarkers for future investigation and support a molecular link between maltreatment and poor health outcomes. Nevertheless, it will be important in future to replicate findings, as the use of cross-sectional data and high rates of polyvictimization in our study make it difficult to fully disentangle the shared vs unique epigenetic signatures of maltreatment types. Furthermore, studies will be needed to test the role of potential moderators in the identified associations, including age of onset and chronicity of maltreatment exposure. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Histone Acetylome-Wide Association Study Of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Wenjie Sun, Jeremie Poschmann, Rosario Ricardo Cruz-Herrera del, Neelroop N. Parikshak, Hajira Shreen Hajan, Vibhor Kumar, Ramalakshmi Ramasamy + 6 more
Wenjie Sun, Jeremie Poschmann, Rosario Ricardo Cruz-Herrera del, Neelroop N. Parikshak, Hajira Shreen Hajan, Vibhor Kumar, Ramalakshmi Ramasamy, T. Grant Belgard, Bavani Elanggovan, Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Jonathan Mill, Daniel H. Geschwind, Shyam Prabhakar
NOV 2016

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The association of histone modification changes with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has not been systematically examined. We conducted a histone acetylome-wide association study (HAWAS) by performing H3K27ac chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) on 257 postmortem samples from ASD and matched control brains. Despite etiological heterogeneity, >= 68% of syndromic and idiopathic ASD cases shared a common acetylome signature at >5,000 cis-regulatory elements in prefrontal and temporal cortex. Similarly, multiple genes associated with rare genetic mutations in ASD showed common ``epi-mutations.'' Acetylome aberrations in ASD were not attributable to genetic differentiation at cis-SNPs and highlighted genes involved in synaptic transmission, ion transport, epilepsy, behavioral abnormality, chemokinesis, histone deacetylation, and immunity. By correlating histone acetylation with genotype, we discovered >2,000 histone acetylation quantitative trait loci (haQTLs) in human brain regions, including four candidate causal variants for psychiatric diseases. Due to the relative stability of histone modifications postmortem, we anticipate that the HAWAS approach will be applicable to multiple diseases.

Rapid Down-Regulation Of Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Expression In The Dentate Gyrus After Acute Stress In Vivo: Role Of Dna Methylation And Microrna Activity
Karen R. Mifsud, Emily A. Saunderson, Helen Spiers, Sylvia D. Carter, Alexandra F. Trollope, Jonathan Mill, Johannes M. H. M. Reul
Karen R. Mifsud, Emily A. Saunderson, Helen Spiers, Sylvia D. Carter, Alexandra F. Trollope, Jonathan Mill, Johannes M. H. M. Reul
JAN 2017

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Background: Although glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) in the hippocampus play a vital role in the regulation of physiological and behavioural responses to stress, the regulation of receptor expression remains unclear. This work investigates the molecular mechanisms underpinning stress-induced changes in hippocampal GR mRNA levels in vivo. Methods: Male Wistar rats were killed either under baseline conditions or after forced swim stress (FSS; 15 min in 25 degrees C water). Rat hippocampi were micro-dissected (for mRNA, microRNA, and DNA methylation analysis) or frozen whole (for chromatin immunoprecipitation). In an additional experiment, rats were pre-treated with RU486 (a GR antagonist) or vehicle. Results: FSS evoked a dentate gyrus-specific reduction in GR mRNA levels. This was related to an increased DNMT3a protein association with a discreet region of the Nr3c1 (GR gene) promoter, shown here to undergo increased DNA methylation after FSS. FSS also caused a time-dependent increase in the expression of miR-124a, a microRNA known to reduce GR mRNA expression, which was inversely correlated with a reduction in GR mRNA levels 30 min after FSS. FSS did not affect GR binding to a putative negative glucocorticoid response element within the Nr3c1 gene. Conclusions: Acute stress results in decreased GR mRNA expression specifically in the dentate gyrus. Our results indicate that a complex interplay of multiple molecular mechanisms - including increased DNA methylation of discrete CpG residues within the Nr3c1 gene, most likely facilitated by DNMT3a, and increased expression of miR-124a - could be responsible for these changes. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

Is Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia Categorically Distinct From Treatment-Responsive Schizophrenia? A Systematic Review
Amy L. Gillespie, Ruta Samanaite, Jonathan Mill, Alice Egerton, James H. MacCabe
Amy L. Gillespie, Ruta Samanaite, Jonathan Mill, Alice Egerton, James H. MacCabe
JAN 2017

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Background: Schizophrenia is a highly heterogeneous disorder, and around a third of patients are treatment-resistant. The only evidence-based treatment for these patients is clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic with relatively weak dopamine antagonism. It is plausible that varying degrees of response to antipsychotics reflect categorically distinct illness subtypes, which would have significant implications for research and clinical practice. If these subtypes could be distinguished at illness onset, this could represent a first step towards personalised medicine in psychiatry. This systematic review investigates whether current evidence supports conceptualising treatment-resistant and treatment-responsive schizophrenoa as categorically distinct subtypes. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted, using PubMed, EMBASE, PsycInfo, CINAHL and OpenGrey databases, to identify all studies which compared treatment-resistant schizophrenia (defined as either a lack of response to two antipsychotic trials or clozapine prescription) to treatment-responsive schizophrenia (defined as known response to non-clozapine antipsychotics). Results: Nineteen studies of moderate quality met inclusion criteria. The most robust findings indicate that treatment-resistant patients show glutamatergic abnormalities, a lack of dopaminergic abnormalities, and significant decreases in grey matter compared to treatment-responsive patients. Treatment-resistant patients were also reported to have higher familial loading; however, no individual gene-association study reported their findings surviving correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusions: Tentative evidence supports conceptualising treatment-resistant schizophrenia as a categorically different illness subtype to treatment-responsive schizophrenia. However, research is limited and confirmation will require replication and rigorously controlled studies with large sample sizes and prospective study designs.

Collapsed Methylation Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis For Low Frequency And Rare Variants
Tom G. Richardson, Hashem A. Shihab, Gibran Hemani, Jie Zheng, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Elena Carnero-Montoro + 10 more
Tom G. Richardson, Hashem A. Shihab, Gibran Hemani, Jie Zheng, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Elena Carnero-Montoro, Jordana T. Bell, Oliver Lyttleton, Wendy L. McArdle, Susan M. Ring, Santiago Rodriguez, Colin Campbell, George Davey Smith, Caroline L. Relton, Nicholas J. Timpson, Tom R. Gaunt
OCT 2016

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Background: Single variant approaches have been successful in identifying DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL), although as with complex traits they lack the statistical power to identify the effects from rare genetic variants. We have undertaken extensive analyses to identify regions of low frequency and rare variants that are associated with DNA methylation levels. Methods: We used repeated measurements of DNA methylation from five different life stages in human blood, taken from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) cohort. Variants were collapsed across CpG islands and their flanking regions to identify variants collectively associated with methylation, where no single variant was individually responsible for the observed signal. All analyses were undertaken using the sequence kernel association test. Results: For loci where no individual variant mQTL was observed based on a single variant analysis, we identified 95 unique regions where the combined effect of low frequency variants (MAF <= 5%) provided strong evidence of association with methylation. For loci where there was previous evidence of an individual variant mQTL, a further 3 regions provided evidence of association between multiple low frequency variants and methylation levels. Effects were observed consistently across 5 different time points in the lifecourse and evidence of replication in the TwinsUK and Exeter cohorts was also identified. Conclusion: We have demonstrated the potential of this novel approach to mQTL analysis by analysing the combined effect of multiple low frequency or rare variants. Future studies should benefit from applying this approach as a complementary follow up to single variant analyses.

Profiling Regulatory Variation In The Brain: Methods For Exploring The Neuronal Epigenome
Aaron R. Jeffries, Jonathan Mill
Aaron R. Jeffries, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2017

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Schizophrenia-Associated Methylomic Variation: Molecular Signatures Of Disease And Polygenic Risk Burden Across Multiple Brain Regions
Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Ruth Pidsley, Ruby Macdonald, Olivia Knox, Helen Spiers + 5 more
Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Ruth Pidsley, Ruby Macdonald, Olivia Knox, Helen Spiers, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Saraj, Gustavo Turecki, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2017

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Genetic association studies provide evidence for a substantial polygenic component to schizophrenia, although the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the disorder remain largely undefined. Building on recent studies supporting a role for developmentally regulated epigenetic variation in the molecular aetiology of schizophrenia, this study aimed to identify epigenetic variation associated with both a diagnosis of schizophrenia and elevated polygenic risk burden for the disease across multiple brain regions. Genome-wide DNA methylation was quantified in 262 post-mortem brain samples, representing tissue from four brain regions (prefrontal cortex, striatum, hippocampus and cerebellum) from 41 schizophrenia patients and 47 controls. We identified multiple disease-associated and polygenic risk score-associated differentially methylated positions and regions, which are not enriched in genomic regions identified in genetic studies of schizophrenia and do not reflect direct genetic effects on DNA methylation. Our study represents the first analysis of epigenetic variation associated with schizophrenia across multiple brain regions and highlights the utility of polygenic risk scores for identifying molecular pathways associated with aetiological variation in complex disease.

Longitudinal Epigenetic Analysis Of Clozapine Use In Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
Amy Gillespie, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, David Collier, Alice Egerton, Jonathan Mill, James MacCabe
Amy Gillespie, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, David Collier, Alice Egerton, Jonathan Mill, James MacCabe
MAR 2017
Genetic Variation At 16Q24.2 Is Associated With Small Vessel Stroke
Matthew Traylor, Rainer Malik, Mike A. Nalls, Ioana Cotlarciuc, Farid Radmanesh, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Ken B. Hanscombe + 65 more
Matthew Traylor, Rainer Malik, Mike A. Nalls, Ioana Cotlarciuc, Farid Radmanesh, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Ken B. Hanscombe, Carl Langefeld, Danish Saleheen, Natalia S. Rost, Idil Yet, Tim D. Spector, Jordana T. Bell, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Ganesh Chauhan, Stephanie Debette, Joshua C. Bis, Jr. W. T. Longstreth, M. Arfan Ikram, Lenore J. Launer, Sudha Seshadri, Monica Anne Hamilton-Bruce, Jordi Jimenez-Conde, John W. Cole, Reinhold Schmidt, Agnieszka Slowik, Robin Lemmens, Arne Lindgren, Olle Melander, Raji P. Grewal, Ralph L. Sacco, Tatjana Rundek, Kathryn Rexrode, Donna K. Arnett, Julie A. Johnson, Oscar R. Benavente, Sylvia Wasssertheil-Smoller, Jin-Moo Lee, Sara L. Pulit, Quenna Wong, Stephen S. Rich, Bakker Paul I. W. de, Patrick F. McArdle, Daniel Woo, Christopher D. Anderson, Huichun Xu, Laura Heitsch, Myriam Fornage, Christina Jern, Kari Stefansson, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Solveig Gretarsdottir, Cathryn M. Lewis, Pankaj Sharma, Cathie L. M. Sudlow, Peter M. Rothwell, Giorgio B. Boncoraglio, Vincent Thijs, Chris Levi, James F. Meschia, Jonathan Rosand, Steven J. Kittner, Braxton D. Mitchell, Martin Dichgans, Bradford B. Worrall, Hugh S. Markus, METASTROKE, UK Young Lacunar DNA Study, NINDS Stroke Genetics Network, Neurology Working Grp CHARGE Conso, Int Stroke Genetics Consortium
MAR 2017

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Objective: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful at identifying associations with stroke and stroke subtypes, but have not yet identified any associations solely with small vessel stroke (SVS). SVS comprises one quarter of all ischemic stroke and is a major manifestation of cerebral small vessel disease, the primary cause of vascular cognitive impairment. Studies across neurological traits have shown that younger-onset cases have an increased genetic burden. We leveraged this increased genetic burden by performing an age-at-onset informed GWAS metaanalysis, including a large younger-onset SVS population, to identify novel associations with stroke. Methods: We used a three-stage age-at-onset informed GWAS to identify novel genetic variants associated with stroke. On identifying a novel locus associated with SVS, we assessed its influence on other small vessel disease phenotypes, as well as on messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of nearby genes, and on DNA methylation of nearby CpG sites in whole blood and in the fetal brain. Results: We identified an association with SVS in 4,203 cases and 50,728 controls on chromosome 16q24.2 (odds ratio {[}OR; 95% confidence interval {CI}] = 1.16 {[}1.10-1.22]; p=3.2x10(-9)). The lead single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs12445022) was also associated with cerebral white matter hyperintensities (OR {[}95% CI] = 1.10 {[}1.05-1.16]; p=5.3x10(-5); N=3,670), but not intracerebral hemorrhage (OR {[}95% CI] 50.97 {[}0.84-1.12]; p=0.71; 1,545 cases, 1,481 controls). rs12445022 is associated with mRNA expression of ZCCHC14 in arterial tissues (p=9.4x10(-7)) and DNA methylation at probe cg16596957 in whole blood (p=5.3x10(-6)). Interpretation: 16q24.2 is associated with SVS. Associations of the locus with expression of ZCCHC14 and DNA methylation suggest the locus acts through changes to regulatory elements.

Paternal Age Alters Social Development In Offspring
Magdalena Janecka, Claire M. A. Haworth, Angelica Ronald, Eva Krapohl, Francesca Happe, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk + 3 more
Magdalena Janecka, Claire M. A. Haworth, Angelica Ronald, Eva Krapohl, Francesca Happe, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Cathy Fernandes, Abraham Reichenberg, Fruhling Rijsdijk
MAY 2017

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Objective: Advanced paternal age (APA) at conception has been linked with autism and schizophrenia in offspring, neurodevelopmental disorders that affect social functioning. The current study explored the effects of paternal age on social development in the general population. Method: We used multilevel growth modeling to investigate APA effects on socioemotional development from early childhood until adolescence, as measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) sample. We also investigated genetic and environmental underpinnings of the paternal age effects on development, using the Additive genetics, Common environment, unique Environment (ACE) and gene environment (GxE) models. Results: In the general population, both very young and advanced paternal ages were associated with altered trajectory of social development (intercept: p = .01; slope: p = .03). No other behavioral domain was affected by either young or advanced age at fatherhood, suggesting specificity of paternal age effects. Increased importance of genetic factors in social development was recorded in the offspring of older but not very young fathers, suggesting distinct underpinnings of the paternal age effects at these two extremes. Conclusion: Our findings highlight that the APA-related deficits that lead to autism and schizophrenia are likely continuously distributed in the population.

Regional Differences In Mitochondrial Dna Methylation In Human Post-Mortem Brain Tissue
Matthew Devall, Rebecca G. Smith, Aaron Jeffries, Eilis Hannon, Matthew N. Davies, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill + 2 more
Matthew Devall, Rebecca G. Smith, Aaron Jeffries, Eilis Hannon, Matthew N. Davies, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Michael Weedon, Katie Lunnon
MAY 2017

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Background: DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism involved in gene regulation, with alterations in DNA methylation in the nuclear genome being linked to numerous complex diseases. Mitochondrial DNA methylation is a phenomenon that is receiving ever-increasing interest, particularly in diseases characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction; however, most studies have been limited to the investigation of specific target regions. Analyses spanning the entire mitochondrial genome have been limited, potentially due to the amount of input DNA required. Further, mitochondrial genetic studies have been previously confounded by nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes. Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing is a technique widely used to profile DNA methylation across the nuclear genome; however, reads mapped to mitochondrial DNA are often discarded. Here, we have developed an approach to control for nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes within Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing data. We highlight the utility of this approach in identifying differences in mitochondrial DNA methylation across regions of the human brain and pre-mortem blood. Results: We were able to correlate mitochondrial DNA methylation patterns between the cortex, cerebellum and blood. We identified 74 nominally significant differentially methylated regions (p < 0.05) in the mitochondrial genome, between anatomically separate cortical regions and the cerebellum in matched samples (N = 3 matched donors). Further analysis identified eight significant differentially methylated regions between the total cortex and cerebellum after correcting for multiple testing. Using unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of the mitochondrial DNA methylome, we were able to identify tissue-specific patterns of mitochondrial DNA methylation between blood, cerebellum and cortex. Conclusions: Our study represents a comprehensive analysis of the mitochondrial methylome using pre-existing Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing data to identify brain region-specific patterns of mitochondrial DNA methylation.

Genetic Architecture Of Epigenetic And Neuronal Ageing Rates In Human Brain Regions
Ake T. Lu, Eilis Hannon, Morgan E. Levine, Eileen M. Crimmins, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Daniel H. Geschwind + 1 more
Ake T. Lu, Eilis Hannon, Morgan E. Levine, Eileen M. Crimmins, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Daniel H. Geschwind, Steve Horvath
MAY 2017

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Identifying genes regulating the pace of epigenetic ageing represents a new frontier in genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Here using 1,796 brain samples from 1,163 individuals, we carry out a GWAS of two DNA methylation-based biomarkers of brain age: the epigenetic ageing rate and estimated proportion of neurons. Locus 17q11.2 is significantly associated (P = 4.5 x 10(-9)) with the ageing rate across five brain regions and harbours a cis-expression quantitative trait locus for EFCAB5 (P = 3.4 x 10(-20)). Locus 1p36.12 is significantly associated (P = 2.2 x 10(-8)) with epigenetic ageing of the prefrontal cortex, independent of the proportion of neurons. Our GWAS of the proportion of neurons identified two genome-wide significant loci (10q26 and 12p13.31) and resulted in a gene set that overlaps significantly with sets found by GWAS of age-related macular degeneration (P = 1.4 x 10(-12)), ulcerative colitis (P < 1.0 x 10(-20)), type 2 diabetes (P = 2.8 x 10(-13)), hip/waist circumference in men (P = 1.1 x 10(-9)), schizophrenia (P = 1.6 x 10(-9)), cognitive decline (P = 5.3 x 10(-4)) and Parkinson's disease (P = 8.6 x 10(-3)).

Pleiotropic Effects Of Trait-Associated Genetic Variation On Dna Methylation: Utility For Refining Gwas Loci
Eilis Hannon, Mike Weedon, Nicholas Bray, Michael O'Donovan, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Mike Weedon, Nicholas Bray, Michael O'Donovan, Jonathan Mill
JUN 2017

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Most genetic variants identified in genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of complex traits are thought to act by affecting gene regulation rather than directly altering the protein product. As a consequence, the actual genes involved in disease are not necessarily the most proximal to the associated variants. By integrating data from GWAS analyses with those from genetic studies of regulatory variation, it is possible to identify variants pleiotropically associated with both a complex trait and measures of gene regulation. In this study, we used summary-data-based Mendelian randomization (SMR), a method developed to identify variants pleiotropically associated with both complex traits and gene expression, to identify variants associated with complex traits and DNA methylation. We used large DNA methylation quantitative trait locus (mQTL) datasets generated from two different tissues (blood and fetal brain) to prioritize genes for >40 complex traits with robust GWAS data and found considerable overlap with the results of SMR analyses performed with expression QTL (eQTL) data. We identified multiple examples of variable DNA methylation associated with GWAS variants for a range of complex traits, demonstrating the utility of this approach for refining genetic association signals.

Ank1 Is Up-Regulated In Laser Captured Microglia In Alzheimer'S Brain; The Importance Of Addressing Cellular Heterogeneity
Diego Mastroeni, Shobana Sekar, Jennifer Nolz, Elaine Delvaux, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Winnie S. Liang + 1 more
Diego Mastroeni, Shobana Sekar, Jennifer Nolz, Elaine Delvaux, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Winnie S. Liang, Paul D. Coleman
JUL 2017

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Recent epigenetic association studies have identified a new gene, ANK1, in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Although strong associations were observed, brain homogenates were used to generate the data, introducing complications because of the range of cell types analyzed. In order to address the issue of cellular heterogeneity in homogenate samples we isolated microglial, astrocytes and neurons by laser capture microdissection from CA1 of hippocampus in the same individuals with a clinical and pathological diagnosis of AD and matched control cases. Using this unique RNAseq data set, we show that in the hippocampus, ANK1 is significantly (p<0.0001) up-regulated 4-fold in AD microglia, but not in neurons or astrocytes from the same individuals. These data provide evidence that microglia are the source of ANK1 differential expression previously identified in homogenate samples in AD.

5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Is Highly Dynamic Across Human Fetal Brain Development
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
Helen Spiers, Eilis Hannon, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
SEP 2017

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Background: Epigenetic processes play a key role in orchestrating transcriptional regulation during the development of the human central nervous system. We previously described dynamic changes in DNA methylation (5mC) occurring during human fetal brain development, but other epigenetic processes operating during this period have not been extensively explored. Of particular interest is DNA hydroxymethylation (5hmC), a modification that is enriched in the human brain and hypothesized to play an important role in neuronal function, learning and memory. In this study, we quantify 5hmC across the genome of 71 human fetal brain samples spanning 23 to 184 days post-conception. Results: We identify widespread changes in 5hmC occurring during human brain development, notable sex-differences in 5hmC in the fetal brain, and interactions between 5mC and 5hmC at specific sites. Finally, we identify loci where 5hmC in the fetal brain is associated with genetic variation. Conclusions: This study represents the first systematic analysis of dynamic changes in 5hmC across human neurodevelopment and highlights the potential importance of this modification in the human brain.

An Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Clozapine Use In Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Charles Curtis, Amy Gillespie, David Dempster, Cerisse Gunasinghe + 8 more
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Charles Curtis, Amy Gillespie, David Dempster, Cerisse Gunasinghe, Leonard Schalkwyk, Fiona Gaughran, Robin Murray, Forti Marta Di, David Collier, Gerome Breen, Jonathan Mill, CRESTAR Consortium
OCT 2017
Behavioural And Transcriptomic Correlates With Clozapine Response In Zebrafish
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Gregory Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Gregory Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Methylomic Analysis Of Salivary Dna In Childhood Adhd Identifies Altered Dna Methylation In Vipr2
Beth Wilmot, Rebecca Fry, Lisa Smeester, Erica Musser, Jonathan Mill, Joel Nigg Nigg
Beth Wilmot, Rebecca Fry, Lisa Smeester, Erica Musser, Jonathan Mill, Joel Nigg Nigg
OCT 2017
Methylome Cellular Signatures Induced By Acute Exposure To Twelve Antipsychotic And Neurotransmitter Drugs
Aaron Jeffries, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, David Evans, David Collier, Jonathan Mill
Aaron Jeffries, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, David Evans, David Collier, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Methylomic Analysis Of Autism Brain: Disease Associated Variation And Support For A Neurodevelopmental Component To Etiology
Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Neel Parikshak, Helen Spiers, Nicholas J. Brays, Laura Lysenko, Claire Troakes, Joana Viana + 4 more
Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Neel Parikshak, Helen Spiers, Nicholas J. Brays, Laura Lysenko, Claire Troakes, Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Leo Schalkwyk, Daniel Geschwind, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Investigating Epigenomic Regulation In Schizophrenia
Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Saraj, Naguib Mechawar + 4 more
Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Saraj, Naguib Mechawar, Gustavo Turecki, Leo Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis In The Brains Of Depressed Suicide Completers
Therese Murphy, Emma Dempster, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Gustavo Turecki, Jonathan Mill
Therese Murphy, Emma Dempster, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Gustavo Turecki, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Characterizing Inter-Individual Variation In Dna Methylation Between Blood And Brain: Implications For Epigenetic Studies Of Psychiatric Phenotypes
Eilis Hannon, Katie Lunnon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Katie Lunnon, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
An Investigation Of X-Chromosome Inactivation Profiles Using A Genetically Sensitive Discordant Twin Design
Baocong Xia, Agnieszka Kepa, Emma Colvert, Emma Mea-burn, Angelica Ronald, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill + 3 more
Baocong Xia, Agnieszka Kepa, Emma Colvert, Emma Mea-burn, Angelica Ronald, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Robert Plomin, Francesca Happe, Chloe Chung Yi Wong
OCT 2017
Methylation Quantitative Trait Loci (Mqtl) In The Developing Human Brain And Their Enrichment In Genomic Regions Associated With Schizophrenia
Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Joe Burrage, Therese Murphy, Claire Troakes + 5 more
Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Joana Viana, Ruth Pidsley, Joe Burrage, Therese Murphy, Claire Troakes, Gustavo Turecki, Michael O'Donovan, Leonard Schalkwyk, Nicholas J. Bray, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
An Integrated Genetic-Epigenetic Analysis Of Schizophrenia
Ellis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Adam Smith, Hugh Gurling, Nicholas Basso, Andrew McQuillin + 2 more
Ellis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Adam Smith, Hugh Gurling, Nicholas Basso, Andrew McQuillin, Leo Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Epigenetic Alterations Through Surgery And Postoperative Delirium: Pilot Study
Ryoichi Sadahiro, Knight Bridget, Neil Smart, John Charity, Aaron Jeffries, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon + 4 more
Ryoichi Sadahiro, Knight Bridget, Neil Smart, John Charity, Aaron Jeffries, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Therese Murphy, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Dna Hydroxymethylation Associated With Human Fetal Brain Development
Helen Spiers, Ellis Hannon, Leo Schalkwyk, Nick Bray, Jonathan Mill
Helen Spiers, Ellis Hannon, Leo Schalkwyk, Nick Bray, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Genome-Wide Methylomic Analysis Of Monozygotic Twins Discordant For Schizophrenia
Emma Dempster, Eilis Hannon, Leo Schalkwyk, Marc Bohlken, Jaakko Kaprio, Timothea Toulopoulou, Tim Spector + 6 more
Emma Dempster, Eilis Hannon, Leo Schalkwyk, Marc Bohlken, Jaakko Kaprio, Timothea Toulopoulou, Tim Spector, Hilleke Hulshoffpol, Igor Nenadic, Tyrone Cannon, Christina Hultman, Robin Murray, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2017
Longitudinal Epigenetic Analysis Of Clozapine Use In Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Data From The Crestar Consortium
Amy Gillespie, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, David Collier, Alice Egerton, Jonathan Mill, James MacCabe
Amy Gillespie, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, David Collier, Alice Egerton, Jonathan Mill, James MacCabe
OCT 2017

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Elevated Polygenic Burden For Autism Is Associated With Differential Dna Methylation At Birth
Eilis Hannon, Diana Schendel, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Jakob Grove, Christine Soholm Hansen, Shan V. Andrews, David Michael Hougaard + 16 more
Eilis Hannon, Diana Schendel, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Jakob Grove, Christine Soholm Hansen, Shan V. Andrews, David Michael Hougaard, Michaeline Bresnahan, Ole Mors, Mads Vilhelm Hollegaard, Marie Baekvad-Hansen, Mady Hornig, Preben Bo Mortensen, Anders D. Borglum, Thomas Werge, Marianne Giortz Pedersen, Merete Nordentoft, Joseph Buxbaum, M. Daniele Fallin, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, Abraham Reichenberg, Jonathan Mill, iPSYCH-Broad ASD Grp
MAR 2018

Paper information


Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities. The etiology of ASD involves both inherited and environmental risk factors, with epigenetic processes hypothesized as one mechanism by which both genetic and non-genetic variation influence gene regulation and pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to identify DNA methylation biomarkers of ASD detectable at birth. Methods: We quantified neonatal methylomic variation in 1263 infants-of whom similar to 50% went on to subsequently develop ASD-using DNA isolated from archived blood spots taken shortly after birth. We used matched genotype data from the same individuals to examine the molecular consequences of ASD-associated genetic risk variants, identifying methylomic variation associated with elevated polygenic burden for ASD. In addition, we performed DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) mapping to prioritize target genes from ASD GWAS findings. Results: We identified robust epigenetic signatures of gestational age and prenatal tobacco exposure, confirming the utility of DNA methylation data generated from neonatal blood spots. Although we did not identify specific loci showing robust differences in neonatal DNA methylation associated with later ASD, there was a significant association between increased polygenic burden for autism and methylomic variation at specific loci. Each unit of elevated ASD polygenic risk score was associated with a mean increase in DNA methylation of -0.14% at two CpG sites located proximal to a robust GWAS signal for ASD on chromosome 8. Conclusions: This study is the largest analysis of DNA methylation in ASD undertaken and the first to integrate genetic and epigenetic variation at birth. We demonstrate the utility of using a polygenic risk score to identify molecular variation associated with disease, and of using mQTL to refine the functional and regulatory variation associated with ASD risk variants.

Epigenetic Signatures Of Childhood And Adolescent Victimisation Using A Genetically Sensitive Longitudinal Cohort Study
Helen Fisher, Sarah Marzi, Louise Arseneault, Chloe Wong, Radhika Kandaswamy, Terrie Moffitt, Susanna Roberts + 2 more
Helen Fisher, Sarah Marzi, Louise Arseneault, Chloe Wong, Radhika Kandaswamy, Terrie Moffitt, Susanna Roberts, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi
APR 2018

Paper information

Genome-Wide Association Analyses Identify 44 Risk Variants And Refine The Genetic Architecture Of Major Depression
Naomi R. Wray, Stephan Ripke, Manuel Mattheisen, Maciej Trzaskowski, Enda M. Byrne, Abdel Abdellaoui, Mark J. Adams + 211 more
Naomi R. Wray, Stephan Ripke, Manuel Mattheisen, Maciej Trzaskowski, Enda M. Byrne, Abdel Abdellaoui, Mark J. Adams, Esben Agerbo, Tracy M. Air, Till M. F. Andlauer, Silviu-Alin Bacanu, Marie Baekvad-Hansen, Aartjan F. T. Beekman, Tim B. Bigdeli, Elisabeth B. Binder, Douglas R. H. Blackwood, Julien Bryois, Henriette N. Buttenschon, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, Na Cai, Enrique Castelao, Jane Hvarregaard Christensen, Toni-Kim Clarke, Jonathan I. R. Coleman, Lucia Colodro-Conde, Baptiste Couvy-Duchesne, Nick Craddock, Gregory E. Crawford, Cheynna A. Crowley, Hassan S. Dashti, Gail Davies, Ian J. Deary, Franziska Degenhardt, Eske M. Derks, Nese Direk, Conor V. Dolan, Erin C. Dunn, Thalia C. Eley, Nicholas Eriksson, Valentina Escott-Price, Farnush Hassan Farhadi Kiadeh, Hilary K. Finucane, Andreas J. Forstner, Josef Frank, Helena A. Gaspar, Michael Gill, Paola Giusti-Rodriguez, Fernando S. Goes, Scott D. Gordon, Jakob Grove, Lynsey S. Hall, Eilis Hannon, Christine Soholm Hansen, Thomas F. Hansen, Stefan Herms, Ian B. Hickie, Per Hoffmann, Georg Homuth, Carsten Horn, Jouke-Jan Hottenga, David M. Hougaard, Ming Hu, Craig L. Hyde, Marcus Ising, Rick Jansen, Fulai Jin, Eric Jorgenson, James A. Knowles, Isaac S. Kohane, Julia Kraft, Warren W. Kretzschmar, Jesper Krogh, Zoltan Kutalik, Jacqueline M. Lane, Yihan Li, Yun Li, Penelope A. Lind, Xiaoxiao Liu, Leina Lu, Donald J. MacIntyre, Dean F. MacKinnon, Robert M. Maier, Wolfgang Maier, Jonathan Marchini, Hamdi Mbarek, Patrick McGrath, Peter McGuffin, Sarah E. Medland, Divya Mehta, Christel M. Middeldorp, Evelin Mihailov, Yuri Milaneschi, Lili Milani, Jonathan Mill, Francis M. Mondimore, Grant W. Montgomery, Sara Mostafavi, Niamh Mullins, Matthias Nauck, Bernard Ng, Michel G. Nivard, Dale R. Nyholt, Paul F. O'Reilly, Hogni Oskarsson, Michael J. Owen, Jodie N. Painter, Carsten Bocker Pedersen, Marianne Giortz Pedersen, Roseann E. Peterson, Erik Pettersson, Wouter J. Peyrot, Giorgio Pistis, Danielle Posthuma, Shaun M. Purcell, Jorge A. Quiroz, Per Qvist, John P. Rice, Brien P. Riley, Margarita Rivera, Saira Saeed Mirza, Richa Saxena, Robert Schoevers, Eva C. Schulte, Ling Shen, Jianxin Shi, Stanley I. Shyn, Engilbert Sigurdsson, Grant B. C. Sinnamon, Johannes H. Smit, Daniel J. Smith, Hreinn Stefansson, Stacy Steinberg, Craig A. Stockmeier, Fabian Streit, Jana Strohmaier, Katherine E. Tansey, Henning Teismann, Alexander Teumer, Wesley Thompson, Pippa A. Thomson, Thorgeir E. Thorgeirsson, Chao Tian, Matthew Traylor, Jens Treutlein, Vassily Trubetskoy, Andre G. Uitterlinden, Daniel Umbricht, der Auwera Sandra Van, Hemert Albert M. van, Alexander Viktorin, Peter M. Visscher, Yunpeng Wang, Bradley T. Webb, Shantel Marie Weinsheimer, Juegen Wellmann, Gonneke Willemsen, Stephanie H. Witt, Yang Wu, Hualin S. Xi, Jian Yang, Futao Zhang, Volker Arolt, Bernhard T. Baune, Klaus Berger, Dorret I. Boomsma, Sven Cichon, Udo Dannlowski, Geus E. C. J. de, J. Raymond DePaulo, Enrico Domenici, Katharina Domschke, Tonu Esko, Hans J. Grabe, Steven P. Hamilton, Caroline Hayward, Andrew C. Heath, David A. Hinds, Kenneth S. Kendler, Stefan Kloiber, Glyn Lewis, Qingqin S. Li, Susanne Lucae, Pamela F. A. Madden, Patrik K. Magnusson, Nicholas G. Martin, Andrew M. McIntosh, Andres Metspalu, Ole Mors, Preben Bo Mortensen, Bertram Mueller-Myhsok, Merete Nordentoft, Markus M. Noethen, Michael C. O'Donovan, Sara A. Paciga, Nancy L. Pedersen, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, Roy H. Perlis, David J. Porteous, James B. Potash, Martin Preisig, Marcella Rietschel, Catherine Schaefer, Thomas G. Schulze, Jordan W. Smoller, Kari Stefansson, Henning Tiemeier, Rudolf Uher, Henry Voelzke, Myrna M. Weissman, Thomas Werge, Ashley R. Winslow, Cathryn M. Lewis, Douglas F. Levinson, Gerome Breen, Anders D. Borglum, Patrick F. Sullivan, EQTLGEN, Major Depressive Disorder Working
MAY 2018

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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common illness accompanied by considerable morbidity, mortality, costs, and heightened risk of suicide. We conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis based in 135,458 cases and 344,901 controls and identified 44 independent and significant loci. The genetic findings were associated with clinical features of major depression and implicated brain regions exhibiting anatomical differences in cases. Targets of antidepressant medications and genes involved in gene splicing were enriched for smaller association signal. We found important relationships of genetic risk for major depression with educational attainment, body mass, and schizophrenia: lower educational attainment and higher body mass were putatively causal, whereas major depression and schizophrenia reflected a partly shared biological etiology. All humans carry lesser or greater numbers of genetic risk factors for major depression. These findings help refine the basis of major depression and imply that a continuous measure of risk underlies the clinical phenotype.

Peripheral Dna Methylation, Cognitive Decline And Brain Aging: Pilot Findings From The Whitehall Ii Imaging Study
Leonidas Chouliaras, Ehsan Pishva, Rita Haapakoski, Eniko Zsoldos, Abda Mahmood, Nicola Filippini, Joe Burrage + 4 more
Leonidas Chouliaras, Ehsan Pishva, Rita Haapakoski, Eniko Zsoldos, Abda Mahmood, Nicola Filippini, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Mika Kivimaki, Katie Lunnon, Klaus P. Ebmeier
MAY 2018

Paper information


Aim: The present study investigated the link between peripheral DNA methylation (DNAm), cognitive impairment and brain aging. Methods: We tested the association between blood genome-wide DNAm profiles using the Illumina 450K arrays, cognitive dysfunction and brain MRI measures in selected participants of the Whitehall II imaging sub-study. Results: Eight differentially methylated regions were associated with cognitive impairment. Accelerated aging based on the Hannum epigenetic clock was associated with mean diffusivity and global fractional anisotropy. We also identified modules of co-methylated loci associated with white matter hyperintensities. These co-methylation modules were enriched among pathways relevant to beta-amyloid processing and glutamatergic signaling. Conclusion: Our data support the notion that blood DNAm changes may have utility as a biomarker for cognitive dysfunction and brain aging.

Prenatal Immune Activation Alters The Adult Neural Epigenome But Can Be Partly Stabilised By A N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Diet
Paul Basil, Qi Li, Hongsheng Gui, Tomy C. K. Hui, Vicki H. M. Ling, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Jonathan Mill + 2 more
Paul Basil, Qi Li, Hongsheng Gui, Tomy C. K. Hui, Vicki H. M. Ling, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Jonathan Mill, Grainne M. McAlonan, Pak-Chung Sham
JUL 2018

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An unstable epigenome is implicated in the pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. This is important because the epigenome is potentially modifiable. We have previously reported that adult offspring exposed to maternal immune activation (MIA) prenatally have significant global DNA hypomethylation in the hypothalamus. However, what genes had altered methylation state, their functional effects on gene expression and whether these changes can be moderated, have not been addressed. In this study, we used next-generation sequencing (NGS) for methylome profiling in a MIA rodent model of neurodevelopmental disorders. We assessed whether differentially methylated regions (DMRs) affected the chromatin state by mapping known DNase I hypersensitivity sites (DHSs), and selected overlapping genes to confirm a functional effect of MIA on gene expression using qPCR. Finally, we tested whether methylation differences elicited by MIA could be limited by post-natal dietary (omega) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation. These experiments were conducted using hypothalamic brain tissue from 12-week-old offspring of mice injected with viral analogue PolyI:C on gestation day 9 of pregnancy or saline on gestation day 9. Half of the animals from each group were fed a diet enriched with n-3 PUFA from weaning (MIA group, n = 12 units, n = 39 mice; Control group, n = 12 units, n = 38 mice). The results confirmed our previous finding that adult offspring exposed to MIA prenatally had significant global DNA hypomethylation. Furthermore, genes linked to synaptic plasticity were over-represented among differentially methylated genes following MIA. More than 80% of MIA-induced hypomethylated sites, including those affecting chromatin state and MECP2 binding, were stabilised by the n-3 PUFA intervention. MIA resulted in increased expression of two of the `top five' genes identified from an integrated analysis of DMRs, DHSs and MECP2 binding sites, namely Abat (t = 2.46, p < 0.02) and Gnas9 (t = 2.96, p < 0.01), although these changes were not stabilised by dietary intervention. Thus, prenatal MIA exposure impacts upon the epigenomic regulation of gene pathways linked to neurodevelopmental conditions; and many of the changes can be attenuated by a low-cost dietary intervention.

Analysis Of Dna Methylation In Young People: Limited Evidence For An Association Between Victimization Stress And Epigenetic Variation In Blood
Sarah J. Marzi, Karen Sugden, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, Joe Burrage, David L. Corcoran, Andrea Danese + 10 more
Sarah J. Marzi, Karen Sugden, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, Joe Burrage, David L. Corcoran, Andrea Danese, Helen L. Fisher, Eilis Hannon, Terrie E. Moffitt, Candice L. Odgers, Carmine Pariante, Richie Poulton, Benjamin S. Williams, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi
JUN 2018

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Objective: DNA methylation has been proposed as an epigenetic mechanism by which early-life experiences become ``embedded{''} in the genome and alter transcriptional processes to compromise health. The authors sought to investigate whether early-life victimization stress is associated with genome-wide DNA methylation. Method: The authors tested the hypothesis that victimization is associated with DNA methylation in the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Study, a nationally representative 1994-1995 birth cohort of 2,232 twins born in England and Wales and assessed at ages 5, 7, 10, 12, and 18 years. Multiple forms of victimization were ascertained in childhood and adolescence (including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; neglect; exposure to intimate-partner violence; bullying; cyber-victimization; and crime). Results: Epigenome-wide analyses of polyvictimization across childhood and adolescence revealed few significant associations with DNA methylation in peripheral blood at age 18, but these analyses were confounded by tobacco smoking and/or did not survive co-twin control tests. Secondary analyses of specific forms of victimization revealed sparse associations with DNA methylation that did not replicate across different operationalizations of the same putative victimization experience. Hypothesis-driven analyses of six candidate genes in the stress response (NR3C1, FKBP5, BDNF, AVP, CRHR1, SLC6A4) did not reveal predicted associations with DNA methylation in probes annotated to these genes. Conclusions: Findings from this epidemiological analysis of the epigenetic effects of early-life stress do not support the hypothesis of robust changes in DNA methylation in victimized young people. We need to come to terms with the possibility that epigenetic epidemiology is not yet well matched to experimental, nonhuman models in uncovering the biological embedding of stress.

Genome-Wide Methylomic Analysis In Individuals With Hnf1B Intragenic Mutation And 17Q12 Microdeletion
Rhian L. Clissold, Beth Ashfield, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Coralie Bingham, Jonathan Mill, Andrew Hattersley + 1 more
Rhian L. Clissold, Beth Ashfield, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Coralie Bingham, Jonathan Mill, Andrew Hattersley, Emma L. Dempster
JUL 2018

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Heterozygous mutation of the transcription factor HNF1B is the most common cause of monogenetic developmental renal disease. Disease-associated mutations fall into two categories: HNF1B intragenic mutations and a 1.3 Mb deletion at chromosome 17q12. An increase in neurodevelopmental disorders has been observed in individuals harbouring the 17q12 deletion but not in patients with HNF1B coding mutations. Previous investigations have concentrated on identifying a genetic cause for the increase in behavioural problems seen in 17q12 deletion carriers. We have taken the alternative approach of investigating the DNA methylation profile of these two HNF1B genotype groups along with controls matched for age, gender and diabetes status using the Illumina 450K DNA methylation array (total sample n = 60). We identified a number of differentially methylated probes (DMPs) that were associated with HNF1B-associated disease and passed our stringent experiment-wide significance threshold. These associations were largely driven by the deletion patients and the majority of the significant probes mapped to the 17q12 deletion locus. The observed changes in DNA methylation at this locus were not randomly dispersed and occurred in clusters, suggesting a regulatory mechanism reacting to haploinsufficiency across the entire deleted region. Along with these deletion-specific changes in DNA methylation, we also identified a shared DNA methylation signature in both mutation and deletion patient groups indicating that haploinsufficiency of HNF1B impacts on the methylome of a number of genes, giving further insight to the role of HNF1B.

Dna Methylation And Inflammation Marker Profiles Associated With A History Of Depression
Bethany Crawford, Zoe Craig, Georgina Mansell, Isobel White, Adam Smith, Steve Spaull, Jennifer Imm + 9 more
Bethany Crawford, Zoe Craig, Georgina Mansell, Isobel White, Adam Smith, Steve Spaull, Jennifer Imm, Eilis Hannon, Andrew Wood, Hanieh Yaghootkar, Yingjie Ji, Niamh Mullins, Cathryn M. Lewis, Jonathan Mill, Therese M. Murphy, Major Depressive Disorder Working
AUG 2018

Paper information


Depression is a common and disabling disorder, representing a major social and economic health issue. Moreover, depression is associated with the progression of diseases with an inflammatory etiology including many inflammatory related disorders. At the molecular level, the mechanisms by which depression might promote the onset of these diseases and associated immune-dysfunction are not well understood. In this study we assessed genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation in whole blood-derived DNA obtained from individuals with a self-reported history of depression (n = 100) and individuals without a history of depression (n = 100) using the Illumine 450K microarray. Our analysis identified six significant (Sidak corrected P < 0.05) depression-associated differentially methylated regions (DMRs); the top-ranked DMR was located in exon 1 of the LTB4R2 gene (Sidel corrected P = 1.27 x 10(-14)). Polygenic risk scores (PRS) for depression were generated and known biological markers of inflammation, telomere length (TL) and IL-6, were measured in DNA and serum samples, respectively. Next, we employed a systems-level approach to identify networks of co-methylated loci associated with a history of depression, in addition to depression PRS, TL and IL-6 levels. Our analysis identified one depression-associated co-methylation module (P = 0.04). Interestingly, the depression-associated module was highly enriched for pathways related to immune function and was also associated with TL and IL-6 cytokine levels. In summary, our genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of individuals with and without a self-reported history of depression identified several candidate DMRs of potential relevance to the pathogenesis of depression and its associated immune-dysfunction phenotype.

Characterizing Genetic And Environmental Influences On Variable Dna Methylation Using Monozygotic And Dizygotic Twins
Eilis Hannon, Olivia Knox, Karen Sugden, Joe Burrage, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Daniel W. Belsky, David L. Corcoran + 4 more
Eilis Hannon, Olivia Knox, Karen Sugden, Joe Burrage, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Daniel W. Belsky, David L. Corcoran, Louise Arseneault, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Jonathan Mill
AUG 2018

Paper information


Variation in DNA methylation is being increasingly associated with health and disease outcomes. Although DNA methylation is hypothesized to be a mechanism by which both genetic and non-genetic factors can influence the regulation of gene expression, little is known about the extent to which DNA methylation at specific sites is influenced by heritable as well as environmental factors. We quantified DNA methylation in whole blood at age 18 in a birth cohort of 1,464 individuals comprising 426 monozygotic (MZ) and 306 same-sex dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs. Site-specific levels of DNA methylation were more strongly correlated across the genome between MZ than DZ twins. Structural equation models revealed that although the average contribution of additive genetic influences on DNA methylation across the genome was relatively low, it was notably elevated at the highly variable sites characterized by intermediate levels of DNAm that are most relevant for epigenetic epidemiology. Sites at which variable DNA methylation was most influenced by genetic factors were significantly enriched for DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) effects, and overlapped with sites where inter-individual variation correlates across tissues. Finally, we show that DNA methylation at sites robustly associated with environmental exposures such as tobacco smoking and obesity is also influenced by additive genetic effects, highlighting the need to control for genetic background in analyses of exposure-associated DNA methylation differences. Estimates of the contribution of genetic and environmental influences to DNA methylation at all sites profiled in this study are available as a resource for the research community (

Autosomal Genetic Variation Is Associated With Dna Methylation In Regions Variably Escaping X-Chromosome Inactivation
Rene Luijk, Haoyu Wu, Cavin K. Ward-Caviness, Eilis Hannon, Elena Carnero-Montoro, Josine L. Min, Pooja Mandaviya + 22 more
Rene Luijk, Haoyu Wu, Cavin K. Ward-Caviness, Eilis Hannon, Elena Carnero-Montoro, Josine L. Min, Pooja Mandaviya, Martina Mueller-Nurasyid, Hailiang Mei, der Maarel Silvere M. van, Caroline Relton, Jonathan Mill, Melanie Waldenberger, Jordana T. Bell, Rick Jansen, Alexandra Zhernakova, Lude Franke, Hoen Peter A. C. `t, Dorret I. Boomsma, Duijn Cornelia M. van, Greevenbroek Marleen M. J. van, Jan H. Veldink, Cisca Wijmenga, Meurs Joyce van, Lucia Daxinger, P. Eline Slagboom, Zwet Erik W. van, Bastiaan T. Heijmans, BIOS Consortium
SEP 2018

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X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), i.e., the inactivation of one of the female X chromosomes, restores equal expression of X-chromosomal genes between females and males. However, similar to 10% of genes show variable degrees of escape from XCI between females, although little is known about the causes of variable XCI. Using a discovery data-set of 1867 females and 1398 males and a replication sample of 3351 females, we show that genetic variation at three autosomal loci is associated with female-specific changes in X-chromosome methylation. Through cis-eQTL expression analysis, we map these loci to the genes SMCHD1/METTL4, TRIM6/HBG2, and ZSCAN9. Low-expression alleles of the loci are predominantly associated with mild hypomethylation of CpG islands near genes known to variably escape XCI, implicating the autosomal genes in variable XCI. Together, these results suggest a genetic basis for variable escape from XCI and highlight the potential of a population genomics approach to identify genes involved in XCI.

A Histone Acetylome-Wide Association Study Of Alzheimer'S Disease Identifies Disease-Associated H3K27Ac Differences In The Entorhinal Cortex
Sarah J. Marzi, Szi Kay Leung, Teodora Ribarska, Eilis Hannon, Adam R. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Jeremie Poschmann + 8 more
Sarah J. Marzi, Szi Kay Leung, Teodora Ribarska, Eilis Hannon, Adam R. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Jeremie Poschmann, Karen Moore, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Stephan Beck, Stuart Newman, Katie Lunnon, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
NOV 2018

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We quantified genome-wide patterns of lysine H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) in entorhinal cortex samples from Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases and matched controls using chromatin immunoprecipitation and highly parallel sequencing. We observed widespread acetylomic variation associated with AD neuropathology, identifying 4,162 differential peaks (false discovery rate < 0.05) between AD cases and controls. Differentially acetylated peaks were enriched in disease-related biological pathways and included regions annotated to genes involved in the progression of amyloid-beta and tau pathology (for example, APP, PSEN1, PSEN2, and MAPT), as well as regions containing variants associated with sporadic late-onset AD. Partitioned heritability analysis highlighted a highly significant enrichment of AD risk variants in entorhinal cortex H3K27ac peak regions. AD-associated variable H3K27ac was associated with transcriptional variation at proximal genes including CR1, GPR22, KMO, PIM3, PSEN1, and RGCC. In addition to identifying molecular pathways associated with AD neuropathology, we present a framework for genome-wide studies of histone modifications in complex disease.

Leveraging Dna-Methylation Quantitative-Trait Loci To Characterize The Relationship Between Methylomic Variation, Gene Expression, And Complex Traits
Eilis Hannon, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Melissa C. Smart, Joe Burrage, Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Meena Kumari + 2 more
Eilis Hannon, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Melissa C. Smart, Joe Burrage, Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
NOV 2018

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Characterizing the complex relationship between genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic variation has the potential to increase understanding about the mechanisms underpinning health and disease phenotypes. We undertook a comprehensive analysis of common genetic variation on DNA methylation (DNAm) by using the Illumina EPIC array to profile samples from the UK Household Longitudinal study. We identified 12,689,548 significant DNA methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL) associations (p < 6.52 x 10(-14)) occurring between 2,907,234 genetic variants and 93,268 DNAm sites, including a large number not identified by previous DNAm-profiling methods. We demonstrate the utility of these data for interpreting the functional consequences of common genetic variation associated with > 60 human traits by using summary-data-based Mendelian randomization (SMR) to identify 1,662 pleiotropic associations between 36 complex traits and 1,246 DNAm sites. We also use SMR to characterize the relationship between DNAm and gene expression and thereby identify 6,798 pleiotropic associations between 5,420 DNAm sites and the transcription of 1,702 genes. Our mQTL database and SMR results are available via a searchable online database as a resource to the research community.

Expression Quantitative Trait Loci In The Developing Human Brain And Their Enrichment In Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Heath E. O'Brien, Eilis Hannon, Matthew J. Hill, Carolina C. Toste, Matthew J. Robertson, Joanne E. Morgan, Gemma McLaughlin + 8 more
Heath E. O'Brien, Eilis Hannon, Matthew J. Hill, Carolina C. Toste, Matthew J. Robertson, Joanne E. Morgan, Gemma McLaughlin, Cathryn M. Lewis, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Lynsey S. Hall, Antonio F. Pardinas, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O'Donovan, Jonathan Mill, Nicholas J. Bray
NOV 2018

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Background: Genetic influences on gene expression in the human fetal brain plausibly impact upon a variety of postnatal brain-related traits, including susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. However, to date, there have been no studies that have mapped genome-wide expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) specifically in the human prenatal brain. Results: We performed deep RNA sequencing and genome-wide genotyping on a unique collection of 120 human brains from the second trimester of gestation to provide the first eQTL dataset derived exclusively from the human fetal brain. We identify high confidence cis-acting eQTL at the individual transcript as well as whole gene level, including many mapping to a common inversion polymorphism on chromosome 17q21. Fetal brain eQTL are enriched among risk variants for postnatal conditions including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. We further identify changes in gene expression within the prenatal brain that potentially mediate risk for neuropsychiatric traits, including increased expression of C4A in association with genetic risk for schizophrenia, increased expression of LRRC57 in association with genetic risk for bipolar disorder, and altered expression of multiple genes within the chromosome 17q21 inversion in association with variants influencing the personality trait of neuroticism. Conclusions: We have mapped eQTL operating in the human fetal brain, providing evidence that these confer risk to certain neuropsychiatric disorders, and identifying gene expression changes that potentially mediate susceptibility to these conditions.

Elevated Dna Methylation Across A 48-Kb Region Spanning The Hoxa Gene Cluster Is Associated With Alzheimer'S Disease Neuropathology
Rebecca G. Smith, Eilis Hannon, Jager Philip L. De, Lori Chibnik, Simon J. Lott, Daniel Condliffe, Adam R. Smith + 9 more
Rebecca G. Smith, Eilis Hannon, Jager Philip L. De, Lori Chibnik, Simon J. Lott, Daniel Condliffe, Adam R. Smith, Vahram Haroutunian, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, David A. Bennett, John Powell, Simon Lovestone, Leonard Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
DEC 2018

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Introduction: Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that is hypothesized to involve epigenetic dysregulation of gene expression in the brain. Methods: We performed an epigenome-wide association study to identify differential DNA methylation associated with neuropathology in prefrontal cortex and superior temporal gyrus samples from 147 individuals, replicating our findings in two independent data sets (N = 117 and 740). Results: We identify elevated DNA methylation associated with neuropathology across a 48-kb region spanning 208 CpG sites within the HOXA gene cluster. A meta-analysis of the top-ranked probe within the HOXA3 gene (cg22962123) highlighted significant hypermethylation across all three cohorts (P = 3.11 X 10(-18)). Discussion: We present robust evidence for elevated DNA methylation associated with Alzheimer's disease neuropathology spanning the HOXA gene cluster on chromosome 7. These data add to the growing evidence highlighting a role for epigenetic variation in Alzheimer's disease, implicating the HOX gene family as a target for future investigation. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer's Association.

Meta-Analysis Of Epigenome-Wide Association Studies Of Cognitive Abilities
Riccardo E. Marioni, Allan F. McRae, Jan Bressler, Elena Colicino, Eilis Hannon, Shuo Li, Diddier Prada + 40 more
Riccardo E. Marioni, Allan F. McRae, Jan Bressler, Elena Colicino, Eilis Hannon, Shuo Li, Diddier Prada, Jennifer A. Smith, Letizia Trevisi, Pei-Chien Tsai, Dina Vojinovic, Jeannette Simino, Daniel Levy, Chunyu Liu, Michael Mendelson, Claudia L. Satizabal, Qiong Yang, Min A. Jhun, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Wei Zhao, Stefania Bandinelli, Luigi Ferrucci, Dena G. Hernandez, Andrew B. Singleton, Sarah E. Harrisl, John M. Starr, Douglas P. Kie, Robert R. McLean, Allan C. Just, Joel Schwartz, III Avron Spiro, Pantel Vokonas, Najaf Amin, M. Arfan Ikram, Andre G. Uitterlinden, Meurs Joyce B. J. van, Tim D. Spector, Claire Steves, Andrea A. Baccarelli, Jordana T. Bell, Duijn Cornelia M. van, Myriam Fornage, Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Jonathan Mill, Thomas H. Mosley, Sudha Seshadri, Ian J. Deary
NOV 2018

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Cognitive functions are important correlates of health outcomes across the life-course. Individual differences in cognitive functions are partly heritable. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, are susceptible to both genetic and environmental factors and may provide insights into individual differences in cognitive functions. Epigenome-wide meta-analyses for blood-based DNA methylation levels at similar to 420,000 CpG sites were performed for seven measures of cognitive functioning using data from 11 cohorts. CpGs that passed a Bonferroni correction, adjusting for the number of CpGs and cognitive tests, were assessed for: longitudinal change; being under genetic control (methylation QTLs); and associations with brain health (structural MRI), brain methylation and Alzheimer's disease pathology. Across the seven measures of cognitive functioning (meta-analysis n range: 2557-6809), there were epigenome-wide significant (P < 1.7 x 10(-8)) associations for global cognitive function (cg21450381, P = 1.6 x 10(-8)), and phonemic verbal fluency (cg12507869, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)). The CpGs are located in an intergenic region on chromosome 12 and the INPP5A gene on chromosome 10, respectively. Both probes have moderate correlations (similar to 0.4) with brain methylation in Brodmann area 20 (ventral temporal cortex). Neither probe showed evidence of longitudinal change in late-life or associations with white matter brain MRI measures in one cohort with these data. A methylation QTL analysis suggested that rs113565688 was a cis methylation QTL for cg12507869 (P = 5 x 10(-5) and 4 x 10(-13) in two lookup cohorts). We demonstrate a link between blood-based DNA methylation and measures of phonemic verbal fluency and global cognitive ability. Further research is warranted to understand the mechanisms linking genomic regulatory changes with cognitive function to health and disease.

A Cross-Brain Regions Study Of Ank1 Dna Methylation In Different Neurodegenerative Diseases
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Rajesh N. Kalaria, Carolyn Sloan + 3 more
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Rajesh N. Kalaria, Carolyn Sloan, Andrew C. Robinson, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
FEB 2019

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Recent epigenome-wide association studies in Alzheimer's disease have highlighted consistent robust neuropathology-associated DNA hypermethylation of the ankyrin 1 (ANK1) gene in the cortex. The extent to which altered ANK1 DNA methylation is also associated with other neurodegenerative diseases is not currently known. In the present study, we used bisulfite pyrosequencing to quantify DNA methylation across 8 CpG sites within a 118 bp region of the ANK1 gene across multiple brain regions in Alzheimer's disease, Vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewy bodies, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease. We demonstrate disease-associated ANK1 hypermethylation in the entorhinal cortex in Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease, whereas in donors with Vascular dementia and Dementia with Lewy bodies, we observed elevated ANK1 DNA methylation only in individuals with coexisting Alzheimer's disease pathology. We did not observe any disease-associated differential ANK1 DNA methylation in the striatum in Huntington's disease or the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease. Our data suggest that ANK1 is characterized by region and disease-specific differential DNA methylation in multiple neurodegenerative diseases. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Association Of Nipa1 Repeat Expansions With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis In A Large International Cohort
Gij S. H. P. Tazelaar, Annelot M. Dekker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, der Spek Rick A. van, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Lindy J. B. G. Kool, Kevin P. Kenna + 74 more
Gij S. H. P. Tazelaar, Annelot M. Dekker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, der Spek Rick A. van, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Lindy J. B. G. Kool, Kevin P. Kenna, Rheenen Wouter van, Sara L. Pulit, Russell L. McLaughlin, William Sproviero, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Annemarie Huebers, David Brenner, Karen E. Morrison, Pamela J. Shaw, Christopher E. Shaw, Panades Monica Povedano, Pardina Jesus S. Mora, Jonathan D. Glass, Orla Hardiman, Ammar Al-Chalabi, Damme Philip van, Wim Robberecht, John E. Landers, Albert C. Ludolph, Jochen H. Weishaupt, den Berg Leonard H. van, Jan H. Veldink, Es Michael A. van, Fulya Akcimen, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Peter Andersen, A. Nazli Basak, Denis C. Bauer, Ian Blair, William J. Brands, Ross P. Byrne, Andrea Calvo, Yolanda Campos Gonzalez, Adriano Chio, Jonothan Cooper-Knock, Philippe Corcia, Philippe Couratier, Carvalho Mamede de, Vivian E. Drory, Chen Eitan, Redondo Alberto Garcia, Cinzia Gellera, Marc Gotkine, Eran Hornstein, Brendan Kenna, Matthew C. Kiernan, Cemile Kocoglu, Maarten Kooyman, Alonso Victoria Lopez, Bas Middelkoop, Jonathan Mill, Miguel Mitne-Neto, Matthieu Moisse, Susana C. Pinto, Antonia Ratti, Raymond D. Schellevis, Aleksey Shatunov, Vincenzo Silani, Christine Staiger, Gijs H. P. Tazelaar, Nicola Ticozzi, Ceren Tunca, Nathalie A. Twine, Doormaal Perry T. C. van, Eijk Kristel R. van, Peter M. Visscher, Patrick Vourch, Markus Weber, Kelly L. Williams, Naomi Wray, Jian Yang, Mayana Zatz, Katharine Zhang, Project MinE ALS Sequencing Consor
FEB 2019

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NIPA1 (nonimprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1) mutations are known to cause hereditary spastic paraplegia type 6, a neurodegenerative disease that phenotypically overlaps to some extent with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Previously, a genomewide screen for copy number variants found an association with rare deletions in NIPA1 and ALS, and subsequent genetic analyses revealed that long (or expanded) polyalanine repeats in NIPA1 convey increased ALS susceptibility. We set out to perform a large-scale replication study to further investigate the role of NIPA1 polyalanine expansions with ALS, in which we characterized NIPA1 repeat size in an independent international cohort of 3955 patients with ALS and 2276 unaffected controls and combined our results with previous reports. Meta-analysis on a total of 6245 patients with ALS and 5051 controls showed an overall increased risk of ALS in those with expanded (>8) GCG repeat length (odds ratio = 1.50, p = 3.8x10(-5)). Together with previous reports, these findings provide evidence for an association of an expanded polyalanine repeat in NIPA1 and ALS. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Genetic Risk Variants For Brain Disorders Are Enriched In Cortical H3K27Ac Domains
Eilis Hannon, Sarah J. Marzi, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Sarah J. Marzi, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Most variants associated with complex phenotypes in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) do not directly index coding changes affecting protein structure. Instead they are hypothesized to influence gene regulation, with common variants associated with disease being enriched in regulatory domains including enhancers and regions of open chromatin. There is interest, therefore, in using epigenomic annotation data to identify the specific regulatory mechanisms involved and prioritize risk variants. We quantified lysine H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) - a robust mark of active enhancers and promoters that is strongly correlated with gene expression and transcription factor binding - across the genome in entorhinal cortex samples using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by highly parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq). H3K27ac peaks were called using high quality reads combined across all samples and formed the basis of partitioned heritability analysis using LD score regression along with publicly-available GWAS results for seven psychiatric and neurodegenerative traits. Heritability for all seven brain traits was significantly enriched in these H3K27ac peaks (enrichment ranging from 1.09-2.13) compared to regions of the genome containing other active regulatory and functional elements across multiple cell types and tissues. The strongest enrichments were for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (enrichment = 2.19; 95% CI = 2.12-2.27), autism (enrichment = 2.11; 95% CI = 2.05-2.16) and major depressive disorder (enrichment = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.92-2.16). Much lower enrichments were observed for 14 non-brain disorders, although we identified enrichment in cortical H3K27ac domains for body mass index (enrichment = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.13-1.19), ever smoked (enrichment = 2.07; 95% CI = 2.04-2.10), HDL (enrichment = 1.53; 95% CI = 1.45-1.62) and trigylcerides (enrichment = 1.33; 95% CI = 1.24-1.42). These results indicate that risk alleles for brain disorders are preferentially located in regions of regulatory/enhancer function in the cortex, further supporting the hypothesis that genetic variants for these phenotypes influence gene regulation in the brain.

Longitudinal Investigation Of Dna Methylation Changes Preceding Adolescent Psychotic Experiences
Susanna Roberts, Matthew Suderman, Stanley Zammit, Sarah H. Watkins, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Caroline Relton + 3 more
Susanna Roberts, Matthew Suderman, Stanley Zammit, Sarah H. Watkins, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Caroline Relton, Louise Arseneault, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Helen L. Fisher
FEB 2019

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Childhood psychotic experiences (PEs), such as seeing or hearing things that others do not, or extreme paranoia, are relatively common with around 1 in 20 children reporting them at age 12. Childhood PEs are often distressing and can be predictive of schizophrenia, other psychiatric disorders, and suicide attempts in adulthood, particularly if they persist during adolescence. Previous research has demonstrated that methylomic signatures in blood could be potential biomarkers of psychotic phenomena. This study explores the association between DNA methylation (DNAm) and the emergence, persistence, and remission of PEs in childhood and adolescence. DNAm profiles were obtained from the ALSPAC cohort at birth, age 7, and age 15/17 (n = 901). PEs were assessed through interviews with participants at ages 12 and 18. We identified PE-associated probes (p < 5x10-5) and regions (corrected p < 0.05) at ages 12 and 18. Several of the differentially methylated probes were also associated with the continuity of PEs across adolescence. One probe (cg16459265), detected consistently at multiple timepoints in the study sample, was replicated in an independent sample of twins (n = 1658). Six regions, including those spanning the HLA-DBP2 and GDF7 genes, were consistently differentially methylated at ages 7 and 15-17. Findings from this large, population-based study suggest that DNAm at multiple stages of development may be associated with PEs in late childhood and adolescence, though further replication is required. Research uncovering biomarkers associated with pre-clinical PEs is important as it has the potential to facilitate early identification of individuals at increased risk who could benefit from preventive interventions.

Establishing A Generalized Polyepigenetic Biomarker For Tobacco Smoking
Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, Jonathan M. Broadbent, David L. Corcoran, Robert J. Hancox + 9 more
Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, Jonathan M. Broadbent, David L. Corcoran, Robert J. Hancox, Renate M. Houts, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, Joseph A. Prinz, W. Murray Thomson, Benjamin S. Williams, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi
FEB 2019

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Large-scale epigenome-wide association meta-analyses have identified multiple `signatures'' of smoking. Drawing on these findings, we describe the construction of a polyepigenetic DNA methylation score that indexes smoking behavior and that can be utilized for multiple purposes in population health research. To validate the score, we use data from two birth cohort studies: The Dunedin Longitudinal Study, followed to age-38 years, and the Environmental Risk Study, followed to age-18 years. Longitudinal data show that changes in DNA methylation accumulate with increased exposure to tobacco smoking and attenuate with quitting. Data from twins discordant for smoking behavior show that smoking influences DNA methylation independently of genetic and environmental risk factors. Physiological data show that changes in DNA methylation track smoking-related changes in lung function and gum health over time. Moreover, DNA methylation changes predict corresponding changes in gene expression in pathways related to inflammation, immune response, and cellular trafficking. Finally, we present prospective data about the link between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and epigenetic modifications; these findings document the importance of controlling for smoking-related DNA methylation changes when studying biological embedding of stress in life-course research. We introduce the polyepigenetic DNA methylation score as a tool both for discovery and theory-guided research in epigenetic epidemiology.

Epigenetic Studies Of Schizophrenia: Current Status And Future Directions
Anna Migdalska-Richards, Jonathan Mill
Anna Migdalska-Richards, Jonathan Mill
FEB 2019

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Schizophrenia is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by episodes of psychosis and altered cognitive functioning. Epigenetic processes, which developmentally regulate gene expression via modifications to DNA, histone proteins, and chromatin, have been widely heralded as the `missing piece' of the etiological puzzle for many neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders, including schizophrenia. In this review, we discuss the current state of knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms in schizophrenia, highlighting how future work integrating these data with recent genetic findings will facilitate our understanding of schizophrenia pathophysiology.

Variable Dna Methylation In Neonates Mediates The Association Between Prenatal Smoking And Birth Weight
Eilis Hannon, Diana Schendel, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Jakob Grove, Christine Soholm Hansen, David Michael Hougaard, Michaeline Bresnahan + 15 more
Eilis Hannon, Diana Schendel, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Jakob Grove, Christine Soholm Hansen, David Michael Hougaard, Michaeline Bresnahan, Ole Mors, Mads Vilhelm Hollegaard, Marie Baekvad-Hansen, Mady Hornig, Preben Bo Mortensen, Anders D. Borglum, Thomas Werge, Marianne Giortz Pedersen, Merete Nordentoft, Joseph D. Buxbaum, M. Daniele Fallin, Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, Abraham Reichenberg, Jonathan Mill, iPSYCH-Broad ASD Grp
APR 2019

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There is great interest in the role epigenetic variation induced by non-genetic exposures may play in the context of health and disease. In particular, DNA methylation has previously been shown to be highly dynamic during the earliest stages of development and is influenced by in utero exposures such as maternal smoking and medication. In this study we sought to identify the specific DNA methylation differences in blood associated with prenatal and birth factors, including birth weight, gestational age and maternal smoking. We quantified neonatal methylomic variation in 1263 infants using DNA isolated from a unique collection of archived blood spots taken shortly after birth (mean = 6.08 days; s.d. = 3.24 days). An epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) of gestational age and birth weight identified 4299 and 18 differentially methylated positions (DMPs) respectively, at an experiment-wide significance threshold of p < 1 x 10(-7). Our EWAS of maternal smoking during pregnancy identified 110 DMPs in neonatal blood, replicating previously reported genomic loci, including AHRR. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that DNA methylation mediates the relationship between maternal smoking and lower birth weight, finding evidence that methylomic variation at three DMPs may link exposure to outcome. These findings complement an expanding literature on the epigenomic consequences of prenatal exposures and obstetric factors,

Re: ``Socioeconomic Position And Dna Methylation Age Acceleration Across The Life Course{''} Reply
Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Melissa Smart, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Joe Burrage + 2 more
Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Melissa Smart, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Joe Burrage, Leo Schalkwyk, Meena Kumari
FEB 2019

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Functional Genomic Regulation In The Brain: (Epi) Genetic Variation, Neurodevelopment And Psychiatric Disease
Derek Morris, Jonathan Mill, Andrew Jaffe
Derek Morris, Jonathan Mill, Andrew Jaffe
JAN 2019

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Regulatory Genomic Variation In The Developing Brain: Relevance To Neuropsychiatric Phenotypes
Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Joana Viana, Michael O'Donovan, Leo Schalkwyk + 1 more
Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon, Helen Spiers, Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Joana Viana, Michael O'Donovan, Leo Schalkwyk, Nick Bray
JAN 2019

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A Zebrafish Model Of Clozapine Exposure: Drug-Induced Transcriptomic Changes In The Brain
Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Aerle Ronny van, Emma Dempster, Gregory Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
Joana Viana, Eilis Hannon, Aerle Ronny van, Emma Dempster, Gregory Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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An Integrated Genetic-Epigenetic Analysis Of Schizophrenia: Evidence For Co-Localization Of Genetic Associations And Differential Dna Methylation From A Large Meta-Analysis Of Whole Blood Dna
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Andrew McQuillin, Clair David St, Derek Morris, Forti Marta Di + 7 more
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Joe Burrage, Andrew McQuillin, Clair David St, Derek Morris, Forti Marta Di, Fiona Gaughran, James MacCabe, Gerome Breen, David Collier, Robin Murray, Leo Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Dna Methylation And Adolescent Trajectories Of Psychotic Symptoms
Susanna Roberts, Matthew Suderman, Stanley Zammit, Sarah H. Watkins, Eilis Hannon, Caroline Relton, Jonathan Mill + 1 more
Susanna Roberts, Matthew Suderman, Stanley Zammit, Sarah H. Watkins, Eilis Hannon, Caroline Relton, Jonathan Mill, Helen Fisher
JAN 2019

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Convergent Methylomic Signatures Between Autism Associated With Duplications Of Chromosome 15Q And Idiopathic Autism
Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Rebecca G. Smith, Eilis Hannon, Elham Assary, Neelroop Parikshak, Shyam Prabhakar, Daniel Geschwind + 1 more
Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Rebecca G. Smith, Eilis Hannon, Elham Assary, Neelroop Parikshak, Shyam Prabhakar, Daniel Geschwind, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Pleiotropic Effects Of Genetic Variation Associated With Psychiatric Disorders On Dna Methylation
Eilis Hannon, Nick Bray, Micheal Weedon, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Melissa Smart, Meena Kumari, Leo Schalkwyk + 2 more
Eilis Hannon, Nick Bray, Micheal Weedon, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Melissa Smart, Meena Kumari, Leo Schalkwyk, Michael O'Donovan, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Functional Analysis Of The Schizophrenia Associated Gene As3Mt In Sh-Sy5Y Neuroblastoma Cells
Sam Washer, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Dempster
Sam Washer, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Dempster
JAN 2019

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Sites Of Active Gene Regulation In The Developing Human Brain And Their Role In Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Manuela Kouakou, Jonathan Mill, Matthew Hill, Nick Bray
Manuela Kouakou, Jonathan Mill, Matthew Hill, Nick Bray
JAN 2019

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Parallel Profiling Of Dna Methylation And Hydroxymethylation Highlights Neuropathology-Associated Epigenetic Variation In Alzheimer'S Disease
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Eilis Hannon, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes + 5 more
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Eilis Hannon, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Carolyn Sloan, Jonathan Mill, den Hove Daniel L. van, Katie Lunnon
MAR 2019

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Background: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is hypothesized to involve epigenetic dysfunction. Previous studies of DNA modifications in Alzheimer's disease have been unable to distinguish between DNA methylation and DNA hydroxymethylation. DNA hydroxymethylation has been shown to be enriched in the human brain, although its role in Alzheimer's disease has not yet been fully explored. Here, we utilize oxidative bisulfite conversion, in conjunction with the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450K microarray, to identify neuropathology-associated differential DNA methylation and DNA hydroxymethylation in the entorhinal cortex. Results: We identified one experiment-wide significant differentially methylated position residing in the WNT5B gene. Next, we investigated pathology-associated regions consisting of multiple adjacent loci. We identified one significant differentially hydroxymethylated region consisting of four probes spanning 104 bases in the FBXL16 gene. We also identified two significant differentially methylated regions: one consisting of two probes in a 93 base-pair region in the ANK1 gene and the other consisting of six probes in a 99-base pair region in the ARID5B gene. We also highlighted three regions that show alterations in unmodified cytosine: two probes in a 39-base pair region of ALLC, two probes in a 69-base pair region in JAG2, and the same six probes in ARID5B that were differentially methylated. Finally, we replicated significant ANK1 disease-associated hypermethylation and hypohydroxymethylation patterns across eight CpG sites in an extended 118-base pair region in an independent cohort using oxidative-bisulfite pyrosequencing. Conclusions: Our study represents the first epigenome-wide association study of both DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in Alzheimer's disease entorhinal cortex. We demonstrate that previous estimates of DNA hypermethylation in ANK1 in Alzheimer's disease were underestimates as it is confounded by hypohydroxymethylation.

Bigmelon: Tools For Analysing Large Dna Methylation Datasets
Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Melissa C. Smart, Ayden Saffari, Karim Malki, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill + 2 more
Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Melissa C. Smart, Ayden Saffari, Karim Malki, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk
MAR 2019

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Motivation The datasets generated by DNA methylation analyses are getting bigger. With the release of the HumanMethylationEPIC micro-array and datasets containing thousands of samples, analyses of these large datasets using R are becoming impractical due to large memory requirements. As a result there is an increasing need for computationally efficient methodologies to perform meaningful analysis on high dimensional data. Results Here we introduce the bigmelon R package, which provides a memory efficient workflow that enables users to perform the complex, large scale analyses required in epigenome wide association studies (EWAS) without the need for large RAM. Building on top of the CoreArray Genomic Data Structure file format and libraries packaged in the gdsfmt package, we provide a practical workflow that facilitates the reading-in, preprocessing, quality control and statistical analysis of DNA methylation data. We demonstrate the capabilities of the bigmelon package using a large dataset consisting of 1193 human blood samples from the Understanding Society: UK Household Longitudinal Study, assayed on the EPIC micro-array platform. Availability and implementation The bigmelon package is available on Bioconductor ( The Understanding Society dataset is available at upon request. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Dna Methylation Profiling Might Shed Light On The Biology Of Cannabis Associated Psychosis
Forti Marta Di, Emma Dempster, Diego Quattrone, Giada Tripoli, Radhika Kandaswamy, Craig Morgan, Os Jim van + 5 more
Forti Marta Di, Emma Dempster, Diego Quattrone, Giada Tripoli, Radhika Kandaswamy, Craig Morgan, Os Jim van, Bart Rutten, Robin Murray, Jonathan Mill, Chloe Wong, Rajiv Radhakrishnan
APR 2019

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Guidance For Dna Methylation Studies: Statistical Insights From The Illumina Epic Array
Georgina Mansell, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Yanchun Bao, Meena Kumari, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
Georgina Mansell, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Yanchun Bao, Meena Kumari, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
MAY 2019

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BackgroundThere has been a steady increase in the number of studies aiming to identify DNA methylation differences associated with complex phenotypes. Many of the challenges of epigenetic epidemiology regarding study design and interpretation have been discussed in detail, however there are analytical concerns that are outstanding and require further exploration. In this study we seek to address three analytical issues. First, we quantify the multiple testing burden and propose a standard statistical significance threshold for identifying DNA methylation sites that are associated with an outcome. Second, we establish whether linear regression, the chosen statistical tool for the majority of studies, is appropriate and whether it is biased by the underlying distribution of DNA methylation data. Finally, we assess the sample size required for adequately powered DNA methylation association studies.ResultsWe quantified DNA methylation in the Understanding Society cohort (n=1175), a large population based study, using the Illumina EPIC array to assess the statistical properties of DNA methylation association analyses. By simulating null DNA methylation studies, we generated the distribution of p-values expected by chance and calculated the 5% family-wise error for EPIC array studies to be 9x10(-8). Next, we tested whether the assumptions of linear regression are violated by DNA methylation data and found that the majority of sites do not satisfy the assumption of normal residuals. Nevertheless, we found no evidence that this bias influences analyses by increasing the likelihood of affected sites to be false positives. Finally, we performed power calculations for EPIC based DNA methylation studies, demonstrating that existing studies with data on similar to 1000 samples are adequately powered to detect small differences at the majority of sites.ConclusionWe propose that a significance threshold of P<9x10(-8) adequately controls the false positive rate for EPIC array DNA methylation studies. Moreover, our results indicate that linear regression is a valid statistical methodology for DNA methylation studies, despite the fact that the data do not always satisfy the assumptions of this test. These findings have implications for epidemiological-based studies of DNA methylation and provide a framework for the interpretation of findings from current and future studies.

Methylation Age Acceleration Does Not Predict Mortality In Schizophrenia
Kaarina Kowalec, His Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Anil P. S. Ori, Roel A. Ophoff, Jonathan Mill + 1 more
Kaarina Kowalec, His Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Anil P. S. Ori, Roel A. Ophoff, Jonathan Mill, Patrick F. Sullivan
JUN 2019

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Schizophrenia (SCZ) is associated with high mortality. DNA methylation levels vary over the life course, and pre-selected combinations of methylation array probes can be used to estimate ``methylation age{''} (mAge). mAge correlates highly with chronological age but when it differs, termed mAge acceleration, it has been previously associated with all-cause mortality. We tested the association between mAge acceleration and mortality in SCZ and controls. We selected 190 SCZ cases and 190 controls from the Sweden Schizophrenia Study. Cases were identified from the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register with >= 5 specialist treatment contacts and >= 5 antipsychotic prescriptions. Controls had no psychotic disorder or antipsychotics. Subjects were selected if they had died or survived during follow-up (2:1 oversampling). Extracted DNA was assayed on the Illumina MethylationEPIC array. mAge was regressed on age at sampling to obtain mAge acceleration. Using Cox proportional hazards regression, the association between mAge acceleration and mortality was tested. After quality control, the following were available: n = 126 SCZ died, 63 SCZ alive, 127 controls died, 62 controls alive. In the primary analyses, we did not find a significant association between mAge acceleration and SCZ mortality (adjusted p > 0.005). Sensitivity analyses excluding SCZ cases with pre-existing cancer demonstrated a significant association between the Hannum mAge acceleration and mortality (hazard ratio = 1.13, 95% confidence interval = 1.04-1.22, p = 0.005). Per our pre-specified criteria, we did not confirm our primary hypothesis that mAge acceleration would predict subsequent mortality in people with SCZ, but we cannot rule out smaller effects or effects in patient subsets.

Genetics And The Geography Of Health, Behaviour And Attainment
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, David L. Corcoran, Benjamin W. Domingue, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Renate M. Houts + 7 more
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, David L. Corcoran, Benjamin W. Domingue, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Renate M. Houts, Jonathan S. Mill, Terrie E. Moffitt, Joseph Prinz, Karen Sugden, Jasmin Wertz, Benjamin Williams, Candice L. Odgers
JUN 2019

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Young people's life chances can be predicted by characteristics of their neighbourhood'. Children growing up in disadvantaged neighbourhoods exhibit worse physical and mental health and suffer poorer educational and economic outcomes than children growing up in advantaged neighbourhoods. Increasing recognition that aspects of social inequalities tend, in fact, to be geographical inequalities 2-5 is stimulating research and focusing policy interest on the role of place in shaping health, behaviour and social outcomes. Where neighbourhood effects are causal, neighbourhood-level interventions can be effective. Where neighbourhood effects reflect selection of families with different characteristics into different neighbourhoods, interventions should instead target families or individuals directly. To test how selection may affect different neighbourhood-linked problems, we linked neighbourhood data with genetic, health and social outcome data for >7,000 European-descent UK and US young people in the E-Risk and Add Health studies. We tested selection/concentration of genetic risks for obesity, schizophrenia, teen pregnancy and poor educational outcomes in high-risk neighbourhoods, including genetic analysis of neighbourhood mobility. Findings argue against genetic selection/concentration as an explanation for neighbourhood gradients in obesity and mental health problems. By contrast, modest genetic selection/concentration was evident for teen pregnancy and poor educational outcomes, suggesting that neighbourhood effects for these outcomes should be interpreted with care.

Alzheimer'S Disease Dna (Hydroxy)Methylome In The Brain And Blood: Evidence For Oxt Methylation As A Preclinical Marker
Roy Lardenoije, Janou Roubroeks, Ehsan Pishva, Markus Leber, Holger Wagner, Artemis Iatrou, Adam Smith + 21 more
Roy Lardenoije, Janou Roubroeks, Ehsan Pishva, Markus Leber, Holger Wagner, Artemis Iatrou, Adam Smith, Rebecca Smith, Lars Eijssen, Luca Kleineidam, Amit Kawalia, Per Hoffmann, Tobias Luck, Steffi Riedel-Heller, Frank Jessen, Wolfgang Maier, Michael Wagner, Gunter Kenis, Muhammad Ali, Sol Antonio del, Diego Mastroeni, Elaine Delvaux, Paul Coleman, Jonathan Mill, Bart Rutten, Katie Lunnon, Alfredo Ramirez, den Hove Daniel van
MAY 2019

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Growth Disrupting Mutations In Epigenetic Regulatory Molecules Are Associated With Abnormalities Of Epigenetic Aging
Aaron R. Jeffries, Reza Maroofian, Claire G. Salter, Barry A. Chioza, Harold E. Cross, Michael A. Patton, Emma Dempster + 19 more
Aaron R. Jeffries, Reza Maroofian, Claire G. Salter, Barry A. Chioza, Harold E. Cross, Michael A. Patton, Emma Dempster, I. Karen Temple, Deborah J. G. Mackay, Faisal I. Rezwan, Lise Aksglaede, Diana Baralle, Tabib Dabir, Matthew F. Hunter, Arveen Kamath, Ajith Kumar, Ruth Newbury-Ecob, Angelo Selicorni, Amanda Springer, Maldergem Lionel Van, Vinod Varghese, Naomi Yachelevich, Katrina Tatton-Brown, Jonathan Mill, Andrew H. Crosby, Emma L. Baple
JUL 2019

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Germline mutations in fundamental epigenetic regulatory molecules including DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha (DNMT3A) are commonly associated with growth disorders, whereas somatic mutations are often associated with malignancy. We profiled genome-wide DNA methylation patterns in DNMT3A c.2312G > A; p.(Arg771Gln) carriers in a large Amish sibship with Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndrome (TBRS), their mosaic father, and 15 TBRS patients with distinct pathogenic de novo DNMT3A variants. This defined widespread DNA hypomethylation at specific genomic sites enriched at locations annotated as genes involved in morphogenesis, development, differentiation, and malignancy predisposition pathways. TBRS patients also displayed highly accelerated DNA methylation aging. These findings were most marked in a carrier of the AML-associated driver mutation p.Arg882Cys. Our studies additionally defined phenotype-related accelerated and decelerated epigenetic aging in two histone methyltransferase disorders: NSD1 Sotos syndrome overgrowth disorder and KMT2D Kabuki syndrome growth impairment. Together, our findings provide fundamental new insights into aberrant epigenetic mechanisms, the role of epigenetic machinery maintenance, and determinants of biological aging in these growth disorders.

Expression Quantitative Trait Loci In The Developing Human Brain And Their Enrichment In Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Heath O'Brien, Eilis Hannon, Matthew Hill, Carolina Toste, Matthew Robertson, Joanne Morgan, Gemma McLaughlin + 7 more
Heath O'Brien, Eilis Hannon, Matthew Hill, Carolina Toste, Matthew Robertson, Joanne Morgan, Gemma McLaughlin, Cathryn Lewis, Leonard Schalkwyk, Antonio Pardinas, Michael Owen, Michael O'Donovan, Jonathan Mill, Nick Bray
JAN 2019

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Methylomic Biomarkers Of Schizophrenia And Antipsychotic Medication Exposure
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Georgina Mansell, Leo Schalkwyk, Robin Murray, Andrew McQuillin, Kaarina Kowalec + 8 more
Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Georgina Mansell, Leo Schalkwyk, Robin Murray, Andrew McQuillin, Kaarina Kowalec, Clair David St, Derek Morris, Patrick Sullivan, Michael O'Donovan, James MacCabe, David Collier, Jonathan Mill, CRESTAR Consortium
JAN 2019

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Functional Analysis Of The Schizophrenia Associated Gene As3Mt In Sh-Sy5Y Neuroblastoma Cells
Sam Washer, Asami Oguro-Ando, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Dempster
Sam Washer, Asami Oguro-Ando, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Dempster
JAN 2019

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Genetic Risk Variants For Brain Disorders Are Significantly Enriched In Active Enhancers In The Cortex
Eilis Hannon, Sarah Marzi, Leo Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Sarah Marzi, Leo Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Can Dna Methylation Profiling Shed Light On The Biology Of Cannabis Associated Psychosis? Preliminary Data On The Ewas Cannabis Use Signature In The Eugei Case-Control Study
Forti Marta Di, Emma Dempster, Diego Quattrone, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Georgina Mansell, Bart Rutten + 7 more
Forti Marta Di, Emma Dempster, Diego Quattrone, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Georgina Mansell, Bart Rutten, Os Jim van, Michael O'Donovan, Alexander Richards, Craig Morgan, Robin Murray, Chloe Chung Yi Wong, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Dna Methylome Marks Of Exposure To Psychosocial Stress During Adolescence: Analysis Of A Novel Longitudinal Mz Discordant Twin Study
Radhika Kandaswamy, Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Ben Williams, Joe Burrage, Susanna Roberts, Andrea Danese + 4 more
Radhika Kandaswamy, Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Ben Williams, Joe Burrage, Susanna Roberts, Andrea Danese, Jonathan Mill, Louise Arseneault, Helen Fisher, Chloe Chung Yi Wong
JAN 2019

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Suicide-Associated Dna Methylation Changes In Post-Mortem Brain Samples: A Meta-Analysis
Stefania Policicchio, Joana Viana, Artemis Iatrou, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Gustavo Turecki, Zachary Kaminsky + 3 more
Stefania Policicchio, Joana Viana, Artemis Iatrou, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Gustavo Turecki, Zachary Kaminsky, Jonathan Mill, Emma Dempster, Therese Murphy
JAN 2019

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Genetic And Epigenetic Signatures Of Aggression In Three Distinct Rodent Models
Joana Viana, Georgina Mansell, Amanda Jager, Floriana Mogavero, Sophie Walker, Damien Huzard, Francesca Zoratto + 6 more
Joana Viana, Georgina Mansell, Amanda Jager, Floriana Mogavero, Sophie Walker, Damien Huzard, Francesca Zoratto, Simone Macri, Eilis Hannon, Giovanni Laviola, Carmen Sandi, Jeffrey Glennon, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Alternative Splicing And Isoforom Diversity In The Developing Brain: Relevance For Neuropsychiatric Disease
Aaron Jeffries, Nick Bray, Paul O'Neill, Jeremie Poschmann, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
Aaron Jeffries, Nick Bray, Paul O'Neill, Jeremie Poschmann, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Sites Of Active Gene Regulation In The Developing Human Brain And Their Role In Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Manuela Kouakou, Jonathan Mill, Matthew Hill, Nick Bray
Manuela Kouakou, Jonathan Mill, Matthew Hill, Nick Bray
JAN 2019

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Dna Methylation And Inflammation Marker Profiles Associated With A History Of Depression
Bethany Crawford, Zoe Craig, Georgina Mansell, Isobel White, Adam Smith, Steve Spaull, Jennifer Imm + 9 more
Bethany Crawford, Zoe Craig, Georgina Mansell, Isobel White, Adam Smith, Steve Spaull, Jennifer Imm, Eilis Hannon, Andrew Wood, Hanieh Yaghootkar, Yingjie Ji, Niamh Mullins, Cathryn Lewis, Jonathan Mill, Therese Murphy, Major Depressive Disorder Working
JAN 2019

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Methylomic Analysis Of Schizophrenia In 22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Ehsan Pishva, Amelsvoort Therese van, Eilis Hannon, Laurens J. M. Evers, Jonathan Mill, Emma Dempster
Ehsan Pishva, Amelsvoort Therese van, Eilis Hannon, Laurens J. M. Evers, Jonathan Mill, Emma Dempster
JAN 2019

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A Zebrafish Model Of Clozapine Exposure: Drug-Induced Transcriptomic Changes In The Brain
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Eilis Hannon, Audrey Farbos, Paul O'Neill, Karen Moore, Konrad Paszkiewicz + 4 more
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Eilis Hannon, Audrey Farbos, Paul O'Neill, Karen Moore, Konrad Paszkiewicz, Aerle Ronny van, Gregory Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2019

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Prediction Of Mortality Using Dna Methylation Age In Schizophrenia
Kaarina Kowalec, Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Patrick Sullivan
Kaarina Kowalec, Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Mill, Patrick Sullivan
JAN 2019

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Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms In Adults
Dongen Jenny van, Nuno R. Zilhao, Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi, Jessica Agnew-Blais + 56 more
Dongen Jenny van, Nuno R. Zilhao, Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi, Jessica Agnew-Blais, Louise Arseneault, David L. Corcoran, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, Barbara Franke, I Dorret Boomsma, Bastiaan T. Heijmans, Peter A. G. t'Hoen, Meurs Joyce van, Aaron Isaacs, Rick Jansen, Lude Franke, Rene Pool, Jouke J. Hottenga, Greevenbroek Marleen M. J. van, Coen D. A. Stehouwer, der Kallen Carla J. H. van, Casper G. Schalkwijk, Cisca Wijmenga, Sasha Zhernakova, Ettje F. Tigchelaar, P. Eline Slagboom, Marian Beekman, Joris Deelen, Heemst Diana van, Jan H. Veldink, den Berg Leonard H. van, Duijn Cornelia M. van, Bert A. Hofman, Andre G. Uitterlinden, P. Mila Jhamai, Michael Verbiest, H. Eka D. Suchiman, Marijn Verkerk, der Breggen Ruud van, Rooij Jeroen van, Nico Lakenberg, Hailiang Mei, Iterson Maarten van, Galen Michiel van, Jan Bot, V Dasha Zhernakova, t'Hof Peter van, Patrick Deelen, Irene Nooren, Matthijs Moed, Martijn Vermaat, Rene Luijk, Marc Jan Bonder, Dijk Freerk van, Wibowo Arindrarto, Szymon M. Kielbasa, Morris A. Swertz, Zwet Erik W. van, Peter-Bram t'Hoen, BIOS Consortium
OCT 2019

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BACKGROUND: Previous studies have reported associations between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and DNA methylation in children. We report the first epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, based on peripheral blood DNA methylation (Infinium HunnanMethylation450K array) in three population-based adult cohorts. METHODS: An epigenome-wide association study was performed in the Netherlands Twin Register (N = 2258, mean age 37 years), Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (N = 800, age 38 years), and Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study (N = 1631, age 18 years), and results were combined through meta-analysis (total sample size N = 4689). Region-based analyses accounting for the correlation between nearby methylation sites were also performed. RESULTS: One epigenome-wide significant differentially methylated position was detected in the Dunedin study, but meta-analysis did not detect differentially methylated positions that were robustly associated across cohorts. In region-based analyses, six significant differentially methylation regions (DMRs) were identified in the Netherlands Twin Register, 19 in the Dunedin study, and none in the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study. Of these DMRs, 92% were associated with methylation quantitative trait loci, and 68% showed moderate to large blood-brain correlations for DNA methylation levels. DMRs included six nonoverlapping DMRs (three in the Netherlands Twin Register, three in the Dunedin study) in the major histocompatibility complex, which were associated with expression of genes in the major histocompatibility complex, including C4A and C4B, previously implicated in schizophrenia. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings point at new candidate loci involved in immune and neuronal functions that await further replication. Our work also illustrates the need for further research to examine to what extent epigenetic associations with psychiatric traits depend on characteristics such as age, comorbidities, exposures, and genetic background.

Schizophrenia Is Characterized By Age- And Sex-Specific Effects On Epigenetic Aging
Anil Ori, Loes Olde Loohuis, Jerry Guintivano, Clair David St, Andrew McQuillin, Jonathan Mill, Patrick Sullivan + 3 more
Anil Ori, Loes Olde Loohuis, Jerry Guintivano, Clair David St, Andrew McQuillin, Jonathan Mill, Patrick Sullivan, Rene Kahn, Steve Horvath, Roel Ophoff
OCT 2019

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Mapping Cell-Type Specific Markers Of Genomic Regulation In The Human Brain
Stefania Policicchio, Jonathan Davies, Barry Choiza, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
Stefania Policicchio, Jonathan Davies, Barry Choiza, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2019

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Recalibrating The Epigenetic Clock: Applications For Assessing Biological Ageing In The Human Brain
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Paul Francis, Katie Lunnon, Emma Dempster, Emma Walker, Jonathan Mill
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Paul Francis, Katie Lunnon, Emma Dempster, Emma Walker, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2019

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Methylomic Consequences Of Polygenic Burden For Neuropsychiatric, Neurodegenerative And Neurological Disorders
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Paul Francis, Katie Lunnon, Emma Walker, Jonathan Mill
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Paul Francis, Katie Lunnon, Emma Walker, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2019

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Large-Scale Ewas And Methylation Qtl Analysis In Adhd
Michael Mooney, Peter Ryabinin, Priya Bhatt, Jonathan Mill, Beth Wilmot, Joel Nigg
Michael Mooney, Peter Ryabinin, Priya Bhatt, Jonathan Mill, Beth Wilmot, Joel Nigg
OCT 2019

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Rna Sequencing Of Identical Twins Discordant For Autism Reveals Blood-Based Signatures Implicating Immune And Transcriptional Dysregulation
Ayden Saffari, Matt Arno, Eric Nasser, Angelica Ronald, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill + 2 more
Ayden Saffari, Matt Arno, Eric Nasser, Angelica Ronald, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Frank Dudbridge, Emma L. Meaburn
NOV 2019

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BackgroundA gap exists in our mechanistic understanding of how genetic and environmental risk factors converge at the molecular level to result in the emergence of autism symptoms. We compared blood-based gene expression signatures in identical twins concordant and discordant for autism spectrum condition (ASC) to differentiate genetic and environmentally driven transcription differences, and establish convergent evidence for biological mechanisms involved in ASC.MethodsGenome-wide gene expression data were generated using RNA-seq on whole blood samples taken from 16 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins and seven twin pair members (39 individuals in total), who had been assessed for ASC and autism traits at age 12. Differential expression (DE) analyses were performed between (a) affected and unaffected subjects (N=36) and (b) within discordant ASC MZ twin pairs (total N=11) to identify environmental-driven DE. Gene set enrichment and pathway testing was performed on DE gene lists. Finally, an integrative analysis using DNA methylation data aimed to identify genes with consistent evidence for altered regulation in cis.ResultsIn the discordant twin analysis, three genes showed evidence for DE at FDR<10%: IGHG4, EVI2A and SNORD15B. In the case-control analysis, four DE genes were identified at FDR<10% including IGHG4, PRR13P5, DEPDC1B, and ZNF501. We find enrichment for DE of genes curated in the SFARI human gene database. Pathways showing evidence of enrichment included those related to immune cell signalling and immune response, transcriptional control and cell cycle/proliferation. Integrative methylomic and transcriptomic analysis identified a number of genes showing suggestive evidence for cis dysregulation.LimitationsIdentical twins stably discordant for ASC are rare, and as such the sample size was limited and constrained to the use of peripheral blood tissue for transcriptomic and methylomic profiling. Given these primary limitations, we focused on transcript-level analysis.ConclusionsUsing a cohort of ASC discordant and concordant MZ twins, we add to the growing body of transcriptomic-based evidence for an immune-based component in the molecular aetiology of ASC. Whilst the sample size was limited, the study demonstrates the utility of the discordant MZ twin design combined with multi-omics integration for maximising the potential to identify disease-associated molecular signals.

Alzheimer'S Disease-Associated (Hydroxy)Methylomic Changes In The Brain And Blood
Roy Lardenoije, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Ehsan Pishva, Markus Leber, Holger Wagner, Artemis Iatrou, Adam R. Smith + 22 more
Roy Lardenoije, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Ehsan Pishva, Markus Leber, Holger Wagner, Artemis Iatrou, Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Lars M. T. Eijssen, Luca Kleineidam, Amit Kawalia, Per Hoffmann, Tobias Luck, Steffi Riedel-Heller, Frank Jessen, Wolfgang Maier, Michael Wagner, Rene Hurlemann, Gunter Kenis, Muhammad Ali, Sol Antonio del, Diego Mastroeni, Elaine Delvaux, Paul D. Coleman, Jonathan Mill, Bart P. F. Rutten, Katie Lunnon, Alfredo Ramirez, den Hove Daniel L. A. van
NOV 2019

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Background Late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex multifactorial affliction, the pathogenesis of which is thought to involve gene-environment interactions that might be captured in the epigenome. The present study investigated epigenome-wide patterns of DNA methylation (5-methylcytosine, 5mC) and hydroxymethylation (5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5hmC), as well as the abundance of unmodified cytosine (UC), in relation to AD. Results We identified epigenetic differences in AD patients (n = 45) as compared to age-matched controls (n = 35) in the middle temporal gyrus, pertaining to genomic regions close to or overlapping with genes such as OXT (- 3.76% 5mC, p(Sidak) = 1.07E-06), CHRNB1 (+ 1.46% 5hmC, p(Sidak) = 4.01E-04), RHBDF2 (- 3.45% UC, p(Sidak) = 4.85E-06), and C3 (- 1.20% UC, p(Sidak) = 1.57E-03). In parallel, in an independent cohort, we compared the blood methylome of converters to AD dementia (n = 54) and non-converters (n = 42), at a preclinical stage. DNA methylation in the same region of the OXT promoter as found in the brain was found to be associated with subsequent conversion to AD dementia in the blood of elderly, non-demented individuals (+ 3.43% 5mC, p(Sidak) = 7.14E-04). Conclusions The implication of genome-wide significant differential methylation of OXT, encoding oxytocin, in two independent cohorts indicates it is a promising target for future studies on early biomarkers and novel therapeutic strategies in AD.

Clozapine-Induced Transcriptional Changes In The Zebrafish Brain
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Eilis Hannon, Audrey Farbos, Paul O'Neill, Karen Moore, Aerle Ronny Van + 3 more
Joana Viana, Nick Wildman, Eilis Hannon, Audrey Farbos, Paul O'Neill, Karen Moore, Aerle Ronny Van, Greg Paull, Eduarda Santos, Jonathan Mill
FEB 2020

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Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic medication that is used to treat schizophrenia patients who are resistant to other antipsychotic drugs. The molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of clozapine are not well understood and its use is often associated with severe side-effects. In this study, we exposed groups of wild-type zebrafish to two doses of clozapine ('low' (20 mu g/L) and `high' (70 mu g/L)) over a 72-h period, observing dose-dependent effects on behaviour. Using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) we identified multiple genes differentially expressed in the zebrafish brain following exposure to clozapine. Network analysis identified co-expression modules characterised by striking changes in module connectivity in response to clozapine, and these were enriched for regulatory pathways relevant to the etiology of schizophrenia. Our study highlights the utility of zebrafish as a model for assessing the molecular consequences of antipsychotic medications and identifies genomic networks potentially involved in schizophrenia.

Systematic Underestimation Of The Epigenetic Clock And Age Acceleration In Older Subjects
Khoury Louis Y. El, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Melissa Smart, Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Alexandria Andrayas, Joe Burrage + 4 more
Khoury Louis Y. El, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Melissa Smart, Amanda Hughes, Yanchun Bao, Alexandria Andrayas, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Meena Kumari, Jonathan Mill, Leonard C. Schalkwyk
DEC 2019

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Background: The Horvath epigenetic clock is widely used. It predicts age quite well from 353 CpG sites in the DNA methylation profile in unknown samples and has been used to calculate ``age acceleration{''} in various tissues and environments. Results: The model systematically underestimates age in tissues from older people. This is seen in all examined tissues but most strongly in the cerebellum and is consistently observed in multiple datasets. Age acceleration is thus age-dependent, and this can lead to spurious associations. The current literature includes examples of association tests with age acceleration calculated in a wide variety of ways. Conclusions: The concept of an epigenetic clock is compelling, but caution should be taken in interpreting associations with age acceleration. Association tests of age acceleration should include age as a covariate.

Transcriptional Signatures Of Tau And Amyloid Neuropathology
Isabel Castanho, Tracey K. Murray, Eilis Hannon, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Walker, Emma Laing, Hedley Baulf + 10 more
Isabel Castanho, Tracey K. Murray, Eilis Hannon, Aaron Jeffries, Emma Walker, Emma Laing, Hedley Baulf, Joshua Harvey, Lauren Bradshaw, Andrew Randall, Karen Moore, Paul O'Neill, Katie Lunnon, David A. Collier, Zeshan Ahmed, Michael J. O'Neill, Jonathan Mill
FEB 2020

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with the intracellular aggregation of hyperphosphorylated tau and the accumulation of b-amyloid in the neocortex. We use transgenic mice harboring human tau (rTg4510) and amyloid precursor protein (J20) mutations to investigate transcriptional changes associated with the progression of tau and amyloid pathology. rTg4510 mice are characterized by widespread transcriptional differences in the entorhinal cortex with changes paralleling neuropathological burden across multiple brain regions. Differentially expressed transcripts overlap with genes identified in genetic studies of familial and sporadic AD. Systems-level analyses identify discrete co-expression networks associated with the progressive accumulation of tau that are enriched for genes and pathways previously implicated in AD pathology and overlap with co-expression networks identified in human AD cortex. Our data provide further evidence for an immune-response component in the accumulation of tau and reveal molecular pathways associated with the progression of AD neuropathology.

Genome-Wide Dna Methylation Patterns In Persistent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder And In Association With Impulsive And Callous Traits
Mandy Meijer, Marieke Klein, Eilis Hannon, der Meer Dennis van, Catharina Hartman, Jaap Oosterlaan, Dirk Heslenfeld + 4 more
Mandy Meijer, Marieke Klein, Eilis Hannon, der Meer Dennis van, Catharina Hartman, Jaap Oosterlaan, Dirk Heslenfeld, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Jan Buitelaar, Jonathan Mill, Barbara Franke
JAN 2020

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that often persists into adulthood. ADHD and related personality traits, such as impulsivity and callousness, are caused by genetic and environmental factors and their interplay. Epigenetic modifications of DNA, including methylation, are thought to mediate between such factors and behavior and may behave as biomarkers for disorders. Here, we set out to study DNA methylation in persistent ADHD and related traits. We performed epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs) on peripheral whole blood from participants in the NeuroIMAGE study (age range 12-23 years). We compared participants with persistent ADHD (n = 35) with healthy controls (n = 19) and with participants with remittent ADHD (n = 19). Additionally, we performed EWASs of impulsive and callous traits derived from the Conners Parent Rating Scale and the Callous-Unemotional Inventory, respectively, across all participants. For every EWAS, the linear regression model analyzed included covariates for age, sex, smoking scores, and surrogate variables reflecting blood cell type composition and genetic background. We observed no epigenome-wide significant differences in single CpG site methylation between participants with persistent ADHD and healthy controls or participants with remittent ADHD. However, epigenome-wide analysis of differentially methylated regions provided significant findings showing that hypermethylated regions in the APOB and LPAR5 genes were associated with ADHD persistence compared to ADHD remittance (p = 1.68 {*} 10(-24) and p = 9.06 {*} 10(-7), respectively); both genes are involved in cholesterol signaling. Both findings appeared to be linked to genetic variation in cis. We found neither significant epigenome-wide single CpG sites nor regions associated with impulsive and callous traits; the top-hits from these analyses were annotated to genes involved in neurotransmitter release and the regulation of the biological clock. No link to genetic variation was observed for these findings, which thus might reflect environmental influences. In conclusion, in this pilot study with a small sample size, we observed several DNA-methylation-disorder/trait associations of potential significance for ADHD and the related behavioral traits. Although we do not wish to draw conclusions before replication in larger, independent samples, cholesterol signaling and metabolism may be of relevance for the onset and/or persistence of ADHD.

Large Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Childhood Adhd Identifies Peripheral Dna Methylation Associated With Disease And Polygenic Risk Burden
Michael A. Mooney, Peter Ryabinin, Beth Wilmot, Priya Bhatt, Jonathan Mill, Joel T. Nigg
Michael A. Mooney, Peter Ryabinin, Beth Wilmot, Priya Bhatt, Jonathan Mill, Joel T. Nigg
JAN 2020

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Epigenetic variation in peripheral tissues is being widely studied as a molecular biomarker of complex disease and disease-related exposures. To date, few studies have examined differences in DNA methylation associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this study, we profiled genetic and methylomic variation across the genome in saliva samples from children (age 7-12 years) with clinically established ADHD (N=391) and nonpsychiatric controls (N=213). We tested for differentially methylated positions (DMPs) associated with both ADHD diagnosis and ADHD polygenic risk score, by using linear regression models including smoking, medication effects, and other potential confounders in our statistical models. Our results support previously reported associations between ADHD and DNA methylation levels at sites annotated to VIPR2, and identify several novel disease-associated DMPs (p<1e-5), although none of them were genome-wide significant. The two top-ranked, ADHD-associated DMPs (cg17478313 annotated to SLC7A8 and cg21609804 annotated to MARK2) are also significantly associated with nearby SNPs (p=1.2e-46 and p=2.07e-59), providing evidence that disease-associated DMPs are under genetic control. We also report a genome-wide significant association between ADHD polygenic risk and variable DNA methylation at a site annotated to the promoter of GART and SON (p=6.71E-8). Finally, we show that ADHD-associated SNPs colocalize with SNPs associated with methylation levels in saliva. This is the first large-scale study of DNA methylation in children with ADHD. Our results represent novel epigenetic biomarkers for ADHD that may be useful for patient stratification, reinforce the importance of genetic effects on DNA methylation, and provide plausible molecular mechanisms for ADHD risk variants.

Significant Out-Of-Sample Classification From Methylation Profile Scoring For Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Marta F. Nabais, Tian Lin, Beben Benyamin, Kelly L. Williams, Fleur C. Garton, Anna A. E. Vinkhuyzen, Futao Zhang + 30 more
Marta F. Nabais, Tian Lin, Beben Benyamin, Kelly L. Williams, Fleur C. Garton, Anna A. E. Vinkhuyzen, Futao Zhang, Costanza L. Vallerga, Restuadi Restuadi, Anna Freydenzon, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Paul J. Hop, Matthew R. Robinson, Jacob Gratten, Peter M. Visscher, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Matthew A. Brown, Nigel G. Laing, Karen A. Mather, Perminder S. Sachdev, Shyuan T. Ngo, Frederik J. Steyn, Leanne Wallace, Anjali K. Henders, Merrilee Needham, Jan H. Veldink, Susan Mathers, Garth Nicholson, Dominic B. Rowe, Robert D. Henderson, Pamela A. McCombe, Roger Pamphlett, Jian Yang, Ian P. Blair, Allan F. McRae, Naomi R. Wray
FEB 2020

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We conducted DNA methylation association analyses using Illumina 450K data from whole blood for an Australian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) case-control cohort (782 cases and 613 controls). Analyses used mixed linear models as implemented in the OSCA software. We found a significantly higher proportion of neutrophils in cases compared to controls which replicated in an independent cohort from the Netherlands (1159 cases and 637 controls). The OSCA MOMENT linear mixed model has been shown in simulations to best account for confounders. When combined in a methylation profile score, the 25 most-associated probes identified by MOMENT significantly classified case-control status in the Netherlands sample (area under the curve, AUC = 0.65, CI95% = {[}0.62-0.68], p = 8.3 x 10(-22)). The maximum AUC achieved was 0.69 (CI95% = {[}0.66-0.71], p = 4.3 x 10(-34)) when cell-type proportion was included in the predictor.

Genome-Wide Dna Methylation Meta-Analysis In The Brains Of Suicide Completers
Stefania Policicchio, Sam Washer, Joana Viana, Artemis Iatrou, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Gustavo Turecki + 4 more
Stefania Policicchio, Sam Washer, Joana Viana, Artemis Iatrou, Joe Burrage, Eilis Hannon, Gustavo Turecki, Zachary Kaminsky, Jonathan Mill, Emma L. Dempster, Therese M. Murphy
FEB 2020

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Suicide is the second leading cause of death globally among young people representing a significant global health burden. Although the molecular correlates of suicide remains poorly understood, it has been hypothesised that epigenomic processes may play a role. The objective of this study was to identify suicide-associated DNA methylation changes in the human brain by utilising previously published and unpublished methylomic datasets. We analysed prefrontal cortex (PFC, n = 211) and cerebellum (CER, n = 114) DNA methylation profiles from suicide completers and non-psychiatric, sudden-death controls, meta-analysing data from independent cohorts for each brain region separately. We report evidence for altered DNA methylation at several genetic loci in suicide cases compared to controls in both brain regions with suicide-associated differentially methylated positions enriched among functional pathways relevant to psychiatric phenotypes and suicidality, including nervous system development (PFC) and regulation of long-term synaptic depression (CER). In addition, we examined the functional consequences of variable DNA methylation within a PFC suicide-associated differentially methylated region (PSORS1C3 DMR) using a dual luciferase assay and examined expression of nearby genes. DNA methylation within this region was associated with decreased expression of firefly luciferase but was not associated with expression of nearby genes, PSORS1C3 and POU5F1. Our data suggest that suicide is associated with DNA methylation, offering novel insights into the molecular pathology associated with suicidality.

Psychosis-Associated Dna Methylomic Variation In Alzheimer'S Disease Cortex
Ehsan Pishva, Byron Creese, Adam R. Smith, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Petroula Proitsi, den Hove Daniel L. A. van, Clive Ballard + 2 more
Ehsan Pishva, Byron Creese, Adam R. Smith, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Petroula Proitsi, den Hove Daniel L. A. van, Clive Ballard, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
MAY 2020

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Psychotic symptoms are a common and debilitating feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and are associated with a more rapid course of decline. Current evidence from postmortem and neuroimaging studies implicates frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes, with reported disruptions in monoaminergic pathways. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this remain unclear. In the present study, we investigated methylomic variation associated with AD psychosis in 3 key brain regions implicated in the etiology of psychosis (prefrontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, and superior temporal gyrus) in postmortem brain samples from 29 AD donors with psychosis and 18 matched AD donors without psychosis. We identified psychosis-associated methylomic changes in a number of loci, with these genes being enriched in known schizophrenia-associated genetic and epigenetic variants. One of these known loci resided in the AS3MT gene-previously implicated in schizophrenia in a large GWAS meta-analysis. We used bisulfite-pyrosequencing to confirm hypomethylation across 4 neighboring CpG sites in the ASM3T gene. Finally, our regional analysis nominated multiple CpG sites in TBX15 and WT1, which are genes that have been previously implicated in AD. Thus one potential implication from our study is whether psychosis-associated variation drives reported associations in AD case-control studies. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Independent Methylome-Wide Association Studies Of Schizophrenia Detect Consistent Case-Control Differences
Robin F. Chan, Andrey A. Shabalin, Carolina Montano, Eilis Hannon, Christina M. Hultman, Margaret D. Fallin, Andrew P. Feinberg + 3 more
Robin F. Chan, Andrey A. Shabalin, Carolina Montano, Eilis Hannon, Christina M. Hultman, Margaret D. Fallin, Andrew P. Feinberg, Jonathan Mill, den Oord Edwin J. C. G. van, Karolina A. Aberg
MAR 2020

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Methylome-wide association studies (MWASs) are promising complements to sequence variation studies. We used existing sequencing-based methylation data, which assayed the majority of all 28 million CpGs in the human genome, to perform an MWAS for schizophrenia in blood, while controlling for cell-type heterogeneity with a recently generated platform-specific reference panel. Next, we compared the MWAS results with findings from 3 existing large-scale array-based schizophrenia methylation studies in blood that assayed up to similar to 450 000 CpGs. Our MWAS identified 22 highly significant loci ( P < 5 x 10(-8)) and 852 suggestively significant loci (P < 1 x 10(-5)). The top finding (P = 5.62 x 10(-11), q = 0.001) was located in MFN2, which encodes mitofusin-2 that regulates Ca2+ transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria in cooperation with DISC1. The second-most significant site (P = 1.38 x 10(-9), q = 0.013) was located in ALDH1A2, which encodes an enzyme for astrocyte-derived retinoic acid-a key neuronal morphogen with relevance for schizophrenia. Although the most significant MWAS findings were not assayed on the arrays, we observed significant enrichment of overlapping findings with 2 of the 3 array datasets (P = 0.0315, 0.0045, 0.1946). Overrepresentation analysis of Gene Ontology terms for the genes in the significant overlaps suggested high similarity in the biological functions detected by the different datasets. Top terms were related to immune and/or stress responses, cell adhesion and motility, and a broad range of processes essential for neurodevelopment.

Association Of Neighborhood Disadvantage In Childhood With Dna Methylation In Young Adulthood
Aaron Reuben, Karen Sugden, Louise Arseneault, David L. Corcoran, Andrea Danese, Helen L. Fisher, Terrie E. Moffitt + 7 more
Aaron Reuben, Karen Sugden, Louise Arseneault, David L. Corcoran, Andrea Danese, Helen L. Fisher, Terrie E. Moffitt, Joanne B. Newbury, Candice Odgers, Joey Prinz, Line J. H. Rasmussen, Ben Williams, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi
JUN 2020

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Importance DNA methylation has been proposed as an epigenetic mechanism by which the childhood neighborhood environment may have implications for the genome that compromise adult health. Objective To ascertain whether childhood neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with differences in DNA methylation by age 18 years. Design, Setting, and Participants This longitudinal cohort study analyzed data from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, a nationally representative birth cohort of children born between 1994 and 1995 in England and Wales and followed up from age 5 to 18 years. Data analysis was performed from March 15, 2019, to June 30, 2019. Exposures High-resolution neighborhood data (indexing deprivation, dilapidation, disconnection, and dangerousness) collected across childhood. Main Outcomes and Measures DNA methylation in whole blood was drawn at age 18 years. Associations between neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and methylation were tested using 3 prespecified approaches: (1) testing probes annotated to candidate genes involved in biological responses to growing up in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods and investigated in previous epigenetic research (stress reactivity-related and inflammation-related genes), (2) polyepigenetic scores indexing differential methylation in phenotypes associated with growing up in disadvantaged neighborhoods (obesity, inflammation, and smoking), and (3) a theory-free epigenome-wide association study. Results A total of 1619 participants (806 female individuals {[}50%]) had complete neighborhood and DNA methylation data. Children raised in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods exhibited differential DNA methylation in genes involved in inflammation (beta = 0.12; 95% CI, 0.06-0.19; P < .001) and smoking (beta = 0.18; 95% CI, 0.11-0.25; P < .001) but not obesity (beta = 0.05; 95% CI, -0.01 to 0.11; P = .12). An epigenome-wide association study identified multiple CpG sites at an arraywide significance level of P < 1.16 x 10(-7) in genes involved in the metabolism of hydrocarbons. Associations between neighborhood disadvantage and methylation were small but robust to family-level socioeconomic factors and to individual-level tobacco smoking. Conclusions and Relevance Children raised in more socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods appeared to enter young adulthood epigenetically distinct from their less disadvantaged peers. This finding suggests that epigenetic regulation may be a mechanism by which the childhood neighborhood environment alters adult health. Question Is childhood neighborhood disadvantage associated with differential DNA methylation? Findings In this cohort study of 1619 children in Great Britain, exposure to neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage during childhood was associated with differential DNA methylation at age 18 years in genes involved in inflammation, exposure to tobacco smoke, and metabolism of toxic air pollutants. Meaning The study found that children who were raised in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods appeared to enter young adulthood epigenetically distinct from their more advantaged peers. This cohort study traces the biological responses and associated phenotypes of an upbringing in a socially and economically disadvantaged environment.

Quantification Of The Pace Of Biological Aging In Humans Through A Blood Test, The Dunedinpoam Dna Methylation Algorithm
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, Andrea Baccarelli, David L. Corcoran, Xu Gao, Eiliss Hannon + 15 more
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, Andrea Baccarelli, David L. Corcoran, Xu Gao, Eiliss Hannon, Hona Lee Harrington, Line J. H. Rasmussen, Renate Houts, Kim Huffman, William E. Kraus, Dayoon Kwon, Jonathan Mill, Carl F. Pieper, Joseph A. Prinz, Richie Poulton, Joel Schwartz, Karen Sugden, Pantel Vokonas, Benjamin S. Williams, Terrie E. Moffitt
MAY 2020

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Biological aging is the gradual, progressive decline in system integrity that occurs with advancing chronological age, causing morbidity and disability. Measurements of the pace of aging are needed as surrogate endpoints in trials of therapies designed to prevent disease by slowing biological aging. We report a blood-DNA-methylation measure that is sensitive to variation in pace of biological aging among individuals born the same year. We first modeled change-over-time in 18 biomarkers tracking organ-system integrity across 12 years of follow-up in n = 954 members of the Dunedin Study born in 1972-1973. Rates of change in each biomarker over ages 26-38 years were composited to form a measure of aging-related decline, termed Pace-of-Aging. Elastic-net regression was used to develop a DNA-methylation predictor of Pace-of-Aging, called DunedinPoAm for Dunedin(P)ace(o)f(A)ging(m)ethylation. Validation analysis in cohort studies and the CALERIE trial provide proof-of-principle for DunedinPoAm as a single-time-point measure of a person's pace of biological aging.

Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder In Adults
Paula Rovira, Cristina Sanchez-Mora, Mireia Pagerols, Vanesa Richarte, Montserrat Corrales, Christian Fadeuilhe, Laura Vilar-Ribo + 8 more
Paula Rovira, Cristina Sanchez-Mora, Mireia Pagerols, Vanesa Richarte, Montserrat Corrales, Christian Fadeuilhe, Laura Vilar-Ribo, Lorena Arribas, Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Miquel Casas, Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Maria Soler Artigas, Marta Ribases
JUN 2020

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly heritable neurodevelopmental disorder that often persists into adulthood. There is growing evidence that epigenetic dysregulation participates in ADHD. Given that only a limited number of epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs) of ADHD have been conducted so far and they have mainly focused on pediatric and population-based samples, we performed an EWAS in a clinical sample of adults with ADHD. We report one CpG site and four regions differentially methylated between patients and controls, which are located in or near genes previously involved in autoimmune diseases, cancer or neuroticism. Our sensitivity analyses indicate that smoking status is not responsible for these results and that polygenic risk burden for ADHD does not greatly impact the signatures identified. Additionally, we show an overlap of our EWAS findings with genetic signatures previously described for ADHD and with epigenetic signatures for smoking behavior and maternal smoking. These findings support a role of DNA methylation in ADHD and emphasize the need for additional efforts in larger samples to clarify the role of epigenetic mechanisms on ADHD across the lifespan.

Non-Neuronal Expression Of Sars-Cov-2 Entry Genes In The Olfactory System Suggests Mechanisms Underlying Covid-19-Associated Anosmia
David H. Brann, Tatsuya Tsukahara, Caleb Weinreb, Marcela Lipovsek, den Berge Koen Van, Boying Gong, Rebecca Chance + 18 more
David H. Brann, Tatsuya Tsukahara, Caleb Weinreb, Marcela Lipovsek, den Berge Koen Van, Boying Gong, Rebecca Chance, Iain C. Macaulay, Hsin-Jung Chou, Russell B. Fletcher, Diya Das, Kelly Street, Bezieux Hector Roux de, Yoon-Gi Choi, Davide Risso, Sandrine Dudoit, Elizabeth Purdom, Jonathan Mill, Ralph Abi Hachem, Hiroaki Matsunami, Darren W. Logan, Bradley J. Goldstein, Matthew S. Grubb, John Ngai, Sandeep Robert Datta
JUL 2020

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Altered olfactory function is a common symptom of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), but its etiology is unknown. A key question is whether SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; CoV-2)-the causal agent in COVID-19-affects olfaction directly, by infecting olfactory sensory neurons or their targets in the olfactory bulb, or indirectly, by perturbing support cells. Bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that support and stem cells in the human and mouse olfactory epithelium and vascular pericytes in the mouse olfactory bulb express angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is essential for CoV-2 cell entry. In contrast, ACE2 was not detected in either olfactory sensory neurons or olfactory bulb neurons. Immunostaining confirmed these results and revealed pervasive expression of ACE2 protein in dorsally located olfactory epithelial sustentacular cells and mouse olfactory bulb pericytes. These findings suggest that CoV-2 infection of non-neuronal cell types leads to olfactory dysfunction in patients with COVID-19.

Tissue-Biased Expansion Of Dnmt3A-Mutant Clones In A Mosaic Individual Is Associated With Conserved Epigenetic Erosion
Ayala Tovy, Jaime M. Reyes, Michael C. Gundry, Lorenzo Brunetti, Henry Lee-Six, Mia Petljak, Hyun Jung Park + 17 more
Ayala Tovy, Jaime M. Reyes, Michael C. Gundry, Lorenzo Brunetti, Henry Lee-Six, Mia Petljak, Hyun Jung Park, Anna G. Guzman, Carina Rosas, Aaron R. Jeffries, Emma Baple, Jonathan Mill, Andrew H. Crosby, Valerie Sency, Baozhong Xin, Heather E. Machado, Danielle Castillo, Jeffrey N. Weitzel, Wei Li, Michael R. Stratton, Peter J. Campbell, Heng Wang, Mathijs A. Sanders, Margaret A. Goodell
AUG 2020

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DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) is the most commonly mutated gene in clonal hematopoiesis (CH). Somatic DNMT3A mutations arise in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) many years before malignancies develop, but difficulties in comparing their impact before malignancy with wild-type cells have limited the understanding of their contributions to transformation. To circumvent this limitation, we derived normal and DNMT3A mutant lymphoblastoid cell lines from a germline mosaic individual in whom these cells co-existed for nearly 6 decades. Mutant cells dominated the blood system, but not other tissues. Deep sequencing revealed similar mutational burdens and signatures in normal and mutant clones, while epigenetic profiling uncovered the focal erosion of DNA methylation at oncogenic regulatory regions in mutant clones. These regions overlapped with those sensitive to DNMT3A loss after DNMT3A ablation in HSCs and in leukemia samples. These results suggest that DNMT3A maintains a conserved DNA methylation pattern, the erosion of which provides a distinct competitive advantage to hematopoietic cells.

Major Surgery Induces Acute Changes In Measured Dna Methylation Associated With Immune Response Pathways
Ryoichi Sadahiro, Bridget Knight, Ffion James, Eilis Hannon, John Charity, Ian R. Daniels, Joe Burrage + 4 more
Ryoichi Sadahiro, Bridget Knight, Ffion James, Eilis Hannon, John Charity, Ian R. Daniels, Joe Burrage, Olivia Knox, Bethany Crawford, Neil J. Smart, Jonathan Mill
APR 2020

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Surgery is an invasive procedure evoking acute inflammatory and immune responses that can influence risk for postoperative complications including cognitive dysfunction and delirium. Although the specific mechanisms driving these responses have not been well-characterized, they are hypothesized to involve the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. We quantified genome-wide levels of DNA methylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) longitudinally collected from a cohort of elderly patients undergoing major surgery, comparing samples collected at baseline to those collected immediately post-operatively and at discharge from hospital. We identified acute changes in measured DNA methylation at sites annotated to immune system genes, paralleling changes in serum-levels of markers including C-reactive protein (CRP) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) measured in the same individuals. Many of the observed changes in measured DNA methylation were consistent across different types of major surgery, although there was notable heterogeneity between surgery types at certain loci. The acute changes in measured DNA methylation induced by surgery are relatively stable in the postoperative period, generally persisting until discharge from hospital. Our results highlight the dramatic alterations in gene regulation induced by invasive surgery, primarily reflecting upregulation of the immune system in response to trauma, wound healing and anaesthesia.

The Molecular Etiology Of Alzheimer'S Disease
Adam R. Smith, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
Adam R. Smith, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
SEP 2020

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a growing global healthcare epidemic. Owing to advances in technology, genome-scale studies of various layers of molecular information have been undertaken in recent years and robust variation in key loci have now been published and reproduced by others. This mini-symposium highlights four key areas of current research in the field of molecular biology in AD, including articles focused on large-scale genomic profiling, epigenetic research, integrative multi-omic approaches and how these can be appropriately modeled to address reverse causality. This mini-symposium provides a timely update on research focused on elucidating the molecular etiology of AD to date and highlights new methodological advances that could enable neuroscientists to identify novel therapeutic targets.

Integrative Genomics Identifies A Convergent Molecular Subtype That Links Epigenomic With Transcriptomic Differences In Autism
Gokul Ramaswami, Hyejung Won, Michael J. Gandal, Jillian Haney, Jerry C. Wang, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Wenjie Sun + 3 more
Gokul Ramaswami, Hyejung Won, Michael J. Gandal, Jillian Haney, Jerry C. Wang, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Wenjie Sun, Shyam Prabhakar, Jonathan Mill, Daniel H. Geschwind
SEP 2020

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder. Despite this heterogeneity, previous studies have shown patterns of molecular convergence in post-mortem brain tissue from autistic subjects. Here, we integrate genome-wide measures of mRNA expression, miRNA expression, DNA methylation, and histone acetylation from ASD and control brains to identify a convergent molecular subtype of ASD with shared dysregulation across both the epigenome and transcriptome. Focusing on this convergent subtype, we substantially expand the repertoire of differentially expressed genes in ASD and identify a component of upregulated immune processes that are associated with hypomethylation. We utilize eQTL and chromosome conformation datasets to link differentially acetylated regions with their cognate genes and identify an enrichment of ASD genetic risk variants in hyperacetylated noncoding regulatory regions linked to neuronal genes. These findings help elucidate how diverse genetic risk factors converge onto specific molecular processes in ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interactions with repetitive and restrictive behaviours. Here the authors integrate mRNA expression, miRNA expression, DNA methylation, and histone acetylation datasets from a collection of post mortem brain tissues and identify a convergent molecular subtype of ASD.

Dna Methylation Signatures Of A Broad Spectrum Of Aggressive Behavior: A Meta-Analysis Of Epigenome-Wide Studies Across The Lifespan
Dongen Jenny van, Fiona A. Hagenbeek, Matthew Suderman, Peter Roetman, Karen Sugden, Andreas G. Chiocchetti, Khadeeja Ismail + 81 more
Dongen Jenny van, Fiona A. Hagenbeek, Matthew Suderman, Peter Roetman, Karen Sugden, Andreas G. Chiocchetti, Khadeeja Ismail, Rosa H. Mulder, Jonathan Hafferty, Mark J. Adams, Rosie M. Walker, Stewart W. Morris, Jari Lahti, Leanne K. Kupers, Georgia Escaramis, Silvia Alemany, Marc Jan Bonder, Mandy Meijer, Hill F. Ip, Rick Jansen, Bart M. L. Baselmans, Priyanka Parmar, Estelle Lowry, Fabian Streit, Lea Sirignano, Tabea Send, Josef Frank, Juulia Jylhava, Yunzhang Wang, Pashupati Prasad Mishra, Olivier F. Colins, David Corcoran, Richie Poulton, Jonathan Mill, Eilis J. Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Tellervo Korhonen, Eero Vuoksimaa, Janine Felix, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, Archie Campbell, Darina Czamara, Elisabeth Binder, Eva Corpeleijn, Gonzalez Juan Ramon, Regina Grazuleviciene, Kristine B. Gutzkow, Jorunn Evandt, Marina Vafeiadi, Marieke Klein, der Meer Dennis van, Lannie Ligthart, Cornelis Kluft, Gareth E. Davies, Christian Hakulinen, Liisa Keltikangas-Jarvinen, Barbara Franke, Christine M. Freitag, Kerstin Konrad, Amaia Hervas, Aranzazu Fernandez-Rivas, Agnes Vetro, Olli Raitakari, Terho Lehtimaki, Robert Vermeiren, Timo Strandberg, Katri Raikkonen, Harold Snieder, Stephanie H. Witt, Michael Deuschle, Nancy L. Pedersen, Sara Hagg, Jordi Sunyer, Lude Franke, Jaakko Kaprio, Miina Ollikainen, Terrie E. Moffitt, Henning Tiemeier, Ijzendoorn Marinus H. van, Caroline Relton, Martine Vrijheid, Sylvain Sebert, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Avshalom Caspi, Kathryn L. Evans, Andrew M. McIntosh, Meike Bartels, Dorret Boomsma
NOV 2020
An Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Alzheimer'S Disease Blood Highlights Robust Dna Hypermethylation In The Hoxb6 Gene
Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Zina Ibrahim, Martina Sattlecker, Eilis J. Hannon + 15 more
Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Zina Ibrahim, Martina Sattlecker, Eilis J. Hannon, Iwona Kloszewska, Patrizia Mecocci, Hilkka Soininen, Magda Tsolaki, Bruno Vellas, Lars-Olof Wahlund, Dag Aarsland, Petroula Proitsi, Angela Hodges, Simon Lovestone, Stephen J. Newhouse, Richard J. B. Dobson, Jonathan Mill, den Hove Daniel L. A. van, Katie Lunnon
NOV 2020

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A growing number of epigenome-wide association studies have demonstrated a role for DNA methylation in the brain in Alzheimer's disease. With the aim of exploring peripheral biomarker potential, we have examined DNA methylation patterns in whole blood collected from 284 individuals in the Add-NeuroMed study, which included 89 nondemented controls, 86 patients with Alzheimer's disease, and 109 individuals with mild cognitive impairment, including 38 individuals who progressed to Alzheimer's disease within 1 year. We identified significant differentially methylated regions, including 12 adjacent hypermethylated probes in the HOXB6 gene in Alzheimer's disease, which we validated using pyrosequencing. Using weighted gene correlation network analysis, we identified comethylated modules of genes that were associated with key variables such as APOE genotype and diagnosis. In summary, this study represents the first large-scale epigenome-wide association study of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using blood. We highlight the differences in various loci and pathways in early disease, suggesting that these patterns relate to cognitive decline at an early stage. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Dna Methylation Signatures Of Adolescent Victimization: Analysis Of A Longitudinal Monozygotic Twin Sample
Radhika Kandaswamy, Eilis Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Georgina Mansell, Karen Sugden, Benjamin Williams, Joe Burrage + 8 more
Radhika Kandaswamy, Eilis Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Georgina Mansell, Karen Sugden, Benjamin Williams, Joe Burrage, James R. Staley, Ehsan Pishva, Aisha Dahir, Susanna Roberts, Andrea Danese, Jonathan Mill, Helen L. Fisher, Chloe C. Y. Wong
DEC 2020

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Accumulating evidence suggests that individuals exposed to victimization at key developmental stages may have different epigenetic fingerprints compared to those exposed to no/minimal stressful events, however results are inconclusive. This study aimed to strengthen causal inference regarding the impact of adolescent victimization on the epigenome by controlling for genetic variation, age, gender, and shared environmental exposures. We conducted longitudinal epigenome-wide association analyses (EWAS) on DNA methylation (DNAm) profiles of 118 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs from the Environmental Risk study with and without severe adolescent victimization generated using buccal DNA collected at ages 5, 10 and 18, and the Illumina EPIC array. Additionally, we performed cross-sectional EWAS on age-18 blood and buccal DNA from the same individuals to elucidate tissue-specific signatures of severe adolescent victimization. Our analyses identified 20 suggestive differentially methylated positions (DMPs) (P < 5e-05), with altered DNAm trajectories between ages 10-18 associated with severe adolescent victimization ( increment Beta range = -5.5%-5.3%). Age-18 cross-sectional analyses revealed 72 blood ( increment Beta range = -2.2%-3.4%) and 42 buccal ( increment Beta range = -3.6%-4.6%) suggestive severe adolescent victimization-associated DMPs, with some evidence of convergent signals between these two tissue types. Downstream regional analysis identified significant differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in LGR6 and ANK3 (Sidak P = 5e-09 and 4.07e-06), and one upstream of CCL27 (Sidak P = 2.80e-06) in age-18 blood and buccal EWAS, respectively. Our study represents the first longitudinal MZ twin analysis of DNAm and severe adolescent victimization, providing initial evidence for altered DNA methylomic signatures in individuals exposed to adolescent victimization.

Recalibrating The Epigenetic Clock: Implications For Assessing Biological Age In The Human Cortex
Gemma L. Shireby, Jonathan P. Davies, Paul T. Francis, Joe Burrage, Emma M. Walker, Grant W. A. Neilson, Aisha Dahir + 10 more
Gemma L. Shireby, Jonathan P. Davies, Paul T. Francis, Joe Burrage, Emma M. Walker, Grant W. A. Neilson, Aisha Dahir, Alan J. Thomas, Seth Love, Rebecca G. Smith, Katie Lunnon, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Kevin Morgan, Keeley Brookes, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
DEC 2020

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Human DNA methylation data have been used to develop biomarkers of ageing, referred to as `epigenetic clocks', which have been widely used to identify differences between chronological age and biological age in health and disease including neurodegeneration, dementia and other brain phenotypes. Existing DNA methylation clocks have been shown to be highly accurate in blood but are less precise when used in older samples or in tissue types not included in training the model, including brain. We aimed to develop a novel epigenetic clock that performs optimally in human cortex tissue and has the potential to identify phenotypes associated with biological ageing in the brain. We generated an extensive dataset of human cortex DNA methylation data spanning the life course (n=1397, ages = 1 to 108 years). This dataset was split into `training' and `testing' samples (training: n=1047; testing: n=350). DNA methylation age estimators were derived using a transformed version of chronological age on DNA methylation at specific sites using elastic net regression, a supervised machine learning method. The cortical clock was subsequently validated in a novel independent human cortex dataset (n=1221, ages = 41 to 104 years) and tested for specificity in a large whole blood dataset (n=1175, ages = 28 to 98 years). We identified a set of 347 DNA methylation sites that, in combination, optimally predict age in the human cortex. The sum of DNA methylation levels at these sites weighted by their regression coefficients provide the cortical DNA methylation clock age estimate. The novel clock dramatically outperformed previously reported clocks in additional cortical datasets. Our findings suggest that previous associations between predicted DNA methylation age and neurodegenerative phenotypes might represent false positives resulting from clocks not robustly calibrated to the tissue being tested and for phenotypes that become manifest in older ages. The age distribution and tissue type of samples included in training datasets need to be considered when building and applying epigenetic clock algorithms to human epidemiological or disease cohorts.

The Histone Modification H3K4Me3 Is Altered At The Ank1 Locus In Alzheimer'S Disease Brain
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ruby Macdonald, Sarah J. Marzi, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj + 2 more
Adam R. Smith, Rebecca G. Smith, Ruby Macdonald, Sarah J. Marzi, Joe Burrage, Claire Troakes, Safa Al-Sarraj, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
FEB 2021

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Lay abstract Alzheimer's disease affects millions of people worldwide and numerous genetic association studies have been undertaken in the disease in recent years. The expression of genes can be altered by epigenetic processes, which include modifications to the DNA or histone proteins. Several studies have now reported increased DNA methylation in the ANK1 gene in Alzheimer's disease brain samples. However, to date no studies have explored histone modifications in this gene in the disease. Here, we show decreased levels of the H3K4me3 modification in regions of the ANK1 gene in the entorhinal cortex of Alzheimer's disease brain samples, which is a marker of active gene expression. This study further supports a role for epigenetic modifications in the ANK1 gene in Alzheimer's disease pathology. Several epigenome-wide association studies of DNA methylation have highlighted altered DNA methylation in the ANK1 gene in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain samples. However, no study has specifically examined ANK1 histone modifications in the disease. We use chromatin immunoprecipitation-qPCR to quantify tri-methylation at histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and 27 (H3K27me3) in the ANK1 gene in entorhinal cortex from donors with high (n = 59) or low (n = 29) Alzheimer's disease pathology. We demonstrate decreased levels of H3K4me3, a marker of active gene transcription, with no change in H3K27me3, a marker of inactive genes. H3K4me3 is negatively correlated with DNA methylation in specific regions of the ANK1 gene. Our study suggests that the ANK1 gene shows altered epigenetic marks indicative of reduced gene activation in Alzheimer's disease.

Assessing The Co-Variability Of Dna Methylation Across Peripheral Cells And Tissues: Implications For The Interpretation Of Findings In Epigenetic Epidemiology
Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Emma Walker, Marta F. Nabais, Joe Burrage, Agnieszka Kepa, Janis Best-Lane + 6 more
Eilis Hannon, Georgina Mansell, Emma Walker, Marta F. Nabais, Joe Burrage, Agnieszka Kepa, Janis Best-Lane, Anna Rose, Suzanne Heck, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, Jonathan Mill
MAR 2021

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Most epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) quantify DNA methylation (DNAm) in peripheral tissues such as whole blood to identify positions in the genome where variation is statistically associated with a trait or exposure. As whole blood comprises a mix of cell types, it is unclear whether trait-associated DNAm variation is specific to an individual cellular population. We collected three peripheral tissues (whole blood, buccal epithelial and nasal epithelial cells) from thirty individuals. Whole blood samples were subsequently processed using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to purify five constituent cell-types (monocytes, granulocytes, CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells, and B cells). DNAm was profiled in all eight sample-types from each individual using the Illumina EPIC array. We identified significant differences in both the level and variability of DNAm between different sample types, and DNAm data-derived estimates of age and smoking were found to differ dramatically across sample types from the same individual. We found that for the majority of loci variation in DNAm in individual blood cell types was only weakly predictive of variance in DNAm measured in whole blood, although the proportion of variance explained was greater than that explained by either buccal or nasal epithelial samples. Covariation across sample types was much higher for DNAm sites influenced by genetic factors. Overall, we observe that DNAm variation in whole blood is additively influenced by a combination of the major blood cell types. For a subset of sites, however, variable DNAm detected in whole blood can be attributed to variation in a single blood cell type providing potential mechanistic insight about EWAS findings. Our results suggest that associations between whole blood DNAm and traits or exposures reflect differences in multiple cell types and our data will facilitate the interpretation of findings in epigenetic epidemiology. Author summary As epigenetic variation is cell-type specific, an ongoing challenge in epigenetic epidemiology is how to interpret studies performed using bulk tissue (for example, whole blood) which comprises a mix of different cell types. In this study, we identified major differences in DNA methylation (DNAm) across multiple peripheral tissues and different blood cell types, with each sample type being characterized by a unique signature across multiple genomic loci. We demonstrate how these differences influence commonly used prediction scores derived from DNAm data for age and tobacco smoking, with estimates for the same individual being highly variable across tissues and cell types. Our results enabled us to assess the extent to which variable DNAm in each individual blood cell type relates to variation measured in whole blood. We found that although individual blood cell types predict more of the variation in DNAm in whole blood compared to buccal and nasal epithelial cells, the actual proportion of variance explained is relatively small, except for at sites where DNAm is under genetic control. Our data indicate that for most sites variation in multiple blood cell types additively combines to drive variation in DNAm measured in whole blood. Of note, for a subset of sites, variation in DNAm detected in whole blood can be attributed to a specific blood cell type, potentially facilitating the interpretation of EWAS findings.

Meta-Analysis Of Genome-Wide Dna Methylation Identifies Shared Associations Across Neurodegenerative Disorders
Marta F. Nabais, Simon M. Laws, Tian Lin, Costanza L. Vallerga, Nicola J. Armstrong, Ian P. Blair, John B. Kwok + 65 more
Marta F. Nabais, Simon M. Laws, Tian Lin, Costanza L. Vallerga, Nicola J. Armstrong, Ian P. Blair, John B. Kwok, Karen A. Mather, George D. Mellick, Perminder S. Sachdev, Leanne Wallace, Anjali K. Henders, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Paul J. Hop, Katie Lunnon, Ehsan Pishva, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Hilkka Soininen, Magda Tsolaki, Patrizia Mecocci, Simon Lovestone, Iwona Kloszewska, Bruno Vellas, Sarah Furlong, Fleur C. Garton, Robert D. Henderson, Susan Mathers, Pamela A. McCombe, Merrilee Needham, Shyuan T. Ngo, Garth Nicholson, Roger Pamphlett, Dominic B. Rowe, Frederik J. Steyn, Kelly L. Williams, Tim J. Anderson, Steven R. Bentley, John Dalrymple-Alford, Javed Fowder, Jacob Gratten, Glenda Halliday, Ian B. Hickie, Martin Kennedy, Simon J. G. Lewis, Grant W. Montgomery, John Pearson, Toni L. Pitcher, Peter Silburn, Futao Zhang, Peter M. Visscher, Jian Yang, Anna J. Stevenson, Robert F. Hillary, Riccardo E. Marioni, Sarah E. Harris, Ian J. Deary, Ashley R. Jones, Aleksey Shatunov, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Rheenen Wouter van, den Berg Leonard H. van, Pamela J. Shaw, Cristopher E. Shaw, Karen E. Morrison, Ammar Al-Chalabi, Jan H. Veldink, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill, Naomi R. Wray, Allan F. McRae, Australian Imaging Biomarkers Life, Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging Initi
MAR 2021

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Background People with neurodegenerative disorders show diverse clinical syndromes, genetic heterogeneity, and distinct brain pathological changes, but studies report overlap between these features. DNA methylation (DNAm) provides a way to explore this overlap and heterogeneity as it is determined by the combined effects of genetic variation and the environment. In this study, we aim to identify shared blood DNAm differences between controls and people with Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. Results We use a mixed-linear model method (MOMENT) that accounts for the effect of (un)known confounders, to test for the association of each DNAm site with each disorder. While only three probes are found to be genome-wide significant in each MOMENT association analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson's disease (and none with Alzheimer's disease), a fixed-effects meta-analysis of the three disorders results in 12 genome-wide significant differentially methylated positions. Predicted immune cell-type proportions are disrupted across all neurodegenerative disorders. Protein inflammatory markers are correlated with profile sum-scores derived from disease-associated immune cell-type proportions in a healthy aging cohort. In contrast, they are not correlated with MOMENT DNAm-derived profile sum-scores, calculated using effect sizes of the 12 differentially methylated positions as weights. Conclusions We identify shared differentially methylated positions in whole blood between neurodegenerative disorders that point to shared pathogenic mechanisms. These shared differentially methylated positions may reflect causes or consequences of disease, but they are unlikely to reflect cell-type proportion differences.

Dna Methylation Meta-Analysis Reveals Cellular Alterations In Psychosis And Markers Of Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia
Eilis Hannon, Emma L. Dempster, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Nick Bass, Marc M. Bohlken, Aiden Corvin + 41 more
Eilis Hannon, Emma L. Dempster, Georgina Mansell, Joe Burrage, Nick Bass, Marc M. Bohlken, Aiden Corvin, Charles J. Curtis, David Dempster, Forti Marta Di, Timothy G. Dinan, Gary Donohoe, Fiona Gaughran, Michael Gill, Amy Gillespie, Cerisse Gunasinghe, Hilleke E. Hulshoff, Christina M. Hultman, Viktoria Johansson, Rene S. Kahn, Jaakko Kaprio, Gunter Kenis, Kaarina Kowalec, James MacCabe, Colm McDonald, Andrew McQuillin, Derek W. Morris, Kieran C. Murphy, Colette J. Mustard, Igor Nenadic, Michael C. O'Donovan, Diego Quattrone, Alexander L. Richards, Bart Pf Rutten, Clair David St, Sebastian Therman, Timothea Toulopoulou, Os Jim Van, John L. Waddington, Patrick Sullivan, Evangelos Vassos, Gerome Breen, David Andrew Collier, Robin M. Murray, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consor, CRESTAR Consortium
FEB 2021

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We performed a systematic analysis of blood DNA methylation profiles from 4483 participants from seven independent cohorts identifying differentially methylated positions (DMPs) associated with psychosis, schizophrenia, and treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Psychosis cases were characterized by significant differences in measures of blood cell proportions and elevated smoking exposure derived from the DNA methylation data, with the largest differences seen in treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients. We implemented a stringent pipeline to meta-analyze epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) results across datasets, identifying 95 DMPs associated with psychosis and 1048 DMPs associated with schizophrenia, with evidence of colocalization to regions nominated by genetic association studies of disease. Many schizophrenia-associated DNA methylation differences were only present in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia, potentially reflecting exposure to the atypical antipsychotic clozapine. Our results highlight how DNA methylation data can be leveraged to identify physiological (e.g., differential cell counts) and environmental (e.g., smoking) factors associated with psychosis and molecular biomarkers of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.

Genetic Risk For Alzheimer'S Disease Influences Neuropathology Via Multiple Biological Pathways
Eilis Hannon, Gemma L. Shireby, Keeley Brookes, Johannes Attems, Rebecca Sims, Nigel J. Cairns, Seth Love + 4 more
Eilis Hannon, Gemma L. Shireby, Keeley Brookes, Johannes Attems, Rebecca Sims, Nigel J. Cairns, Seth Love, Alan J. Thomas, Kevin Morgan, Paul T. Francis, Jonathan Mill
JAN 2020

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Alzheimer's disease is a highly heritable, common neurodegenerative disease characterized neuropathologically by the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques and tau-containing neurofibrillary tangles. In addition to the well-established risk associated with the APOE locus, there has been considerable success in identifying additional genetic variants associated with Alzheimer's disease. Major challenges in understanding how genetic risk influences the development of Alzheimer's disease are clinical and neuropathological heterogeneity, and the high level of accompanying comorbidities. We report a multimodal analysis integrating longitudinal clinical and cognitive assessment with neuropathological data collected as part of the Brains for Dementia Research study to understand how genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease influence the development of neuropathology and clinical performance. Six hundred and ninety-three donors in the Brains for Dementia Research cohort with genetic data, semi-quantitative neuropathology measurements, cognitive assessments and established diagnostic criteria were included in this study. We tested the association of APOE genotype and Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk score-a quantitative measure of genetic burden-with survival, four common neuropathological features in Alzheimer's disease brains (neurofibrillary tangles, beta-amyloid plaques, Lewy bodies and transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 proteinopathy), clinical status (clinical dementia rating) and cognitive performance (Mini-Mental State Exam, Montreal Cognitive Assessment). The APOE epsilon 4 allele was significantly associated with younger age of death in the Brains for Dementia Research cohort. Our analyses of neuropathology highlighted two independent pathways from APOE epsilon 4, one where beta-amyloid accumulation co-occurs with the development of tauopathy, and a second characterized by direct effects on tauopathy independent of beta-amyloidosis. Although we also detected association between APOE epsilon 4 and dementia status and cognitive performance, these were all mediated by tauopathy, highlighting that they are a consequence of the neuropathological changes. Analyses of polygenic risk score identified associations with tauopathy and beta-amyloidosis, which appeared to have both shared and unique contributions, suggesting that different genetic variants associated with Alzheimer's disease affect different features of neuropathology to different degrees. Taken together, our results provide insight into how genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease influences both the clinical and pathological features of dementia, increasing our understanding about the interplay between APOE genotype and other genetic risk factors.

Patterns Of Reliability: Assessing The Reproducibility And Integrity Of Dna Methylation Measurement
Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, David L. Corcoran, Helen L. Fisher, Renate M. Houts + 9 more
Karen Sugden, Eilis J. Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Daniel W. Belsky, David L. Corcoran, Helen L. Fisher, Renate M. Houts, Radhika Kandaswamy, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, Joseph A. Prinz, Line J. H. Rasmussen, Benjamin S. Williams, Chloe C. Y. Wong, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi
MAY 2020

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DNA methylation plays an important role in both normal human development and risk of disease. The most utilized method of assessing DNA methylation uses BeadChips, generating an epigenome-wide ``snapshot'' of >450,000 observations (probe measurements) per assay. However, the reliability of each of these measurements is not equal, and little consideration is paid to consequences for research. We correlated repeat measurements of the same DNA samples using the Illumina HumanMethylation450K and the Infinium Methylation-EPIC BeadChips in 350 blood DNA samples. Probes that were reliably measured were more heritable and showed consistent associations with environmental exposures, gene expression, and greater cross-tissue concordance. Unreliable probes were less replicable and generated an unknown volume of false negatives. This serves as a lesson for working with DNA methylation data, but the lessons are equally applicable to working with other data: as we advance toward generating increasingly greater volumes of data, failure to document reliability risks harming reproducibility.

Dna Methylation Signatures Of Aggression And Closely Related Constructs: A Meta-Analysis Of Epigenome-Wide Studies Across The Lifespan
Dongen Jenny van, Fiona A. Hagenbeek, Matthew Suderman, Peter J. Roetman, Karen Sugden, Andreas G. Chiocchetti, Khadeeja Ismail + 82 more
Dongen Jenny van, Fiona A. Hagenbeek, Matthew Suderman, Peter J. Roetman, Karen Sugden, Andreas G. Chiocchetti, Khadeeja Ismail, Rosa H. Mulder, Jonathan D. Hafferty, Mark J. Adams, Rosie M. Walker, Stewart W. Morris, Jari Lahti, Leanne K. Kupers, Georgia Escaramis, Silvia Alemany, Marc Jan Bonder, Mandy Meijer, Hill F. Ip, Rick Jansen, Bart M. L. Baselmans, Priyanka Parmar, Estelle Lowry, Fabian Streit, Lea Sirignano, Tabea S. Send, Josef Frank, Juulia Jylhava, Yunzhang Wang, Pashupati Prasad Mishra, Olivier F. Colins, David L. Corcoran, Richie Poulton, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon, Louise Arseneault, Tellervo Korhonen, Eero Vuoksimaa, Janine F. Felix, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Archie Campbell, Darina Czamara, Elisabeth Binder, Eva Corpeleijn, Juan R. Gonzalez, Regina Grazuleviciene, Kristine B. Gutzkow, Jorunn Evandt, Marina Vafeiadi, Marieke Klein, der Meer Dennis van, Lannie Ligthart, Cornelis Kluft, Gareth E. Davies, Christian Hakulinen, Liisa Keltikangas-Jarvinen, Barbara Franke, Christine M. Freitag, Kerstin Konrad, Amaia Hervas, Aranzazu Fernandez-Rivas, Agnes Vetro, Olli Raitakari, Terho Lehtimaki, Robert Vermeiren, Timo Strandberg, Katri Raikkonen, Harold Snieder, Stephanie H. Witt, Michael Deuschle, Nancy L. Pedersen, Sara Hagg, Jordi Sunyer, Lude Franke, Jaakko Kaprio, Miina Ollikainen, Terrie E. Moffitt, Henning Tiemeier, IJzendoorn Marinus H. van, Caroline Relton, Martine Vrijheid, Sylvain Sebert, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Avshalom Caspi, Kathryn L. Evans, Andrew M. McIntosh, Meike Bartels, I Dorret Boomsma, BIOS Consortium
JAN 2021

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DNA methylation profiles of aggressive behavior may capture lifetime cumulative effects of genetic, stochastic, and environmental influences associated with aggression. Here, we report the first large meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) of aggressive behavior (N = 15,324 participants). In peripheral blood samples of 14,434 participants from 18 cohorts with mean ages ranging from 7 to 68 years, 13 methylation sites were significantly associated with aggression (alpha = 1.2 x 10(-7); Bonferroni correction). In cord blood samples of 2425 children from five cohorts with aggression assessed at mean ages ranging from 4 to 7 years, 83% of these sites showed the same direction of association with childhood aggression (r = 0.74, p = 0.006) but no epigenome-wide significant sites were found. Top-sites (48 at a false discovery rate of 5% in the peripheral blood meta-analysis or in a combined meta-analysis of peripheral blood and cord blood) have been associated with chemical exposures, smoking, cognition, metabolic traits, and genetic variation (mQTLs). Three genes whose expression levels were associated with top-sites were previously linked to schizophrenia and general risk tolerance. At six CpGs, DNA methylation variation in blood mirrors variation in the brain. On average 44% (range = 3-82%) of the aggression-methylation association was explained by current and former smoking and BMI. These findings point at loci that are sensitive to chemical exposures with potential implications for neuronal functions. We hope these results to be a starting point for studies leading to applications as peripheral biomarkers and to reveal causal relationships with aggression and related traits.

A Central Role For Anterior Cingulate Cortex In The Control Of Pathological Aggression
Heukelum Sabrina van, Kerli Tulva, Femke E. Geers, Dulm Sanne van, I. Hyun Ruisch, Jonathan Mill, Joana F. Viana + 7 more
Heukelum Sabrina van, Kerli Tulva, Femke E. Geers, Dulm Sanne van, I. Hyun Ruisch, Jonathan Mill, Joana F. Viana, Christian F. Beckmann, Jan K. Buitelaar, Geert Poelmans, Jeffrey C. Glennon, Brent A. Vogt, Martha N. Havenith, Arthur S. C. Franca
JUN 2021

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Controlling aggression is a crucial skill in social species like rodents and humans and has been associated with anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, we directly link the failed regulation of aggression in BALB/cJ mice to ACC hypofunction. We first show that ACC in BALB/cJ mice is structurally degraded: neuron density is decreased, with pervasive neuron death and reactive astroglia. Gene-set enrichment analysis suggested that this process is driven by neuronal degeneration, which then triggers toxic astrogliosis. cFos expression across ACC indicated functional consequences: during aggressive encounters, ACC was engaged in control mice, but not BALB/cJ mice. Chemogenetically activating ACC during aggressive encounters drastically suppressed pathological aggression but left species-typical aggression intact. The network effects of our chemogenetic perturbation suggest that this behavioral rescue is mediated by suppression of amygdala and hypothalamus and activation of mediodorsal thalamus. Together, these findings highlight the central role of ACC in curbing pathological aggression.

A Meta-Analysis Of Epigenome-Wide Association Studies In Alzheimer'S Disease Highlights Novel Differentially Methylated Loci Across Cortex
Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Gemma Shireby, Adam R. Smith, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Eilis Hannon, Gregory Wheildon + 21 more
Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Gemma Shireby, Adam R. Smith, Janou A. Y. Roubroeks, Eilis Hannon, Gregory Wheildon, Diego Mastroeni, Gilles Gasparoni, Matthias Riemenschneider, Armin Giese, Andrew J. Sharp, Leonard Schalkwyk, Vahram Haroutunian, Wolfgang Viechtbauer, den Hove Daniel L. A. van, Michael Weedon, Danielle Brokaw, Paul T. Francis, Alan J. Thomas, Seth Love, Kevin Morgan, Joern Walter, Paul D. Coleman, David A. Bennett, Jager Philip L. De, Jonathan Mill, Katie Lunnon
JUN 2021

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Epigenome-wide association studies of Alzheimer's disease have highlighted neuropathology-associated DNA methylation differences, although existing studies have been limited in sample size and utilized different brain regions. Here, we combine data from six DNA methylomic studies of Alzheimer's disease (N=1453 unique individuals) to identify differential methylation associated with Braak stage in different brain regions and across cortex. We identify 236 CpGs in the prefrontal cortex, 95 CpGs in the temporal gyrus and ten CpGs in the entorhinal cortex at Bonferroni significance, with none in the cerebellum. Our cross-cortex meta-analysis (N=1408 donors) identifies 220 CpGs associated with neuropathology, annotated to 121 genes, of which 84 genes have not been previously reported at this significance threshold. We have replicated our findings using two further DNA methylomic datasets consisting of a further >600 unique donors. The meta-analysis summary statistics are available in our online data resource ( Although epigenome-wide association studies of Alzheimer's disease have highlighted neuropathology-associated DNA methylation differences, previous studies have been limited in sample size and brain region used. Here, the authors combine data from six DNA methylomic studies of Alzheimer's disease (N=1453 unique individuals) to identify differentially methylated loci across cortex.

Characterizing The Properties Of Bisulfite Sequencing Data: Maximizing Power And Sensitivity To Identify Between-Group Differences In Dna Methylation
Dorothea Seiler Vellame, Isabel Castanho, Aisha Dahir, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
Dorothea Seiler Vellame, Isabel Castanho, Aisha Dahir, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
JUN 2021

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Background The combination of sodium bisulfite treatment with highly-parallel sequencing is a common method for quantifying DNA methylation across the genome. The power to detect between-group differences in DNA methylation using bisulfite-sequencing approaches is influenced by both experimental (e.g. read depth, missing data and sample size) and biological (e.g. mean level of DNA methylation and difference between groups) parameters. There is, however, no consensus about the optimal thresholds for filtering bisulfite sequencing data with implications for the reproducibility of findings in epigenetic epidemiology. Results We used a large reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) dataset to assess the distribution of read depth across DNA methylation sites and the extent of missing data. To investigate how various study variables influence power to identify DNA methylation differences between groups, we developed a framework for simulating bisulfite sequencing data. As expected, sequencing read depth, group size, and the magnitude of DNA methylation difference between groups all impacted upon statistical power. The influence on power was not dependent on one specific parameter, but reflected the combination of study-specific variables. As a resource to the community, we have developed a tool, POWEREDBiSeq, which utilizes our simulation framework to predict study-specific power for the identification of DNAm differences between groups, taking into account user-defined read depth filtering parameters and the minimum sample size per group. Conclusions Our data-driven approach highlights the importance of filtering bisulfite-sequencing data by minimum read depth and illustrates how the choice of threshold is influenced by the specific study design and the expected differences between groups being compared. The POWEREDBiSeq tool, which can be applied to different types of bisulfite sequencing data (e.g. RRBS, whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), targeted bisulfite sequencing and amplicon-based bisulfite sequencing), can help users identify the level of data filtering needed to optimize power and aims to improve the reproducibility of bisulfite sequencing studies.

Novel Epigenetic Clock For Fetal Brain Development Predicts Prenatal Age For Cellular Stem Cell Models And Derived Neurons
Leonard C. Steg, Gemma L. Shireby, Jennifer Imm, Jonathan P. Davies, Alice Franklin, Robert Flynn, Seema C. Namboori + 18 more
Leonard C. Steg, Gemma L. Shireby, Jennifer Imm, Jonathan P. Davies, Alice Franklin, Robert Flynn, Seema C. Namboori, Akshay Bhinge, Aaron R. Jeffries, Joe Burrage, Grant W. A. Neilson, Emma M. Walker, Leo W. Perfect, Jack Price, Grainne McAlonan, Deepak P. Srivastava, Nicholas J. Bray, Emma L. Cope, Kimberley M. Jones, Nicholas D. Allen, Ehsan Pishva, Emma L. Dempster, Katie Lunnon, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
JUN 2021

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Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and their differentiated neurons (iPSC-neurons) are a widely used cellular model in the research of the central nervous system. However, it is unknown how well they capture age-associated processes, particularly given that pluripotent cells are only present during the earliest stages of mammalian development. Epigenetic clocks utilize coordinated age-associated changes in DNA methylation to make predictions that correlate strongly with chronological age. It has been shown that the induction of pluripotency rejuvenates predicted epigenetic age. As existing clocks are not optimized for the study of brain development, we developed the fetal brain clock (FBC), a bespoke epigenetic clock trained in human prenatal brain samples in order to investigate more precisely the epigenetic age of iPSCs and iPSC-neurons. The FBC was tested in two independent validation cohorts across a total of 194 samples, confirming that the FBC outperforms other established epigenetic clocks in fetal brain cohorts. We applied the FBC to DNA methylation data from iPSCs and embryonic stem cells and their derived neuronal precursor cells and neurons, finding that these cell types are epigenetically characterized as having an early fetal age. Furthermore, while differentiation from iPSCs to neurons significantly increases epigenetic age, iPSC-neurons are still predicted as being fetal. Together our findings reiterate the need to better understand the limitations of existing epigenetic clocks for answering biological research questions and highlight a limitation of iPSC-neurons as a cellular model of age-related diseases.

Dna Methylation-Based Sex Classifier To Predict Sex And Identify Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
Yucheng Wang, Eilis Hannon, Olivia A. Grant, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Meena Kumari, Jonathan Mill, Xiaojun Zhai + 2 more
Yucheng Wang, Eilis Hannon, Olivia A. Grant, Tyler J. Gorrie-Stone, Meena Kumari, Jonathan Mill, Xiaojun Zhai, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier, Leonard C. Schalkwyk
JUN 2021

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Background: Sex is an important covariate of epigenome-wide association studies due to its strong influence on DNA methylation patterns across numerous genomic positions. Nevertheless, many samples on the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) frequently lack a sex annotation or are incorrectly labelled. Considering the influence that sex imposes on DNA methylation patterns, it is necessary to ensure that methods for filtering poor samples and checking of sex assignment are accurate and widely applicable. Results: Here we presented a novel method to predict sex using only DNA methylation beta values, which can be readily applied to almost all DNA methylation datasets of different formats (raw IDATs or text files with only signal intensities) uploaded to GEO. We identified 4345 significantly (p<0.01) sex-associated CpG sites present on both 450K and EPIC arrays, and constructed a sex classifier based on the two first principal components of the DNA methylation data of sex-associated probes mapped on sex chromosomes. The proposed method is constructed using whole blood samples and exhibits good performance across a wide range of tissues. We further demonstrated that our method can be used to identify samples with sex chromosome aneuploidy, this function is validated by five Turner syndrome cases and one Klinefelter syndrome case. Conclusions: This proposed sex classifier not only can be used for sex predictions but also applied to identify samples with sex chromosome aneuploidy, and it is freely and easily accessible by calling the `estimateSex' function from the newest wateRmelon Bioconductor package (

A Machine Learning Case-Control Classifier For Schizophrenia Based On Dna Methylation In Blood
Chathura J. Gunasekara, Eilis Hannon, Harry MacKay, Cristian Coarfa, Andrew McQuillin, Clair David St, Jonathan Mill + 1 more
Chathura J. Gunasekara, Eilis Hannon, Harry MacKay, Cristian Coarfa, Andrew McQuillin, Clair David St, Jonathan Mill, Robert A. Waterland
AUG 2021

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Epigenetic dysregulation is thought to contribute to the etiology of schizophrenia (SZ), but the cell type-specificity of DNA methylation makes population-based epigenetic studies of SZ challenging. To train an SZ case-control classifier based on DNA methylation in blood, therefore, we focused on human genomic regions of systemic interindividual epigenetic variation (CoRSIVs), a subset of which are represented on the Illumina Human Methylation 450K (HM450) array. HM450 DNA methylation data on whole blood of 414 SZ cases and 433 non-psychiatric controls were used as training data for a classification algorithm with built-in feature selection, sparse partial least squares discriminate analysis (SPLS-DA); application of SPLS-DA to HM450 data has not been previously reported. Using the first two SPLS-DA dimensions we calculated a ``risk distance{''} to identify individuals with the highest probability of SZ. The model was then evaluated on an independent HM450 data set on 353 SZ cases and 322 non-psychiatric controls. Our CoRSIV-based model classified 303 individuals as cases with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 80%, far surpassing the performance of a model based on polygenic risk score (PRS). Importantly, risk distance (based on CoRSIV methylation) was not associated with medication use, arguing against reverse causality. Risk distance and PRS were positively correlated (Pearson r = 0.28, P = 1.28 x 10(-12)), and mediational analysis suggested that genetic effects on SZ are partially mediated by altered methylation at CoRSIVs. Our results indicate two innate dimensions of SZ risk: one based on genetic, and the other on systemic epigenetic variants.

The Association Of Epigenetic Clocks In Brain Tissue With Brain Pathologies And Common Aging Phenotypes
Francine Grodstein, Bernardo Lemos, Lei Yu, Hans-Ulrich Klein, Artemis Iatrou, Aron S. Buchman, Gemma L. Shireby + 4 more
Francine Grodstein, Bernardo Lemos, Lei Yu, Hans-Ulrich Klein, Artemis Iatrou, Aron S. Buchman, Gemma L. Shireby, Jonathan Mill, Julie A. Schneider, Jager Philip L. De, David A. Bennett
JUN 2021

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Epigenetic clocks are calculated by combining DNA methylation states across select CpG sites to estimate biologic age, and have been noted as the most successful markers of biologic aging to date. Yet, limited research has considered epigenetic clocks calculated in brain tissue. We used DNA methylation states in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex specimens from 721 older participants of the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project, to calculate DNA methylation age using four established epigenetic clocks: Hannum, Horvath, PhenoAge, GrimAge, and a new Cortical clock. The four established clocks were trained in blood samples (Hannum, PhenoAge, GrimAge) or using 51 human tissue and cell types (Horvath); the recent Cortical clock is the first trained in postmortem cortical tissue. Participants were recruited beginning in 1994 (Religious Orders Study) and 1997 (Memory and Aging Project), and followed annually with questionnaires and clinical evaluations; brain specimens were obtained for 80-90% of participants. Mean age at death was 88.0 (SD 6.7) years. We used linear regression, logistic regression, and linear mixed models, to examine relations of epigenetic clock ages to neuropathologic and clinical aging phenotypes, controlling for chronologic age, sex, education, and depressive symptomatology. Hannum, Horvath, PhenoAge and Cortical clock ages were related to pathologic diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), as well as to A beta load (a hallmark pathology of Alzheimer's disease). However, associations were substantially stronger for the Cortical than other clocks; for example, each standard deviation (SD) increase in Hannum, Horvath, and PhenoAge clock age was related to approximately 30% greater likelihood of pathologic AD (all p < 0.05), while each SD increase in Cortical age was related to 90% greater likelihood of pathologic AD (odds ratio = 1.91, 95% confidence interval 1.38, 2.62). Moreover, Cortical age was significantly related to other AD pathology (eg, mean tau tangle density, p = 0.003), and to odds of neocortical Lewy body pathology (for each SD increase in Cortical age, odds ratio = 2.00, 95% confidence 1.27, 3.17), although no clocks were related to cerebrovascular neuropathology. Cortical age was the only epigenetic clock significantly associated with the clinical phenotypes examined, from dementia to cognitive decline (5 specific cognitive systems, and a global cognitive measure averaging 17 tasks) to Parkinsonian signs. Overall, our findings provide evidence of the

Genomic And Phenotypic Insights From An Atlas Of Genetic Effects On Dna Methylation
Josine L. Min, Gibran Hemani, Eilis Hannon, Koen F. Dekkers, Juan Castillo-Fernandez, Rene Luijk, Elena Carnero-Montoro + 150 more
Josine L. Min, Gibran Hemani, Eilis Hannon, Koen F. Dekkers, Juan Castillo-Fernandez, Rene Luijk, Elena Carnero-Montoro, Daniel J. Lawson, Kimberley Burrows, Matthew Suderman, Andrew D. Bretherick, Tom G. Richardson, Johanna Klughammer, Valentina Iotchkova, Gemma Sharp, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Aleksey Shatunov, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Wendy L. McArdle, Karen M. Ho, Ashish Kumar, Cilia Soderhall, Carolina Soriano-Tarraga, Eva Giralt-Steinhauer, Nabila Kazmi, Dan Mason, Allan F. McRae, David L. Corcoran, Karen Sugden, Silva Kasela, Alexia Cardona, Felix R. Day, Giovanni Cugliari, Clara Viberti, Simonetta Guarrera, Michael Lerro, Richa Gupta, Sailalitha Bollepalli, Pooja Mandaviya, Yanni Zeng, Toni-Kim Clarke, Rosie M. Walker, Vanessa Schmoll, Darina Czamara, Carlos Ruiz-Arenas, I Faisal Rezwan, Riccardo E. Marioni, Tian Lin, Yvonne Awaloff, Marine Germain, Dylan Aissi, Ramona Zwamborn, Eijk Kristel van, Annelot Dekker, Dongen Jenny van, Jouke-Jan Hottenga, Gonneke Willemsen, Cheng-Jian Xu, Guillermo Barturen, Francesc Catala-Moll, Martin Kerick, Carol Wang, Phillip Melton, Hannah R. Elliott, Jean Shin, Manon Bernard, Idil Yet, Melissa Smarts, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Chris Shaw, Chalabi Ammar Al, Susan M. Ring, Goran Pershagen, Erik Melen, Jordi Jimenez-Conde, Jaume Roquer, Deborah A. Lawlor, John Wright, Nicholas G. Martin, Grant W. Montgomery, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie Poulton, Tonu Esko, Lili Milani, Andres Metspalu, John R. B. Perry, Ken K. Ong, Nicholas J. Wareham, Giuseppe Matullo, Carlotta Sacerdote, Salvatore Panico, Avshalom Caspi, Louise Arseneault, France Gagnon, Miina Ollikainen, Jaakko Kaprio, Janine F. Felix, Fernando Rivadeneira, Henning Tiemeier, IJzendoorn Marinus H. van, Andre G. Uitterlinden, Vincent W. V. Jaddoe, Chris Hale, Andrew M. McIntosh, Kathryn L. Evans, Alison Murray, Katri Raikkonen, Jari Lahti, Ellen A. Nohr, Thorkild I. A. Sorensen, Torben Hansen, Camilla S. Morgen, Elisabeth B. Binder, Susanne Lucae, Juan Ramon Gonzalez, Mariona Bustamante, Jordi Sunyer, John W. Holloway, Wilfried Karmaus, Hongmei Zhang, Ian J. Deary, Naomi R. Wray, John M. Starr, Marian Beekman, Diana VanHeemst, P. Eline Slagboom, Pierre-Emmanuel Morange, David-Alexandre Tregouet, Jan H. Veldink, Gareth E. Davies, Geus Eco J. C. de, I Dorret Boomsma, Judith M. Vonk, Bert Brunekreef, Gerard H. Koppelman, Marta E. Alarcon-Riquelme, Rae-Chi Huang, Craig E. Pennell, Meurs Joyce van, M. Arfan Ikram, Alun D. Hughes, Therese Tillin, Nish Chaturvedi, Zdenka Pausova, Tomas Paus, Timothy D. Spector, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Peter M. Visscher, George Davey Smith, Christoph Bock, Tom R. Gaunt, Jordana T. Bell, Bastiaan T. Heijmans, Jonathan Mill, Caroline L. Relton, BIOS Consortium
SEP 2021

Paper information


DNA methylation quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analyses on 32,851 participants identify genetic variants associated with DNA methylation at 420,509 sites in blood, resulting in a database of >270,000 independent mQTLs. Characterizing genetic influences on DNA methylation (DNAm) provides an opportunity to understand mechanisms underpinning gene regulation and disease. In the present study, we describe results of DNAm quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analyses on 32,851 participants, identifying genetic variants associated with DNAm at 420,509 DNAm sites in blood. We present a database of >270,000 independent mQTLs, of which 8.5% comprise long-range (trans) associations. Identified mQTL associations explain 15-17% of the additive genetic variance of DNAm. We show that the genetic architecture of DNAm levels is highly polygenic. Using shared genetic control between distal DNAm sites, we constructed networks, identifying 405 discrete genomic communities enriched for genomic annotations and complex traits. Shared genetic variants are associated with both DNAm levels and complex diseases, but only in a minority of cases do these associations reflect causal relationships from DNAm to trait or vice versa, indicating a more complex genotype-phenotype map than previously anticipated.

Identical Twins Carry A Persistent Epigenetic Signature Of Early Genome Programming
Dongen Jenny van, Scott D. Gordon, Allan F. McRae, Veronika V. Odintsova, Hamdi Mbarek, Charles E. Breeze, Karen Sugden + 31 more
Dongen Jenny van, Scott D. Gordon, Allan F. McRae, Veronika V. Odintsova, Hamdi Mbarek, Charles E. Breeze, Karen Sugden, Sara Lundgren, Juan E. Castillo-Fernandez, Eilis Hannon, Terrie E. Moffitt, Fiona A. Hagenbeek, Beijsterveldt Catharina E. M. van, Jouke Jan Hottenga, Pei-Chien Tsai, Josine L. Min, Gibran Hemani, Erik A. Ehli, Franziska Paul, Claudio D. Stern, Bastiaan T. Heijmans, P. Eline Slagboom, Lucia Daxinger, der Maarel Silvere M. van, Geus E. J. C. de, Gonneke Willemsen, Grant W. Montgomery, Bruno Reversade, Miina Ollikainen, Jaakko Kaprio, Tim D. Spector, Jordana T. Bell, Jonathan Mill, Avshalom Caspi, Nicholas G. Martin, I Dorret Boomsma, Bios Consortium, Genetics DNA Methylation Consortiu
SEP 2021

Paper information


The mechanisms underlying how monozygotic (or identical) twins arise are yet to be determined. Here, the authors investigate this in an epigenome-wide association study, showing that monozygotic twinning has a characteristic DNA methylation signature in adult somatic tissues. Monozygotic (MZ) twins and higher-order multiples arise when a zygote splits during pre-implantation stages of development. The mechanisms underpinning this event have remained a mystery. Because MZ twinning rarely runs in families, the leading hypothesis is that it occurs at random. Here, we show that MZ twinning is strongly associated with a stable DNA methylation signature in adult somatic tissues. This signature spans regions near telomeres and centromeres, Polycomb-repressed regions and heterochromatin, genes involved in cell-adhesion, WNT signaling, cell fate, and putative human metastable epialleles. Our study also demonstrates a never-anticipated corollary: because identical twins keep a lifelong molecular signature, we can retrospectively diagnose if a person was conceived as monozygotic twin.

Cell-Type-Specific Patterns Of Dna Methylation In The Developing Human Brain
Jonathan Davies, Alice Franklin, Gina Commin, Emma Walker, Stefania Policicchio, Aaron Jeffries, Joe Burrage + 7 more
Jonathan Davies, Alice Franklin, Gina Commin, Emma Walker, Stefania Policicchio, Aaron Jeffries, Joe Burrage, Barry Chioza, Jinyue Liu, Nick Bray, Shyam Prabhakar, Eilis Hannon, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
SEP 2021

Paper information

Leveraging Dna Methylation Quantitative-Trait Loci To Characterize The Relationship Between Methylomic Variation, Gene Expression, And Psychiatric Disease
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Gina Commin, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Davies, Stefania Policicchio, Leo Schalkwyk + 2 more
Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Gina Commin, Joe Burrage, Jonathan Davies, Stefania Policicchio, Leo Schalkwyk, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
SEP 2021

Paper information

Sites Of Active Gene Regulation In The Prenatal Frontal Cortex And Their Role In Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Manuela R. Kouakou, Darren Cameron, Eilis Hannon, Emma L. Dempster, Jonathan Mill, Matthew J. Hill, Nicholas J. Bray
Manuela R. Kouakou, Darren Cameron, Eilis Hannon, Emma L. Dempster, Jonathan Mill, Matthew J. Hill, Nicholas J. Bray
OCT 2021

Paper information


Common genetic variation appears to largely influence risk for neuropsychiatric disorders through effects on gene regulation. It is therefore possible to shed light on the biology of these conditions by testing for enrichment of associated genetic variation within regulatory genomic regions operating in specific tissues or cell types. Here, we have used the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (ATAC-Seq) to map open chromatin (an index of active regulatory genomic regions) in bulk tissue, NeuN+ and NeuN- nuclei from the prenatal human frontal cortex, and tested enrichment of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) heritability for five neuropsychiatric disorders (autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder {[}ADHD], bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia) within these regions. We observed significant enrichment of SNP heritability for ADHD, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia within open chromatin regions (OCRs) mapped in bulk fetal frontal cortex, and for all five tested neuropsychiatric conditions when we restricted these sites to those overlapping histone modifications indicative of enhancers (H3K4me1) or promoters (H3K4me3) in fetal brain. SNP heritability for neuropsychiatric disorders was significantly enriched in OCRs identified in fetal frontal cortex NeuN- as well as NeuN+ nuclei overlapping fetal brain H3K4me1 or H3K4me3 sites. We additionally demonstrate the utility of our mapped OCRs for prioritizing potentially functional SNPs at genome-wide significant risk loci for neuropsychiatric disorders. Our data provide evidence for an early neurodevelopmental component to a range of neuropsychiatric conditions and highlight an important role for regulatory genomic regions active within both NeuN+ and NeuN- cells of the prenatal brain.

Cross-Reactive Probes On Illumina Dna Methylation Arrays: A Large Study On Als Shows That A Cautionary Approach Is Warranted In Interpreting Epigenome-Wide Association Studies
Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Eilis J. Hannon, Annelot M. Dekker, Eijk Kristel R. van, Emma M. Walker, Alfredo Iacoangeli + 13 more
Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Eilis J. Hannon, Annelot M. Dekker, Eijk Kristel R. van, Emma M. Walker, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Ashley R. Jones, Aleksey Shatunov, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Sarah Opie-Martin, Christopher E. Shaw, Karen E. Morrison, Pamela J. Shaw, Russell L. McLaughlin, Orla Hardiman, Ammar Al-Chalabi, den Berg Leonard H. Van, Jonathan Mill, Jan H. Veldink
DEC 2020

Paper information


Illumina DNA methylation arrays are a widely used tool for performing genome-wide DNA methylation analyses. However, measurements obtained from these arrays may be affected by technical artefacts that result in spurious associations if left unchecked. Cross-reactivity represents one of the major challenges, meaning that probes may map to multiple regions in the genome. Although several studies have reported on this issue, few studies have empirically examined the impact of cross-reactivity in an epigenome-wide association study (EWAS). In this paper, we report on cross-reactivity issues that we discovered in a large EWAS on the presence of the C9orf72 repeat expansion in ALS patients. Specifically, we found that that the majority of the significant probes inadvertently cross-hybridized to the C9orf72 locus. Importantly, these probes were not flagged as cross-reactive in previous studies, leading to novel insights into the extent to which cross-reactivity can impact EWAS. Our findings are particularly relevant for epigenetic studies into diseases associated with repeat expansions and other types of structural variation. More generally however, considering that most spurious associations were not excluded based on pre-defined sets of cross-reactive probes, we believe that the presented data-driven flag and consider approach is relevant for any type of EWAS.

Full-Length Transcript Sequencing Of Human And Mouse Cerebral Cortex Identifies Widespread Isoform Diversity And Alternative Splicing
Szi Kay Leung, Aaron R. Jeffries, Isabel Castanho, Ben T. Jordan, Karen Moore, Jonathan P. Davies, Emma L. Dempster + 13 more
Szi Kay Leung, Aaron R. Jeffries, Isabel Castanho, Ben T. Jordan, Karen Moore, Jonathan P. Davies, Emma L. Dempster, Nicholas J. Bray, Paul O'Neill, Elizabeth Tseng, Zeshan Ahmed, David A. Collier, Erin D. Jeffery, Shyam Prabhakar, Leonard Schalkwyk, Connor Jops, Michael J. Gandal, Gloria M. Sheynkman, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
NOV 2021

Paper information


Alternative splicing is a post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism producing distinct mRNA molecules from a single pre-mRNA with a prominent role in the development and function of the central nervous system. We used long-read isoform sequencing to generate full-length transcript sequences in the human and mouse cortex. We identify novel transcripts not present in existing genome annotations, including transcripts mapping to putative novel (unannotated) genes and fusion transcripts incorporating exons from multiple genes. Global patterns of transcript diversity are similar between human and mouse cortex, although certain genes are characterized by striking differences between species. We also identify developmental changes in alternative splicing, with differential transcript usage between human fetal and adult cortex. Our data confirm the importance of alternative splicing in the cortex, dramatically increasing transcriptional diversity and representing an important mechanism underpinning gene regulation in the brain. We provide transcript-level data for human and mouse cortex as a resource to the scientific community.

Common And Rare Variant Association Analyses In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Identify 15 Risk Loci With Distinct Genetic Architectures And Neuron-Specific Biology
Rheenen Wouter van, der Spek Rick A. A. van, Mark K. Bakker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Klein Niek de + 278 more
Rheenen Wouter van, der Spek Rick A. A. van, Mark K. Bakker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Klein Niek de, Harm-Jan Westra, Olivier B. Bakker, Patrick Deelen, Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Matthieu Moisse, Denis Baird, Restuadi Restuadi, Egor Dolzhenko, Annelot M. Dekker, Klara Gawor, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Gijs H. P. Tazelaar, Eijk Kristel R. van, Maarten Kooyman, Ross P. Byrne, Mark Doherty, Mark Heverin, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Aleksey Shatunov, Nicola Ticozzi, Johnathan Cooper-Knock, Bradley N. Smith, Marta Gromicho, Siddharthan Chandran, Suvankar Pal, Karen E. Morrison, Pamela J. Shaw, John Hardy, Richard W. Orrell, Michael Sendtner, Thomas Meyer, Nazli Basak, der Kooi Anneke J. van, Antonia Ratti, Isabella Fogh, Cinzia Gellera, Giuseppe Lauria, Stefania Corti, Cristina Cereda, Daisy Sproviero, Sandra D'Alfonso, Gianni Soraru, Gabriele Siciliano, Massimiliano Filosto, Alessandro Padovani, Adriano Chio, Andrea Calvo, Cristina Moglia, Maura Brunetti, Antonio Canosa, Maurizio Grassano, Ettore Beghi, Elisabetta Pupillo, Giancarlo Logroscino, Beatrice Nefussy, Alma Osmanovic, Angelica Nordin, Yossef Lerner, Michal Zabari, Marc Gotkine, Robert H. Baloh, Shaughn Bell, Patrick Vourc'h, Philippe Corcia, Philippe Couratier, Stephanie Millecamps, Vincent Meininger, Francois Salachas, Pardina Jesus S. Mora, Abdelilah Assialioui, Ricardo Rojas-Garcia, Patrick A. Dion, Jay P. Ross, Albert C. Ludolph, Jochen H. Weishaupt, David Brenner, Axel Freischmidt, Gilbert Bensimon, Alexis Brice, Alexandra Durr, Christine A. M. Payan, Safa Saker-Delye, Nicholas W. Wood, Simon Topp, Rosa Rademakers, Lukas Tittmann, Wolfgang Lieb, Andre Franke, Stephan Ripke, Alice Braun, Julia Kraft, David C. Whiteman, Catherine M. Olsen, Andre G. Uitterlinden, Albert Hofman, Marcella Rietschel, Sven Cichon, Markus M. Nothen, Philippe Amouyel, Giancarlo Comi, Nilo Riva, Christian Lunetta, Francesca Gerardi, Maria Sofia Cotelli, Fabrizio Rinaldi, Luca Chiveri, Maria Cristina Guaita, Patrizia Perrone, Mauro Ceroni, Luca Diamanti, Carlo Ferrarese, Lucio Tremolizzo, Maria Luisa Delodovici, Giorgio Bono, Umberto Manera, Rosario Vasta, Alessandro Bombaci, Federico Casale, Giuseppe Fuda, Paolina Salamone, Barbara Iazzolino, Laura Peotta, Paolo Cugnasco, Marco Giovanni De, Maria Claudia Torrieri, Francesca Palumbo, Salvatore Gallone, Marco Barberis, Luca Sbaiz, Salvatore Gentile, Alessandro Mauro, Letizia Mazzini, Marchi Fabiola De, Lucia Corrado, Sandra D'Alfonso, Antonio Bertolotto, Maurizio Gionco, Daniela Leotta, Enrico Odddenino, Daniele Imperiale, Roberto Cavallo, Pietro Pignatta, Mattei Marco De, Claudio Geda, Diego Maria Papurello, Graziano Gusmaroli, Cristoforo Comi, Carmelo Labate, Luigi Ruiz, Delfina Ferrandi, Eugenia Rota, Marco Aguggia, Vito Nicoletta Di, Piero Meineri, Paolo Ghiglione, Nicola Launaro, Michele Dotta, Sapio Alessia Di, Guido Giardini, Cinzia Tiloca, Silvia Peverelli, Franco Taroni, Viviana Pensato, Barbara Castellotti, Giacomo P. Comi, Bo Roberto Del, Mauro Ceroni, Stella Gagliardi, Lucia Corrado, Letizia Mazzini, Flavia Raggi, Costanza Simoncini, Gerfo Annalisa Lo, Maurizio Inghilleri, Alessandra Ferlini, Isabella L. Simone, Bruno Passarella, Vito Guerra, Stefano Zoccolella, Cecilia Nozzoli, Ciro Mundi, Maurizio Leone, Michele Zarrelli, Filippo Tamma, Francesco Valluzzi, Gianluigi Calabrese, Giovanni Boero, Augusto Rini, Bryan J. Traynor, Andrew B. Singleton, Neto Miguel Mitne, Ruben J. Cauchi, Roel A. Ophoff, Martina Wiedau-Pazos, Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, Deerlin Vivianna M. van, Julian Grosskreutz, Annekathrin Roediger, Nayana Gaur, Alexander Joerk, Tabea Barthel, Erik Theele, Benjamin Ilse, Beatrice Stubendorff, Otto W. Witte, Robert Steinbach, Christian A. Huebner, Caroline Graff, Lev Brylev, Vera Fominykh, Vera Demeshonok, Anastasia Ataulina, Boris Rogelj, Blaz Koritnik, Janez Zidar, Metka Ravnik-Glavac, Damjan Glavac, Zorica Stevic, Vivian Drory, Monica Povedano, Ian P. Blair, Matthew C. Kiernan, Beben Benyamin, Robert D. Henderson, Sarah Furlong, Susan Mathers, Pamela A. McCombe, Merrilee Needham, Shyuan T. Ngo, Garth A. Nicholson, Roger Pamphlett, Dominic B. Rowe, Frederik J. Steyn, Kelly L. Williams, Karen A. Mather, Perminder S. Sachdev, Anjali K. Henders, Leanne Wallace, Carvalho Mamede de, Susana Pinto, Susanne Petri, Markus Weber, Guy A. Rouleau, Vincenzo Silani, Charles J. Curtis, Gerome Breen, Jonathan D. Glass, Jr. Robert H. Brown, John E. Landers, Christopher E. Shaw, Peter M. Andersen, Ewout J. N. Groen, Es Michael A. van, R. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Dongsheng Fan, Fleur C. Garton, Allan F. McRae, Smith George Davey, Tom R. Gaunt, Michael A. Eberle, Jonathan Mill, Russell L. McLaughlin, Orla Hardiman, Kevin P. Kenna, Naomi R. Wray, Ellen Tsai, Heiko Runz, Lude Franke, Ammar Al-Chalabi, Damme Philip Van, den Berg Leonard H. van, Jan H. Veldink, SLALOM Consortium, PARALS Consortium, SLAGEN Consortium, SLAP Consortium
DEC 2021

Paper information


A cross-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls identifies 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with a lifetime risk of one in 350 people and an unmet need for disease-modifying therapies. We conducted a cross-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 29,612 patients with ALS and 122,656 controls, which identified 15 risk loci. When combined with 8,953 individuals with whole-genome sequencing (6,538 patients, 2,415 controls) and a large cortex-derived expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) dataset (MetaBrain), analyses revealed locus-specific genetic architectures in which we prioritized genes either through rare variants, short tandem repeats or regulatory effects. ALS-associated risk loci were shared with multiple traits within the neurodegenerative spectrum but with distinct enrichment patterns across brain regions and cell types. Of the environmental and lifestyle risk factors obtained from the literature, Mendelian randomization analyses indicated a causal role for high cholesterol levels. The combination of all ALS-associated signals reveals a role for perturbations in vesicle-mediated transport and autophagy and provides evidence for cell-autonomous disease initiation in glutamatergic neurons.

Common And Rare Variant Association Analyses In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Identify 15 Risk Loci With Distinct Genetic Architectures And Neuron-Specific Biology (Vol 53, Pg 1636, 2021)
Rheenen Wouter van, der Spek Rick A. A. van, Mark K. Bakker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Klein Niek de + 278 more
Rheenen Wouter van, der Spek Rick A. A. van, Mark K. Bakker, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Klein Niek de, Harm-Jan Westra, Olivier B. Bakker, Patrick Deelen, Gemma Shireby, Eilis Hannon, Matthieu Moisse, Denis Baird, Restuadi Restuadi, Egor Dolzhenko, Annelot M. Dekker, Klara Gawor, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Gijs H. P. Tazelaar, Eijk Kristel R. van, Maarten Kooyman, Ross P. Byrne, Mark Doherty, Mark Heverin, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Aleksey Shatunov, Nicola Ticozzi, Johnathan Cooper-Knock, Bradley N. Smith, Marta Gromicho, Siddharthan Chandran, Suvankar Pal, Karen E. Morrison, Pamela J. Shaw, John Hardy, Richard W. Orrell, Michael Sendtner, Thomas Meyer, Nazli Basak, der Kooi Anneke J. van, Antonia Ratti, Isabella Fogh, Cinzia Gellera, Giuseppe Lauria, Stefania Corti, Cristina Cereda, Daisy Sproviero, Sandra D'Alfonso, Gianni Soraru, Gabriele Siciliano, Massimiliano Filosto, Alessandro Padovani, Adriano Chio, Andrea Calvo, Cristina Moglia, Maura Brunetti, Antonio Canosa, Maurizio Grassano, Ettore Beghi, Elisabetta Pupillo, Giancarlo Logroscino, Beatrice Nefussy, Alma Osmanovic, Angelica Nordin, Yossef Lerner, Michal Zabari, Marc Gotkine, Robert H. Baloh, Shaughn Bell, Patrick Vourc'h, Philippe Corcia, Philippe Couratier, Stephanie Millecamps, Vincent Meininger, Francois Salachas, Pardina Jesus S. Mora, Abdelilah Assialioui, Ricardo Rojas-Garcia, Patrick A. Dion, Jay P. Ross, Albert C. Ludolph, Jochen H. Weishaupt, David Brenner, Axel Freischmidt, Gilbert Bensimon, Alexis Brice, Alexandra Durr, Christine A. M. Payan, Safa Saker-Delye, Nicholas W. Wood, Simon Topp, Rosa Rademakers, Lukas Tittmann, Wolfgang Lieb, Andre Franke, Stephan Ripke, Alice Braun, Julia Kraft, David C. Whiteman, Catherine M. Olsen, Andre G. Uitterlinden, Albert Hofman, Marcella Rietschel, Sven Cichon, Markus M. Nothen, Philippe Amouyel, Giancarlo Comi, Nilo Riva, Christian Lunetta, Francesca Gerardi, Maria Sofia Cotelli, Fabrizio Rinaldi, Luca Chiveri, Maria Cristina Guaita, Patrizia Perrone, Mauro Ceroni, Luca Diamanti, Carlo Ferrarese, Lucio Tremolizzo, Maria Luisa Delodovici, Giorgio Bono, Umberto Manera, Rosario Vasta, Alessandro Bombaci, Federico Casale, Giuseppe Fuda, Paolina Salamone, Barbara Iazzolino, Laura Peotta, Paolo Cugnasco, Marco Giovanni De, Maria Claudia Torrieri, Francesca Palumbo, Salvatore Gallone, Marco Barberis, Luca Sbaiz, Salvatore Gentile, Alessandro Mauro, Letizia Mazzini, Marchi Fabiola De, Lucia Corrado, Sandra D'Alfonso, Antonio Bertolotto, Maurizio Gionco, Daniela Leotta, Enrico Odddenino, Daniele Imperiale, Roberto Cavallo, Pietro Pignatta, Mattei Marco De, Claudio Geda, Diego Maria Papurello, Graziano Gusmaroli, Cristoforo Comi, Carmelo Labate, Luigi Ruiz, Delfina Ferrandi, Eugenia Rota, Marco Aguggia, Vito Nicoletta Di, Piero Meineri, Paolo Ghiglione, Nicola Launaro, Michele Dotta, Sapio Alessia Di, Guido Giardini, Cinzia Tiloca, Silvia Peverelli, Franco Taroni, Viviana Pensato, Barbara Castellotti, Giacomo P. Comi, Bo Roberto Del, Mauro Ceroni, Stella Gagliardi, Lucia Corrado, Letizia Mazzini, Flavia Raggi, Costanza Simoncini, Gerfo Annalisa Lo, Maurizio Inghilleri, Alessandra Ferlini, Isabella L. Simone, Bruno Passarella, Vito Guerra, Stefano Zoccolella, Cecilia Nozzoli, Ciro Mundi, Maurizio Leone, Michele Zarrelli, Filippo Tamma, Francesco Valluzzi, Gianluigi Calabrese, Giovanni Boero, Augusto Rini, Bryan J. Traynor, Andrew B. Singleton, Neto Miguel Mitne, Ruben J. Cauchi, Roel A. Ophoff, Martina Wiedau-Pazos, Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, Deerlin Vivianna M. van, Julian Grosskreutz, Annekathrin Roediger, Nayana Gaur, Alexander Joerk, Tabea Barthel, Erik Theele, Benjamin Ilse, Beatrice Stubendorff, Otto W. Witte, Robert Steinbach, Christian A. Huebner, Caroline Graff, Lev Brylev, Vera Fominykh, Vera Demeshonok, Anastasia Ataulina, Boris Rogelj, Blaz Koritnik, Janez Zidar, Metka Ravnik-Glavac, Damjan Glavac, Zorica Stevic, Vivian Drory, Monica Povedano, Ian P. Blair, Matthew C. Kiernan, Beben Benyamin, Robert D. Henderson, Sarah Furlong, Susan Mathers, Pamela A. McCombe, Merrilee Needham, Shyuan T. Ngo, Garth A. Nicholson, Roger Pamphlett, Dominic B. Rowe, Frederik J. Steyn, Kelly L. Williams, Karen A. Mather, Perminder S. Sachdev, Anjali K. Henders, Leanne Wallace, Carvalho Mamede de, Susana Pinto, Susanne Petri, Markus Weber, Guy A. Rouleau, Vincenzo Silani, Charles J. Curtis, Gerome Breen, Jonathan D. Glass, Jr. Robert H. Brown, John E. Landers, Christopher E. Shaw, Peter M. Andersen, Ewout J. N. Groen, Es Michael A. van, R. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Dongsheng Fan, Fleur C. Garton, Allan F. McRae, Smith George Davey, Tom R. Gaunt, Michael A. Eberle, Jonathan Mill, Russell L. McLaughlin, Orla Hardiman, Kevin P. Kenna, Naomi R. Wray, Ellen Tsai, Heiko Runz, Lude Franke, Ammar Al-Chalabi, Damme Philip Van, den Berg Leonard H. van, Jan H. Veldink, SLALOM Consortium, PARALS Consortium, SLAGEN Consortium, SLAP Consortium
JAN 2022

Paper information

Whole Transcriptome In Silico Screening Implicates Cardiovascular And Infectious Disease In The Mechanism Of Action Underlying Atypical Antipsychotic Side Effects
Yasaman Malekizadeh, Gareth Williams, Mark Kelson, David Whitfield, Jonathan Mill, David A. Collier, Clive Ballard + 2 more
Yasaman Malekizadeh, Gareth Williams, Mark Kelson, David Whitfield, Jonathan Mill, David A. Collier, Clive Ballard, Aaron R. Jeffries, Byron Creese
JAN 2020

Paper information


Background: Stroke/thromboembolic events, infections, and death are all significantly increased by antipsychotics in dementia but little is known about why they can be harmful. Using a novel application of a drug repurposing paradigm, we aimed to identify potential mechanisms underlying adverse events. Methods: Whole transcriptome signatures were generated for SH-SY5Y cells treated with amisulpride, risperidone, and volinanserin using RNA sequencing. Bioinformatic analysis was performed that scored the association between antipsychotic signatures and expression data from 415,252 samples in the National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus (NCBI GEO) repository. Results: Atherosclerosis, venous thromboembolism, and influenza NCBI GEO-derived samples scored positively against antipsychotic signatures. Pathways enriched in antipsychotic signatures were linked to the cardiovascular and immune systems (eg, brain derived neurotrophic factor {[}BDNF], platelet derived growth factor receptor {[}PDGFR]-beta, tumor necrosis factor {[}TNF], transforming growth factor {[}TGF]-beta, selenoamino acid metabolism, and influenza infection). Conclusions: These findings for the first time mechanistically link antipsychotics to specific cardiovascular and infectious diseases which are known side effects of their use in dementia, providing new information to explain related adverse events.

Genome-Wide Study Of Dna Methylation Shows Alterations In Metabolic, Inflammatory, And Cholesterol Pathways In Als
Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Eilis Hannon, Gemma L. Shireby, Marta F. Nabais, Emma M. Walker, Rheenen Wouter van + 78 more
Paul J. Hop, Ramona A. J. Zwamborn, Eilis Hannon, Gemma L. Shireby, Marta F. Nabais, Emma M. Walker, Rheenen Wouter van, Vugt Joke J. F. A. van, Annelot M. Dekker, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Gijs H. P. Tazelaar, Eijk Kristel R. van, Matthieu Moisse, Denis Baird, Khleifat Ahmad Al, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Nicola Ticozzi, Antonia Ratti, Jonathan Cooper-Knock, Karen E. Morrison, Pamela J. Shaw, A. Nazli Basak, Adriano Chio, Andrea Calvo, Cristina Moglia, Antonio Canosa, Maura Brunetti, Maurizio Grassano, Marc Gotkine, Yossef Lerner, Michal Zabari, Patrick Vourc'h, Philippe Corcia, Philippe Couratier, Jesus S. Mora Pardina, Teresa Salas, Patrick Dion, Jay P. Ross, Robert D. Henderson, Susan Mathers, Pamela A. McCombe, Merrilee Needham, Garth Nicholson, Dominic B. Rowe, Roger Pamphlett, Karen A. Mather, Perminder S. Sachdev, Sarah Furlong, Fleur C. Garton, Anjali K. Henders, Tian Lin, Shyuan T. Ngo, Frederik J. Steyn, Leanne Wallace, Kelly L. Williams, Miguel Mitne Neto, Ruben J. Cauchi, Ian P. Blair, Matthew C. Kiernan, Vivian Drory, Monica Povedano, Carvalho Mamede de, Susana Pinto, Markus Weber, Guy A. Rouleau, Vincenzo Silani, John E. Landers, Christopher E. Shaw, Peter M. Andersen, Allan F. McRae, Es Michael A. van, R. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Naomi R. Wray, Russell L. McLaughlin, Orla Hardiman, Kevin P. Kenna, Ellen Tsai, Heiko Runz, Ammar Al-Chalabi, den Berg Leonard H. van, Damme Philip Van, Jonathan Mill, Jan H. Veldink, BIOS Consortium, Brain MEND Consortium
FEB 2022

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with an estimated heritability between 40 and 50%. DNA methylation patterns can serve as proxies of (past) exposures and disease progression, as well as providing a potential mechanism that mediates genetic or environmental risk. Here, we present a blood-based epigenome-wide association study meta-analysis in 9706 samples passing stringent quality control (6763 patients, 2943 controls). We identified a total of 45 differentially methylated positions (DMPs) annotated to 42 genes, which are enriched for pathways and traits related to metabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis, and immunity. We then tested 39 DNA methylation-based proxies of putative ALS risk factors and found that high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, body mass index, white blood cell proportions, and alcohol intake were independently associated with ALS. Integration of these results with our latest genome-wide association study showed that cholesterol biosynthesis was potentially causally related to ALS. Last, DNA methylation at several DMPs and blood cell proportion estimates derived from DNA methylation data were associated with survival rate in patients, suggesting that they might represent indicators of underlying disease processes potentially amenable to therapeutic interventions.

Dunedinpace, A Dna Methylation Biomarker Of The Pace Of Aging
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, David L. Corcoran, Karen Sugden, Richie Poulton, Louise Arseneault, Andrea Baccarelli + 13 more
Daniel W. Belsky, Avshalom Caspi, David L. Corcoran, Karen Sugden, Richie Poulton, Louise Arseneault, Andrea Baccarelli, Kartik Chamarti, Xu Gao, Eilis Hannon, Hona Lee Harrington, Renate Houts, Meeraj Kothari, Dayoon Kwon, Jonathan Mill, Joel Schwartz, Pantel Vokonas, Cuicui Wang, Benjamin S. Williams, Terrie E. Moffitt
JAN 2022

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Background: Measures to quantify changes in the pace of biological aging in response to intervention are needed to evaluate geroprotective interventions for humans. Previously, we showed that quantification of the pace of biological aging from a DNA-methylation blood test was possible (Belsky et al., 2020). Here, we report a next-generation DNA-methylation biomarker of Pace of Aging, DunedinPACE (for Pace of Aging Calculated from the Epigenome). Methods: We used data from the Dunedin Study 1972-1973 birth cohort tracking within-individual decline in 19 indicators of organ-system integrity across four time points spanning two decades to model Pace of Aging. We distilled this two-decade Pace of Aging into a single-time-point DNA-methylation blood-test using elastic-net regression and a DNA-methylation dataset restricted to exclude probes with low test-retest reliability. We evaluated the resulting measure, named DunedinPACE, in five additional datasets. Results: DunedinPACE showed high test-retest reliability, was associated with morbidity, disability, and mortality, and indicated faster aging in young adults with childhood adversity. DunedinPACE effect-sizes were similar to GrimAge Clock effect-sizes. In analysis of incident morbidity, disability, and mortality, DunedinPACE and added incremental prediction beyond GrimAge. Conclusions: DunedinPACE is a novel blood biomarker of the pace of aging for gerontology and geroscience. Funding: This research was supported by US-National Institute on Aging grants AG032282, AG061378, AG066887, and UK Medical Research Council grant MR/P005918/1.

A Comparison Of Blood And Brain-Derived Ageing And Inflammation-Related Dna Methylation Signatures And Their Association With Microglial Burdens
Anna J. Stevenson, Daniel L. McCartney, Danni A. Gadd, Gemma Shireby, Robert F. Hillary, Declan King, Makis Tzioras + 15 more
Anna J. Stevenson, Daniel L. McCartney, Danni A. Gadd, Gemma Shireby, Robert F. Hillary, Declan King, Makis Tzioras, Nicola Wrobel, Sarah McCafferty, Lee Murphy, Barry W. McColl, Paul Redmond, Adele M. Taylor, Sarah E. Harris, Tom C. Russ, Andrew M. McIntosh, Jonathan Mill, Colin Smith, Ian J. Deary, Simon R. Cox, Riccardo E. Marioni, Tara L. Spires-Jones
APR 2022

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Inflammation and ageing-related DNA methylation patterns in the blood have been linked to a variety of morbidities, including cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disease. However, it is unclear how these blood-based patterns relate to patterns within the brain and how each associates with central cellular profiles. In this study, we profiled DNA methylation in both the blood and in five post mortem brain regions (BA17, BA20/21, BA24, BA46 and hippocampus) in 14 individuals from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Microglial burdens were additionally quantified in the same brain regions. DNA methylation signatures of five epigenetic ageing biomarkers ('epigenetic clocks'), and two inflammatory biomarkers (methylation proxies for C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) were compared across tissues and regions. Divergent associations between the inflammation and ageing signatures in the blood and brain were identified, depending on region assessed. Four out of the five assessed epigenetic age acceleration measures were found to be highest in the hippocampus (beta range = 0.83-1.14, p <= 0.02). The inflammation-related DNA methylation signatures showed no clear variation across brain regions. Reactive microglial burdens were found to be highest in the hippocampus (beta = 1.32, p = 5 x 10(-4)); however, the only association identified between the blood- and brain-based methylation signatures and microglia was a significant positive association with acceleration of one epigenetic clock (termed DNAm PhenoAge) averaged over all five brain regions (beta = 0.40, p = 0.002). This work highlights a potential vulnerability of the hippocampus to epigenetic ageing and provides preliminary evidence of a relationship between DNA methylation signatures in the brain and differences in microglial burdens.

Methylome Analysis Of Als Patients And Presymptomatic Mutation Carriers In Blood Cells
Wolfgang P. Ruf, Eilis Hannon, Axel Freischmidt, Veselin Grozdanov, David Brenner, Kathrin Mueller, Antje Knehr + 7 more
Wolfgang P. Ruf, Eilis Hannon, Axel Freischmidt, Veselin Grozdanov, David Brenner, Kathrin Mueller, Antje Knehr, Kornelia Guenther, Johannes Dorst, Ole Ammerpohl, Karin M. Danzer, Jonathan Mill, Albert C. Ludolph, Jochen H. Weishaupt
MAY 2022

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal motoneuron disease with a monogenic cause in approximately 10% of cases. However, familial clustering of disease without inheritance in a Mendelian manner and the broad range of phenotypes suggest the presence of epigenetic mechanisms. Hence, we performed an epigenome-wide association study on sporadic, symptomatic and presymptomatic familial ALS cases with mutations in C9ORF72 and FUS and healthy controls studying DNA methylation in blood cells. We found differentially methylated DNA positions (DMPs) and regions embedding DMPs associated with either disease status, C9ORF72 or FUS mutation status. One DMP reached methylome-wide significance and is attributed to a region encoding a long non-coding RNA (LOC389247). Furthermore, we could demonstrate co-localization of DMPs with an ALS-associated GWAS region near the SCN7A/SCN9A and XIRP2 genes. Finally, a classifier model that predicts disease status (ALS, healthy) classified all but one presymptomatic mutation carrier as healthy, suggesting that the presence of ALS symptoms rather than the presence of ALS-associated genetic mutations is associated with blood cell DNA methylation. (c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Evaluation Of Nanopore Sequencing For Epigenetic Epidemiology: A Comparison With Dna Methylation Microarrays
Robert Flynn, Sam Washer, Aaron R. Jeffries, Alexandria Andrayas, Gemma Shireby, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk + 2 more
Robert Flynn, Sam Washer, Aaron R. Jeffries, Alexandria Andrayas, Gemma Shireby, Meena Kumari, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
MAY 2022

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Most epigenetic epidemiology to date has utilized microarrays to identify positions in the genome where variation in DNA methylation is associated with environmental exposures or disease. However, these profile less than 3% of DNA methylation sites in the human genome, potentially missing affected loci and preventing the discovery of disrupted biological pathways. Third generation sequencing technologies, including Nanopore sequencing, have the potential to revolutionize the generation of epigenetic data, not only by providing genuine genome-wide coverage but profiling epigenetic modifications direct from native DNA. Here we assess the viability of using Nanopore sequencing for epidemiology by performing a comparison with DNA methylation quantified using the most comprehensive microarray available, the Illumina EPIC array. We implemented a CRISPR-Cas9 targeted sequencing approach in concert with Nanopore sequencing to profile DNA methylation in three genomic regions to attempt to rediscover genomic positions that existing technologies have shown are differentially methylated in tobacco smokers. Using Nanopore sequencing reads, DNA methylation was quantified at 1779 CpGs across three regions, providing a finer resolution of DNA methylation patterns compared to the EPIC array. The correlation of estimated levels of DNA methylation between platforms was high. Furthermore, we identified 12 CpGs where hypomethylation was significantly associated with smoking status, including 10 within the AHRR gene. In summary, Nanopore sequencing is a valid option for identifying genomic loci where large differences in DNAm are associated with a phenotype and has the potential to advance our understanding of the role differential methylation plays in the etiology of complex disease.

Functional Characterization Of The Schizophrenia Associated Gene As3Mt Identifies A Role In Neuronal Development
Sam J. Washer, Robert Flynn, Asami Oguro-Ando, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Aaron Jeffries, Jonathan Mill + 1 more
Sam J. Washer, Robert Flynn, Asami Oguro-Ando, Eilis Hannon, Joe Burrage, Aaron Jeffries, Jonathan Mill, Emma L. Dempster
JUN 2022

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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified multiple genomic regions associated with schizophrenia, although many variants reside in noncoding regions characterized by high linkage disequilibrium (LD) making the elucidation of molecular mechanisms challenging. A genomic region on chromosome 10q24 has been consistently associated with schizophrenia with risk attributed to the AS3MT gene. Although AS3MT is hypothesized to play a role in neuronal development and differentiation, work to fully understand the function of this gene has been limited. In this study we explored the function of AS3MT using a neuronal cell line (SH-SY5Y). We confirm previous findings of isoform specific expression of AS3MT during SH-SY5Y differentiation toward neuronal fates. Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing we generated AS3MT knockout SH-SY5Y cell lines and used RNA-seq to identify significant changes in gene expression in pathways associated with neuronal development, inflammation, extracellular matrix formation, and RNA processing, including dysregulation of other genes strongly implicated in schizophrenia. We did not observe any morphological changes in cell size and neurite length following neuronal differentiation and MAP2 immunocytochemistry. These results provide novel insights into the potential role of AS3MT in brain development and identify pathways through which genetic variation in this region may confer risk for schizophrenia.

Epigenome-Wide Association Study Of Human Frontal Cortex Identifies Differential Methylation In Lewy Body Pathology
Lasse Pihlstrom, Gemma Shireby, Hanneke Geut, Sandra Pilar Henriksen, Annemieke J. M. Rozemuller, Jon-Anders Tunold, Eilis Hannon + 6 more
Lasse Pihlstrom, Gemma Shireby, Hanneke Geut, Sandra Pilar Henriksen, Annemieke J. M. Rozemuller, Jon-Anders Tunold, Eilis Hannon, Paul Francis, Alan J. Thomas, Seth Love, Jonathan Mill, de Berg Wilma D. J. van, Mathias Toft
AUG 2022

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Parkinson's disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are closely related progressive disorders with no available disease-modifying therapy, neuropathologically characterized by intraneuronal aggregates of misfolded alpha-synuclein. To explore the role of DNA methylation changes in PD and DLB pathogenesis, we performed an epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) of 322 postmortem frontal cortex samples and replicated results in an independent set of 200 donors. We report novel differentially methylated replicating loci associated with Braak Lewy body stage near TMCC2, SFMBT2, AKAP6 and PHYHIP. Differentially methylated probes were independent of known PD genetic risk alleles. Meta-analysis provided suggestive evidence for a differentially methylated locus within the chromosomal region affected by the PD-associated 22q11.2 deletion. Our findings elucidate novel disease pathways in PD and DLB and generate hypotheses for future molecular studies of Lewy body pathology. Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies are closely related neurodegenerative disorders, although the epigenetic similarities are not well known. Here, the authors study Lewy pathology and DNA methylation in postmortem human frontal cortex, identifying differentially methylated genomic loci.

Dna Methylation Signatures Of Alzheimer'S Disease Neuropathology In The Cortex Are Primarily Driven By Variation In Non-Neuronal Cell-Types
Gemma Shireby, Emma L. Dempster, Stefania Policicchio, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Barry Chioza, Jonathan P. Davies + 10 more
Gemma Shireby, Emma L. Dempster, Stefania Policicchio, Rebecca G. Smith, Ehsan Pishva, Barry Chioza, Jonathan P. Davies, Joe Burrage, Katie Lunnon, Dorothea Seiler Vellame, Seth Love, Alan Thomas, Keeley Brookes, Kevin Morgan, Paul Francis, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
SEP 2022

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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta and neurofibrillary tangles of tau in the neocortex. We profiled DNA methylation in two regions of the cortex from 631 donors, performing an epigenome-wide association study of multiple measures of AD neuropathology. We meta-analyzed our results with those from previous studies of DNA methylation in AD cortex (total n = 2013 donors), identifying 334 cortical differentially methylated positions (DMPs) associated with AD pathology including methylomic variation at loci not previously implicated in dementia. We subsequently profiled DNA methylation in NeuN+ (neuronal-enriched), SOX10+ (oligodendrocyte-enriched) and NeuN-/SOX10- (microglia- and astrocyte-enriched) nuclei, finding that the majority of DMPs identified in `bulk' cortex tissue reflect DNA methylation differences occurring in non-neuronal cells. Our study highlights the power of utilizing multiple measures of neuropathology to identify epigenetic signatures of AD and the importance of characterizing disease-associated variation in purified cell-types. Here the authors identify differences in cortical DNA methylation associated with Alzheimer's disease pathology, and profiling nuclei from specific cell-types, find that most of these differences reflect variation occurring in non-neuronal cells.

Association Of Pace Of Aging Measured By Blood-Based Dna Methylation With Age-Related Cognitive Impairment And Dementia
Karen Sugden, Avshalom Caspi, Maxwell L. Elliott, Kyle J. Bourassa, Kartik Chamarti, David L. Corcoran, Ahmad R. Hariri + 9 more
Karen Sugden, Avshalom Caspi, Maxwell L. Elliott, Kyle J. Bourassa, Kartik Chamarti, David L. Corcoran, Ahmad R. Hariri, Renate M. Houts, Meeraj Kothari, Stephen Kritchevsky, George A. Kuchel, Jonathan S. Mill, Benjamin S. Williams, Daniel W. Belsky, Terrie E. Moffitt, Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging Initi
SEP 2022

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Background and Objectives DNA methylation algorithms are increasingly used to estimate biological aging; however, how these proposed measures of whole-organism biological aging relate to aging in the brain is not known. We used data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring Cohort to test the association between blood-based DNA methylation measures of biological aging and cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults. Methods We tested 3 ``generations{''} of DNA methylation age algorithms (first generation: Horvath and Hannum clocks; second generation: PhenoAge and GrimAge; and third generation: DunedinPACE, Dunedin Pace of Aging Calculated from the Epigenome) against the following measures of cognitive impairment in ADNI: clinical diagnosis of dementia and mild cognitive impairment, scores on Alzheimer disease (AD) / Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) screening tests (Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale, Mini-Mental State Examination, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment), and scores on cognitive tests (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Logical Memory test, and Trail Making Test). In an independent replication in the FHS Offspring Cohort, we further tested the longitudinal association between the DNA methylation algorithms and the risk of developing dementia. Results In ADNI (N = 649 individuals), the first-generation (Horvath and Hannum DNA methylation age clocks) and the second-generation (PhenoAge and GrimAge) DNA methylation measures of aging were not consistently associated with measures of cognitive impairment in older adults. By contrast, a third-generation measure of biological aging, DunedinPACE, was associated with clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (beta {[}95% CI] = 0.28 {[}0.08-0.47]), poorer scores on Alzheimer disease/ADRD screening tests (beta {[}Robust SE] = -0.10 {[}0.04] to 0.08{[}0.04]), and cognitive tests (beta {[}Robust SE] = -0.12 {[}0.04] to 0.10 {[}0.03]). The association between faster pace of aging, as measured by DunedinPACE, and risk of developing dementia was confirmed in a longitudinal analysis of the FHS Offspring Cohort (N = 2,264 individuals, hazard ratio {[}95% CI] = 1.27 {[}1.07-1.49]). Discussion Third-generation blood-based DNA methylation measures of aging could prove valuable for measuring differences between individuals in the rate at which they age and in their risk for cognitive decline, and for evaluating interventions to slow aging.

Designing Genetic Studies For People With Intellectual Disabilities: Practical Lessons From A Pilot Study
Adrian Sellers, Sharon Hudson, Joanna Ledger, Charlotte Moorehouse, Charlotte Young, Ian Groeber, Bridget Knight + 3 more
Adrian Sellers, Sharon Hudson, Joanna Ledger, Charlotte Moorehouse, Charlotte Young, Ian Groeber, Bridget Knight, Jonathan Mill, Jon Allard, Rohit Shankar
OCT 2022

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Genetic variations are overrepresented in people with intellectual disability (PwID), particularly those with physical and mental health co-morbidities, but remain significantly under-diagnosed. Lack of suitable research studies, a natural extension of the complexities posed of consenting and recruitment is considered culpable. There is a resultant dearth of evidence on establishing bespoke genetic studies for adult PwID. This report outlines the challenges faced in the implementation and administration of a pilot genetic study for adult PwID hoping to better inform future genetic study designs for PwID. Adult participants with a diagnosis of ID (ICD10 F70-F73) and epilepsy (ICD10 G40) were recruited to The Peninsula study exploring genomic stratification in intellectual disability and epilepsy via the ethically approved Royal Devon and Exeter Tissue Bank (RDETB) (16/SC/016). Managed within the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Exeter Clinical Research Framework, the RDETB was set up to proactively collect and store `spare' tissue from routine clinical procedures such as venepunctures for routine good practice biochemistry monitoring. Participants who satisfied the criteria for the need for routine bloods to monitor their general health were identified to be invited for participation. From October 2017 to March 2020 from a total caseload of 375 PwID and epilepsy, 291 were screened (77.6%), 116 (39.9%) identified as potentially eligible and sent study information and genetic samples obtained from 30 (8%). Analysis showed 75% of PwID had some biochemical abnormalities requiring further medical attention. The recruitment was influenced by the clinical care set up in implementing the sanctioned ethics. However, where bloods were achieved it proved to be beneficial in identifying hitherto undiagnosed medical problems. While the challenges to gain consent, are considerable, the reasonable adjustments needed to facilitate participation and the immediate clinical benefits where engagement was successful are significant.

Uncovering The Genetic Architecture Of Broad Antisocial Behavior Through A Genome-Wide Association Study Meta-Analysis
Jorim J. Tielbeek, Emil Uffelmann, Benjamin S. Williams, Lucia Colodro-Conde, Eloi Gagnon, Travis T. Mallard, Brandt E. Levitt + 78 more
Jorim J. Tielbeek, Emil Uffelmann, Benjamin S. Williams, Lucia Colodro-Conde, Eloi Gagnon, Travis T. Mallard, Brandt E. Levitt, Philip R. Jansen, Ada Johansson, Hannah M. Sallis, Giorgio Pistis, Gretchen R. B. Saunders, Andrea G. Allegrini, Kaili Rimfeld, Bettina Konte, Marieke Klein, Annette M. Hartmann, Jessica E. Salvatore, Ilja M. Nolte, Ditte Demontis, Anni L. K. Malmberg, S. Alexandra Burt, Jeanne E. Savage, Karen Sugden, Richie Poulton, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Scott Vrieze, Matt McGue, William G. Iacono, Nina Roth Mota, Jonathan Mill, Joana F. Viana, Brittany L. Mitchell, Jose J. Morosoli, Till F. M. Andlauer, Isabelle Ouellet-Morin, Richard E. Tremblay, Sylvana M. Cote, Jean-Philippe Gouin, Mara R. Brendgen, Ginette Dionne, Frank Vitaro, Michelle K. Lupton, Nicholas G. Martin, Enrique Castelao, Katri Raikkonen, Johan G. Eriksson, Jari Lahti, Catharina A. Hartman, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Harold Snieder, Hexuan Liu, Martin Preisig, Alyce Whipp, Eero Vuoksimaa, Yi Lu, Patrick Jern, Dan Rujescu, Ina Giegling, Teemu Palviainen, Jaakko Kaprio, Kathryn Paige Harden, Marcus R. Munafo, Genevieve Morneau-Vaillancourt, Robert Plomin, Essi Viding, Brian B. Boutwell, Fazil Aliev, Danielle M. Dick, Arne Popma, V Stephen Faraone, Anders D. Borglum, Sarah E. Medland, Barbara Franke, Michel Boivin, Jean-Baptiste Pingault, Jeffrey C. Glennon, J. C. Barnes, Simon E. Fisher, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Tinca J. C. Polderman, Danielle Posthuma, COGA Consortium, Spit Sci Working Grp
OCT 2022

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Despite the substantial heritability of antisocial behavior (ASB), specific genetic variants robustly associated with the trait have not been identified. The present study by the Broad Antisocial Behavior Consortium (BroadABC) meta-analyzed data from 28 discovery samples (N = 85,359) and five independent replication samples (N = 8058) with genotypic data and broad measures of ASB. We identified the first significant genetic associations with broad ASB, involving common intronic variants in the forkhead box protein P2 (FOXP2) gene (lead SNP rs12536335, p = 6.32 x 10(-10)). Furthermore, we observed intronic variation in Foxp2 and one of its targets (Cntnap2) distinguishing a mouse model of pathological aggression (BALB/cJ strain) from controls (BALB/cByJ strain). Polygenic risk score (PRS) analyses in independent samples revealed that the genetic risk for ASB was associated with several antisocial outcomes across the lifespan, including diagnosis of conduct disorder, official criminal convictions, and trajectories of antisocial development. We found substantial genetic correlations of ASB with mental health (depression r(g) = 0.63, insomnia r(g) = 0.47), physical health (overweight r(g) = 0.19, waist-to-hip ratio r(g) = 0.32), smoking (r(g) = 0.54), cognitive ability (intelligence r(g) = -0.40), educational attainment (years of schooling r(g) = -0.46) and reproductive traits (age at first birth r(g) = -0.58, father's age at death r(g) = -0.54). Our findings provide a starting point toward identifying critical biosocial risk mechanisms for the development of ASB.

Leveraging A Bespoke Cortical Transcriptome To Assess The Role Of Alternative Splicing In Schizophrenia
Eilis Hannon, Aaron R. Jeffries, Stefania Policicchio, Joana Viana, Szi Kay Leung, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
Eilis Hannon, Aaron R. Jeffries, Stefania Policicchio, Joana Viana, Szi Kay Leung, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2022

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Long Read Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Isoform Diversity Across Human Neurodevelopment
Rosemary Bamford, Aaron R. Jeffries, Emma Walker, Szi Kay Leung, Gina Commin, Jonathan P. Davies, Emma Dempster + 2 more
Rosemary Bamford, Aaron R. Jeffries, Emma Walker, Szi Kay Leung, Gina Commin, Jonathan P. Davies, Emma Dempster, Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2022

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Identifying Cell-Type-Specific Epigenetic Variation In The Cortex Associated With Schizophrenia
Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Davies, Barry Chioza, Stefania Policicchio, Joe Burrage, Gina Commin, Aaron R. Jeffries + 3 more
Eilis Hannon, Jonathan Davies, Barry Chioza, Stefania Policicchio, Joe Burrage, Gina Commin, Aaron R. Jeffries, Leo Schalkwyk, Emma Dempster, Jonathan Mill
OCT 2022

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Uncertainty Quantification Of Reference-Based Cellular Deconvolution Algorithms
Dorothea Seiler Vellame, Gemma Shireby, Ailsa MacCalman, Emma L. Dempster, Joe Burrage, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Leonard S. Schalkwyk + 2 more
Dorothea Seiler Vellame, Gemma Shireby, Ailsa MacCalman, Emma L. Dempster, Joe Burrage, Tyler Gorrie-Stone, Leonard S. Schalkwyk, Jonathan Mill, Eilis Hannon
OCT 2022

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The majority of epigenetic epidemiology studies to date have generated genome-wide profiles from bulk tissues (e.g., whole blood) however these are vulnerable to confounding from variation in cellular composition. Proxies for cellular composition can be mathematically derived from the bulk tissue profiles using a deconvolution algorithm; however, there is no method to assess the validity of these estimates for a dataset where the true cellular proportions are unknown. In this study, we describe, validate and characterize a sample level accuracy metric for derived cellular heterogeneity variables. The CETYGO score captures the deviation between a sample's DNA methylation profile and its expected profile given the estimated cellular proportions and cell type reference profiles. We demonstrate that the CETYGO score consistently distinguishes inaccurate and incomplete deconvolutions when applied to reconstructed whole blood profiles. By applying our novel metric to > 6,300 empirical whole blood profiles, we find that estimating accurate cellular composition is influenced by both technical and biological variation. In particular, we show that when using a common reference panel for whole blood, less accurate estimates are generated for females, neonates, older individuals and smokers. Our results highlight the utility of a metric to assess the accuracy of cellular deconvolution, and describe how it can enhance studies of DNA methylation that are reliant on statistical proxies for cellular heterogeneity. To facilitate incorporating our methodology into existing pipelines, we have made it freely available as an R package (